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Astra Infinitum

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Everything posted by Astra Infinitum

  1. Is this discord server still up its not working edit: the link on the top original post to the discord doesnt work but i found it through the link on the wiki
  2. lovely! we've been needing some more shaped solar panels especially for mk2. i dont recall anyone whos made any that fit the shape of mk2 parts. And more round ones are great too. theres too few out there. The black tiled heat shields have always been my fav for any capsule heat shields. are you going to make a tan colored variant too? like similar to the one included with benji10 Artemis Kit for orion
  3. If anyone wants it i have a patch that creates a hydrolox and metholox version of every engine in this mod. So essentially for every hydrolox engine ot creates a metholox version and for every metholox engine it creates a hydrolox version so you have the options of choosing either fuel for every engine. Im on phone i will post patch when i get home later
  4. If anyone ever needs it i created a PDF document from the Kopernicus Wiki site for offline use and quicker reference when creating KSP thingies using kopernicus.. Every section is broken down and bookmarked for easy searching and organization. I made it to ease going back and forth from browser to game to notepad++ then having to jump around the wiki and have pages always loading. This seemed like a good option to have if you're doing to the same. TIP: You can also click the blue links on each page and it will bring you to the same linked page as it would it you were online. IE The links on the pages themselves work within the pdf. You download it here from my google drive. NOTICE: I did not make or create this wiki or documentation,. I only printed to wiki contents to pdf and compiled it into a single pdf and added organizational bookmarks. Screenshots: +++
  5. been learning Kopernicus and recently was tryin out things and made a quintuple star system; check out the video here
  6. Didnt know where to post this because it's not a mod im working on or will robably ever be a mod so I think this is the best place. I've been spending alot of time making planet maps and textures, star textures, planet and star configs, and learning Kopernicus much more in-depth. I though about making a Quntuple system being that I've never seen one in any KSP planet pack, correct me if I'm wrong. So I made one recently. It consists of 2 binary pairs that each orbit their barycenter, and those 2 barycenters which are the center for each binary, orbit a singularity/black hole. I made a quick video to show what I made. Here's to much more learning. Check it out below! Update: 4/10/2024 Thanks for the amazing feedback everyone, I really appreciate the constructive criticism. I couldn't thank you enough for how much it means. Thanks. I will take your recommendations and advice and incorporate them into my creations for all future endeavors. George - No I did not but now that you mention it, I will definitely try that out!! Ill post results. Dr. J.D. Peabody - I'm a bit confused on the 3rd step in your explanation, but everything you mentioned leading into the 3rd step I actually wholeheartedly agree with because believe it or not I already have firsthand experience with the tripled razor theory of the internal destabilization vectors so I knew they would have to be maintained on equal fronts in all planes. I could fill you in on all of my research or even send you my files. Aside from that, It's just the work of getting there without disorienting the universal aspect of the entire quasi-modal self-ionization of positive and negative gravimetric functional calibrations.
  7. You can I do it often to make KK statics of multiple joined-together .mu models from different mods Not sure if its the same thing you mean, but i believe if you hold shift while dragging to the parent you want it under- thats how to set it.
  8. @linuxgurugamer why is all the etext white? Is this on purpose or is it something with my settings?
  9. For those waiting, and anyone else interested here's a TweakScale patch for ACK. Just download and place anywhere in your GameData folder. It adds a tweakscale module to most parts from this mod. Its currently on Revision Q so it's been tested and refined quote a bit and is currently working flawlessly on every part it tweaks. Artemis Construction Kit TweakScale Patch Download (Link to .cfg file on my google drive)
  10. probably a dumb question or request but have you ever thought of appending the version number to the end of the filename on github? Its always just Buffalo2. I add my own "...v1.6.0.zip" to the end but i was just wondering because i think it would help people to keep track of the newest version if it were there. If I remember correctly i think its the same with all your mods because i know i always add the version number to blueshift as well. On my ksp storage I keep every version of every mod Ive ever downloaded (i realize not veryone may do that) along with the source code also, but in the case of my keeping every version release it absolutely helps to have the version of the release on the filename. So I just wanted to suggest adding it. But thats up to you. I just wanted to give my absolutely worthless opinion on something nobody ever asked me about regarding a meticulous matter that means nothing in the end in reality so either way its all good. Good day sir. In the end I cant really complain of having to take an incredibly whopping maybe 1.5 seconds at the worst to type literally 5-10 characters when saving a file. First world problems. SMH at myself. This was probably a dumb post.
