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A improved maneuver planner

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I think that I am not the only one who struggles a bit with the new maneuver planner. There are some very handy features missing and it is not very accurate. I made a small picture incorporating a few features to improve the planner for a better gameplay experience. This is just my opinion and nothing official.


On the left (In green and red) are the delete and warp to maneuver buttons like they are now. Personally liked just being able to delete a maneuver or warp to maneuver without going to map view.

On the top we have a sensitivity slider. Very sensitive to easy make large changes and unsensitive to finetune maneuver. The yellow thing shows which setting you are on.

On the right is where you can drag to plot your maneuver. No more need to always having the node in eyesight (which is very handy if focused on target body or zoomed out a lot). This one is also in 2D which makes all directions easy plottable (does not hide behind node like it does now).

On the right bottom is a feature I think will be very handy with colonies and that is a maneuver mode for landing. This mode should also show at which point you make contact with surface (taking planet rotation into account) and at which speed you hit surface or which height you come to a stop. I do not know exactly how such a planner should look like/function, but I think that some people on the forum have some good ideas.

In the bottom middle there is a mode to select on which percentage of throttle the engine should run for performing the maneuver. For small deltaV burns doing maneuver at 100% can make you overshoot the planned maneuver easy. Also some engines might be more efficient at lower throttle levels.

In the bottom left is a button that makes the game automatically execute the maneuver. When button is clicked the craft will orient itself in the right direction and start burning at start and stop burning at and of planned maneuver. A other cool way is to maybe have a craft execute a set of maneuvers automatically. Maybe even on background while you do another mission (like setting up relay satellites, pre-sending tankers etc.)

I am curios what the rest thinks about the current planner and the features/UI changes I suggested. So let me know. A lot of players probably want a way to just add values instead of dragging. Did not add it in the current design, any ideas how that can be implemented in the UI?.

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I'm definitely in favor of having a way to fine tune a maneuver without having the node's location in sight. For example, precisely planning an interplanetary encounter from an ejection burn in LKO, fine tuning a gravity assist or mid-course interplanetary correction burn is quite a hassle.

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