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Kerbal Konstructs Addon Assistance

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Hello! I am working on a simple kerbal konstructs add-on, I intend to place bases throughout the system however I am running into several problems.

Ive combed through as much documentation as I can however there is alot I do not understand yet:
For the StaticModule: DishAnimate: What is it referring to when it mentions transforms? are they in the model itself or defined elsewhere?
my bumpmaps don't seem to be behaving properly, its as if they are scaled improperly, but the UV mapping in blender shows fine, both diffuse and normal textures are the same size
I need these bases to be capable of holding a runway, launchpad and merchant type. I'm assuming i have to separate these into different parts but this once again leaves me wondering what the transforms are referring to (specifically DefaultLaunchPadTransform)
last problem is window lighting, allowing them to turn on and off like the KSC lights do, i have yet to find any resources explaining those

I will say ive gotten as far as collisions and the model itself showing up fine.

Eventually my goal is to add a new button on the toolbar that brings up a trade window, one a bit nicer than the existing un-scalbale-no-search-having one, but ill cross that hurdle when I get to it.
and if it matters these bases will be scattered throughout the Kcalbeloh System.


Any and all tips tricks and advice is welcome when dealing with Kerbal Konstructs :confused:

Edited by Derpistheword
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The transform of the model, specifially most likely.. the transform of the animation/animated tranform of the model

Have you looked at other KK mods' static configs that use the same module? Try looking through a few, i'd look through Tundra Space Center, Omegas Stockalike Structures, and Kerbinside first. Check out all their configs, and see if you can see how they use them and you may be able to figure it out just by doing that..kinda reverse-engineering-ish. Thats how i figured out a bunch of KK stuff.

in the meantime, heres a PDF i compiled of the KK wiki awhile back. download it and keep it, refer to it when you need, it helps a ton.


-Pages 1-8 is a quick guide by @caerfinon

-Pages 9-261 is basically directly pulled from the kerbal konstructs github wiki and printed to PDF , made into a document for reference 


I make these for nearly every mod that i frequently need to refer to documentation for.


Go to page 242, this is the section for MODULE: DISHANIMATE

Or better yet, heres the screenshot:




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@Astra Infinitum

Well i know how to configure the config file for them, i just do not know how to set animation transforms within the model, i have to way to open up one of the mu files and see how it works, so how does one set an animation transform? Also that PDF will be handy, i have been looking through every page by the way it just sometimes references things like these animation transforms with no context. Would these be set in Unity with the parttools addon or is it some functionality i was never told about in the mu addon for blender?


Edited by Derpistheword
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On 7/30/2023 at 1:15 PM, Derpistheword said:

@Astra Infinitum

Well i know how to configure the config file for them, i just do not know how to set animation transforms within the model, i have to way to open up one of the mu files and see how it works, so how does one set an animation transform? Also that PDF will be handy, i have been looking through every page by the way it just sometimes references things like these animation transforms with no context. Would these be set in Unity with the parttools addon or is it some functionality i was never told about in the mu addon for blender?


The PDF is posted in that last comment i made, Its the link in bold blue letters "KerbalKonstructs_Consolidated_Documenation.pdf" you may have overlooked it on accident but its a clickable link. If it doesnt work let me know.

According to KK wiki..


    // Mandatory, always the same
    namespace = KerbalKonstructs
    name = DishAnimate

    // Mandatory
    RotationTrasform = <name> // The name of the transform for controlling th rotation
    ElevationTransform = <name> // the transform which will controll the angle above the ground
    // Optional Parameters
    MaxSpeed = 10
    FakeTimeWarp =  1
    MaxElevation = 10
    MinElevation = 90


        RotationTrasform = <name> // The name of the transform for controlling th rotation
    ElevationTransform = <name> // the transform which will controll the angle above the ground

basically just use the same name as the name of the transform in blender (if youre using blender... idk why i assume that but idk lol)

Thats the most i can explain, i havent really used that module in any config before so im not too familiar with it but just wanted to help.

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