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KSP2 is in Certain Circumstances Able to Connect a Strut to the Same Part (Part A to Part A) Causing the Game to Break.


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 Pro | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 3.59 GHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER | RAM64GB

Anth12 Edit:

Steps to Replication:
Launch Colonizationrocket.json  

Video Evidence:
https://youtu.be/sXXXv5u3Hpw (52 Seconds)


  • Fails to visually show that it launched
  • After launching even though stuck in the VAB there's sounds of the craft blowing up on the launch pad (which isn't visible)
  • Half the craft is missing in the VAB
  • Going to the KSC screen it remains in the VAB
  • Going to the Tracking Station it also remains in the VAB

Additional Information:
I have no idea how this happened

Recommended Action:
Add a condition that if a strut is connected to itself to delete on launch.


Chose UI & UX because that is what stood out the most, but I suspect it might also be related to construction and/or parts/vessels.  Included the file in hopes it holds the key to recreate what I am experiencing, which has occurred every time I have tried to launch this vehicle.  After hitting the green launch button from VAB:

Load screen will appear briefly, however instead of showing the launch pad, the screen shows  A frozen image of the upper half of the rocket in the VAB.  The green launch button will also hold the same function as if in the VAB, but space bar will activate launch sequence.

I presume the lower half of the vehicle does actually load on the launch pad(maybe the whole rocket).  Lower elements of the UI shows icons for tracking station, VAB, and training center appear, however clicking on them won't change the screen display mentioned above. 

I was able to launch, but it was not straight forward process(If I remember correctly, one iteration I was able to switch to the tracking station and pilot the ship).  Hitting space "out of the gate" produces sounds that remind me of other bugs where parts of the ship will disassemble, and the FPS tanks  

FPS drops to between 11 and 1

 Save File:

Edited by Anth12
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@smcook881 Thanks for the craft file:

Two struts on your craft are connected to the same part (Part A to Part A) which broke your craft. KSP2 can only connect from one part to another part (Part A to Part B)
The bug here is that somehow KSP2 allowed you to do this.

Remove the two struts  that are both connected to the same part (2 on the left) in this picture and your craft will Launch like it should.

After Removing the 2 Struts:


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