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Please someone save my save!

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I got back from work and got on ksp an hour ago, after waiting through that century-long loading screen, I tried to get on my 200 hour JNSQ save. Instead of just letting me load in, There was red text, it said "argument cannot be null" Online it seemed like others have had this problem, the solution apparently was to delete my "perisistent.sfs" and "persistent.loadmeta" files, and rename my most recent quicksave files, quicksave#7's files, A .sfs file and a .loadmeta file to the names of the two files i had deleted. When I finished my prayers and the game finally loaded, A new green text appeared under my save. "save incompatible". When I try to load the save I'm informed that the save is incompatible with this version of KSP. It asks if i want to continue, I'm itching for a mun flyby, so i click yes and in the top right "Unable to load the save" appears in orange.

A few notes: I have only ever installed or played of the game on this computer. While it is downloaded from steam, I have no internet connection and haven't had once since before i even made the save. So it is certainly not a version issue. I have no idea what to do, and just want to spend more time in the vab.

Someone please! Save my save! I'll pay you!

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On 7/17/2023 at 11:41 PM, turnerjack698 said:

Save my save!

I can't promise much. I haven't had this specific problem before but I'd start with some basics...

Error messages may be misleading. It could be the KSP install not the save file (maybe). Since it gets to the main menu, try to start a new save game. Does it get to the KSC overview at least?

Upload your KSP.log and player.log to a fileshare site like dropbox and post a link so we have some data. No way to help without those.  

I'd search in the KSP log for "EXC" to find exceptions. Those are usually bad.

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