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Laythe collision mesh messed up


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel i7 | GPU: Geforce 1080 | RAM12 GB


Severity: Medium

Frequency: Very high

To make a long story short. Laythe's collision mesh is a little broken. At least on the beaches (Where I first noticed it.)

First, the distance from the sea level said 623 m even though I was only about 20 meters above. The ground said 600 meters (Which I guess makes sense seeing as I was only 20 meters off the ground but still)

Second, I believe that it was patch 2 that added the whole "You can't see through the ground thing" And you can see through the ground on the beaches of Laythe. (Again, could be related to the whole "Still 600 meters off the ground and sea" thing) It could be other places on Laythe or other places in general but this is where I've noticed it. 

Third and last, my ship will sometimes clip through the ground and not like the whole saving and loading thing. It clips through the ground though, strangely, only a few meters and not 600 meters. The Kerbals on EVA can also cause this clipping and, more on the EVA, the Kerbals do not clip through the ground. They simply hover in place a little bit above the ground.

I've been trying to establish a base on Laythe (Because in my opinion it has one of the prettiest skies and this bug has made it very hard as I really like landing on the beaches. If this bug could be fixed in a later patch that would be perfect. Thanks! The picture attached is about where I noticed it.


Included Attachments:


Edited by Anth12
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