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Flame-Out Audio in VAB hints at hidden Kraken Process


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win10 | CPU: ryzen 5 3600 | GPU: 3080 | RAM32


As the title suggests, the Bug is first noticed by the sound of a flamed out engine (sounds like a seperatron to me) while constructing in the VAB. This has happened to me previously, so I knew to investigate when I heard the sound.

I go to KSC, then Tracking Station (because you can't go from VAB to tracking station), and everything looks fine. I take control of the vessel I just left in orbit to assemble the companion. As soon as I take control the vessel begins to gain velocity- while in the Tracking Station...

I change to map view with [M] and then I'm in map view watching the same phenomenon, but realizing the vessel has no fuel in that stage... the engine is not on... there is no plume.

I reload back to the save I made just before going back to construct the companion and all seems OK.

The bug is present at 60 seconds- .json for file during Kraken attack is below video. [Anth Edit: Added 60s to link. It will start at 60s.]


I haven't personally opened that save yet. I've been trying to capture the worst of what I encountered last night before I try to navigate through patch 4's expanded Kraken territory.


Included Attachments:


Edited by Anth12
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