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Suggestion: Kerbocentric Units of Measurement

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After looking at the Tracking Station info box for celestial bodies, I thought about how cool it would be to display something like relative units with respect to bodies like Kerbin, Jool, and Kerbol. I think it's especially fitting considering exoplanets will be added to KSP2, and their physical parameters in the real universe are often represented in units like Earth masses or Jupiter masses. They obviously shouldn't replace the values expressed in metric units, so I'd love them as a secondary value underneath in the CB info.

Here are some possible secondary units to display underneath the main values:

  • Kerbin mass (Mki): 5.2913E+22 kg 
  • Kerbin radius (Rki): 600,000 m
  • Jool mass (Mj): 4.2331E+24 kg (80 Mki)
  • Jool radius (Rj): 6,000,000 m (10 Rki)
  • Kerbol mass (Mko): 1.7565E+28 kg (~332,000 Mki; ~4,000 Mj)
  • Kerbol radius (Rko): 261,600,000 m (436 Rki, 43.6 Rj)
  • Kerbal Astronomical Unit (KAU): 13,599,840,256 m

I don't know if they'll be useful in a practical sense, but it at least makes for some great flavor text and it keep things feeling Kerbal. It might also be nice to have them to be able to compare other celestial bodies more easily.

Edited by LunarMetis
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On 8/12/2023 at 8:46 PM, LunarMetis said:

After looking at the Tracking Station info box for celestial bodies, I thought about how cool it would be to display something like relative units with respect to bodies like Kerbin, Jool, and Kerbol. I think it's especially fitting considering exoplanets will be added to KSP2, and their physical parameters in the real universe are often displayed in stuff like Earth masses or Jupiter masses. They obviously shouldn't replace the values expressed in metric units, so I'd love them as a secondary value underneath in the CB info.

Here are some possible secondary units to display underneath the main values:

  • Kerbin mass (Mki): 5.2913E+22 kg 
  • Kerbin radius (Rki): 600,000 m
  • Jool mass (Mj): 4.2331E+24 kg (80 Mki)
  • Jool radius (Rj): 6,000,000 m (10 Rki)
  • Kerbol mass (Mko): 1.7565E+28 kg (~332,000 Mki; ~4,000 Mj)
  • Kerbol radius (Rko): 261,600,000 m (436 Rki, 43.6 Rj)
  • Kerbal Astronomical Unit (KAU): 13,599,840,256 m

I don't know if they'll be useful in a practical sense, but it at least makes for some great flavor text and it keep things feeling Kerbal. It might also be nice to have them to be able to compare other celestial bodies more easily.

That'd add some needed 'seasoning' to the game, I think more lore is (and should be) a welcome thing.

Edited by Infinite Aerospace
Failure of basic English. Hey Ho!
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  • 2 months later...

I'm kinda loathe to agree with setting-specific systems of measurement, because at the end of the day from an audience perspective, using real human units that humans use is kinda important to understand what something is at a glance. However I will agree with aNERVASman's suggestion of having them available from a dropdown.

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