  11. For anyone who is interested, heres a TweakScale patch for Eisenhower Astronautics It gives all nearly every Eisenhower Astronautics part TweakScale ability. You can now change sizes of tanks, engines, engine mounts, and more. Needs EisenhowerAstronautics + TweakScale installed. Eisenhower Astronautics TweakScale Patch Download Link (Google Drive download link)
  12. For anyone who is interested, heres a TweakScale patch for Ziegler Launch system It gives all nearly every Ziegler Launch System part TweakScale ability. Needs Ziegler Launch System + TweakScale installed. Ziegler Launch System TweakScale Patch Download Link (Google Drive download link)
  13. For anyone who is interested, heres a TweakScale patch for RMM It gives all RMM engines TweakScale ability. You can now change sizes of any RMM engine. Needs RMM + TweakScale installed. RMM - RocketMotorMenagerie TweakScale Patch Download Link (Google Drive download link)
  14. For those who were waiting, sorry for the delay but I've been busy and just had my first day off in over 100 days so anyways, heres the TweakScale patch that I was supposed to post eons ago. Its updated and includes the new shuttle boattail and nosecone parts from last update Click the link and download it, and drop it anywhere in your GameData folder, but I'd drop it in the ORANGES folder or your own patch folder if you have one. The link is to my google drive shared file, its safe. ORANGES TweakScale Patch Download Link Have fun. You will need TweakScale....and...ORANGES installed to make use of this, obviously but theres always that someone so I just wanted to clarify. Bonus - Heres my other TweakScale patches for @EStreetRockets Mods RMM - RocketMotorMenagerie TweakScale Patch Download Link Eisenhower Astronautics TweakScale Patch Download Link Ziegler Launch System TweakScale Patch Download Link thats the engine mount from @benjee10's reDirect pack
  15. might do you good to read through NASA's graphic standards manual if you've never
  16. Did you ever get around to checking out the issue with SAF Fairings? I totally forgot about sending you the config i was using. I will do it shortly
  17. Sorry is this is a stupid question but is there a way that I can re-load edited/changed modulemanager configs in-game without having to exit and restart the entire game. To be clear lets say i have a patch im testing for tweakscale and i try a first option using xx module type, and that didnt work, so i re-write that patch using a xx module type and want to test if that takes care of the problem i need, but instead of having to save my game, exit, and close out KSP and then open and reload everything...... any way i can force my ksp to reload the config while i stay in the editor..... ya know... to save like 20 damn minutes lol. Let me also state that I have tried the CTRL+ALT F10 modmgr menu but it never seems to really workj right. Sooo... any ideas?? And for anyone that may post a reply or fix, will that work for any type of config using modulemanager syntax? As in, for any mod i can write configs/patches for using module manager syntax? What about Kopernicus? Or is that a whole other ballgame? Tbh I'd love to be able to refresh and reload stars and planets i work on without having to reboot game everytime
  18. You cant really export them BUT once you build your models and you can apply the same textures used ingame to your models through KK configs, which is how Omegas stockalike structures KK mod did it and everyone else did. Contrary to earlier comment, KSC extended does not have the KSP building textures in it. They cant bc it goes against licensing b.s. yadda yadda. i spent hours trying to do the same thing, find a way to export the textures, ane everyone who replied with help made me aware of the same thing. to use them you hve to have KerbalKonstructs and Advanced textures mods installed. Read through their documentation and it explains everything. as far as a list of KSP's built-in textures, you can find them on the Kerbal Konstructs GitHub Wiki HERE
  19. The PDF is posted in that last comment i made, Its the link in bold blue letters "KerbalKonstructs_Consolidated_Documenation.pdf" you may have overlooked it on accident but its a clickable link. If it doesnt work let me know. According to KK wiki.. MODULE { // Mandatory, always the same namespace = KerbalKonstructs name = DishAnimate // Mandatory RotationTrasform = <name> // The name of the transform for controlling th rotation ElevationTransform = <name> // the transform which will controll the angle above the ground // Optional Parameters MaxSpeed = 10 FakeTimeWarp = 1 MaxElevation = 10 MinElevation = 90 } RotationTrasform = <name> // The name of the transform for controlling th rotation ElevationTransform = <name> // the transform which will controll the angle above the ground basically just use the same name as the name of the transform in blender (if youre using blender... idk why i assume that but idk lol) Thats the most i can explain, i havent really used that module in any config before so im not too familiar with it but just wanted to help.
  20. going to go over this.. ive been looking for help. i just finished a project, a KK add on mod with 20+ buildings ive worked on for 2 years but i need to know how to get from sketchup to KSP. id like to use all KSP textures using the BUILTIN textures on my models, well i have to being i designed them to look a certain way, but any help or posts that can guide me to go from sketchup to blender to KSP as a end result would be greatly appreciate. ive DM'd every person who created KK mods for help but i've never gotten a single response the blender script pastebin link doesnt work
  21. @Derpistheword The transform of the model, specifially most likely.. the transform of the animation/animated tranform of the model Have you looked at other KK mods' static configs that use the same module? Try looking through a few, i'd look through Tundra Space Center, Omegas Stockalike Structures, and Kerbinside first. Check out all their configs, and see if you can see how they use them and you may be able to figure it out just by doing that..kinda reverse-engineering-ish. Thats how i figured out a bunch of KK stuff. in the meantime, heres a PDF i compiled of the KK wiki awhile back. download it and keep it, refer to it when you need, it helps a ton. KerbalKonstructs_Consolidated_Documenation.pdf -Pages 1-8 is a quick guide by @caerfinon -Pages 9-261 is basically directly pulled from the kerbal konstructs github wiki and printed to PDF , made into a document for reference I make these for nearly every mod that i frequently need to refer to documentation for. Go to page 242, this is the section for MODULE: DISHANIMATE Or better yet, heres the screenshot:
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