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Payload glitches thrugh rocket during speration


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Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows | CPU: 2060RTX | GPU: Intel 8 | RAM32 GB


I was flying a rover to the mun, i attached the rover to a sperator wich attached to structual blocks and then the payload fairing-base. As i seperated the orbital stage from the first the rocket wich was meant to carry the payload the rest of the way just flew of whilste the rover was seemingly detached passing thru eachtother, after i removed the structual blocks the issue was fixed but the parts clipped into oneanother creating sepperation problems from the last stage, hope this helps keep up the great work!


Edited by Anth12
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22 minutes ago, Mrcrispycato said:

I was flying a rover to the mun, i attached the rover to a sperator wich attached to structual blocks and then the payload fairing-base. As i seperated the orbital stage from the first the rocket wich was meant to carry the payload the rest of the way just flew of whilste the rover was seemingly detached passing thru eachtother, after i removed the structual blocks the issue was fixed but the parts clipped into oneanother creating sepperation problems from the last stage, hope this helps keep up the great work!

Were the structural blocks small?

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