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Flags do Not Appear If Changing from one SOI to another SOI


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Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM32GB

A Flag Appears When:
Loading a Save File.
A Flag Doesn't Appear When:
Moving from one SOI to another.
Here's one example of how a flag/s won't appear:

  1. Being on the KSC Screen (Kerbin SOI)
  2. Going to Tracking Station
  3. Making a Craft on Mun the Active Vessel (Moving to Mun SOI)

Please forgive any inconsistencies in file names.
I first assumed it happened due to different reasons.
A discord discussion had me doing additional testing where afterwards I came to a different conclusion.

Video Evidence:
FlagsNotAppearingTransitionally.mp4 (54 Seconds)

Save File:

Steps to Replicate:
Note in both scenes there should be flags visible.

  1. Load KSCScreenTwoScenes.json (Kerbin SOI)
  2. Go to the Tracking Station.
  3. Open the Mun.
  4. Control Jebediah (No Flags) (Crossed from Kerbin SOI to Mun SOI)
  5. Go to Tracking Station.
  6. Control Valentina who is on Kerbin (No Flags) (Crossed from Mun SOI to Kerbin SOI)
  7. Press F5 (Temporary Work Around)
  8. Press F9. On reloading the flag appears that should have been there all along.
  9. Go to the Tracking Station.
  10. Open the Mun.
  11. Control Jebediah (No Flags) (Crossed from Kerbin SOI to Mun SOI)
  12. Press F5 (Temporary Work Around)
  13. Press F9. Jebediah now has 3 flags beside him as they should have been all along.
  14. However If I move back to Valentina her flag will be gone again. The work around is extremely short lived.
Edited by Anth12
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Bonjour, moi quand je vais à la station de suivis, je ne retrouve pas les drapeaux que j'ai planté. Je n'ai aucun logo même avec le filtre drapeaux activé. 


Hello, when I go to the tracking station, I can't find the flags I planted. I have no logo even with the flags filter activated. 


Edited by Vanamonde
Please post in English when not using the International subforums.
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