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Infernal Robotics Next - ConnectionSystem

Rudolf Meier

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20 hours ago, Kokosak150 said:

Is there any way to get the IK module or its beta version (even if it has bugs) please?

unfortunatelly not... I tried something with the version you saw on Youtube... but, it's not good enough for what I wanted to achieve (the idea is a dead end which cannot be improved... at least one of the two parts) and that's why I went back to the drawing board and never built a solution that could be distributed... but, I hope to find some time soon to implement the new idea

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On 8/16/2024 at 9:24 PM, Kokosak150 said:

Is there any way to get the IK module or its beta version (even if it has bugs) please?

unfortunatelly not... I tried something with the version you saw on Youtube... but, it's not good enough for what I wanted to achieve (the idea is a dead end which cannot be improved... at least one of the two parts) and that's why I went back to the drawing board and never built a solution that could be distributed... but, I hope to find some time soon to implement the new idea

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On 8/17/2024 at 2:24 AM, Kokosak150 said:

@Rudolf Meier Hi,

Is there any way to get the IK module or its beta version (even if it has bugs) please? Thank you in advance for your answer.

@Kokosak150 for me this works: https://github.com/gotmachine/EasyRobotics but it doesn't work with IR-next, works with the breaking ground dlc only. if you installed with ir-next, the habtech robotics arm doesn't get recognized as a servo. if you got any questions just dm me!

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/17/2024 at 11:01 PM, Rudolf Meier said:

unfortunatelly not... I tried something with the version you saw on Youtube... but, it's not good enough for what I wanted to achieve (the idea is a dead end which cannot be improved... at least one of the two parts) and that's why I went back to the drawing board and never built a solution that could be distributed... but, I hope to find some time soon to implement the new idea

there are a lot ready solutions for IK, maybe one of such library could be used instead of writing IK from the scratch? 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/14/2024 at 1:30 PM, towermom9 said:

@Rudolf Meier could you merge this? https://github.com/meirumeiru/IR-ConnectionSystem/pull/1#issue-2463276292

it adds the "set as target" feature to the Common Berthing Mechanism part for habtech 2 as seen here:



Stable Alpha Release of IR Connection System, here are the changelogs: 

added the "set as target" and "auto capture" functionality to moduleIRBM.cs aka Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM)


p.s. needs habtech2 to see any changes

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On 11/6/2024 at 4:58 AM, towermom9 said:

Stable Alpha Release of IR Connection System, here are the changelogs...

Sorry for my late reply for the request to add targetting and autocapture to the Berthing Mechanism. But... this is intentionally not included. I thought about it a long time and for me, the BM is not a docking port and just something you use together with a robotic arm (or similar). That's why I think it shouldn't have it.

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4 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

Sorry for my late reply for the request to add targetting and autocapture to the Berthing Mechanism. But... this is intentionally not included. I thought about it a long time and for me, the BM is not a docking port and just something you use together with a robotic arm (or similar). That's why I think it shouldn't have it.

honestly, i added autocapture and targetting is for easier dragon 1 docking   :sweat_smile:

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  • 4 months later...
10 hours ago, x170doom said:

anyone have a solution for parts violently re-orienting on reload, I cant costruct things on orbit rn because they either flip upside down on the port or rip them selves apart on loading

create a small reproduction or make a video and in case it is a bug, I will fix it

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unfortunately a video is beyond my capabilities to accurately demonstrate the bug, best thing i can do is describe steps to reproduce, I belive this may be a mod conflict since I have many mods and its not beyond reason that this is caused by one


steps to reproduce:

1: have a space station on orbit (in my case habtech ISS just after launch of p6), launch new module (destiny lab) and use RMS to connect the lab to its berthing point window oriented downward

2: save and quit, close KSP and reopen

3: load back in to vessel on orbit, lab will have now rotated 45 degrees so that window is pointing outward and vessel is attempting to roll. disabling autostrut will result in the module snapping to 90 roll from where it was connected. 

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so, after docking a module to the station and reloading a saved game, the docked part is rotated? ... sounds a bit surprising to me that this is even possible... but, let's investigate... can you post some screenshots from before-docking, after docking and stuff like that? ... maybe also with the context-menus of the docking-ports and... well, that's enough to start with I think

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43 minutes ago, Rudolf Meier said:

so, after docking a module to the station and reloading a saved game, the docked part is rotated? ... sounds a bit surprising to me that this is even possible... but, let's investigate... can you post some screenshots from before-docking, after docking and stuff like that? ... maybe also with the context-menus of the docking-ports and... well, that's enough to start with I think

ill try, as a note its less that the part loads rotated so much as it try's to rotate after loading, since sometimes it will be rotated 45 degrees, other times after physics activate it will violently twist to the new direction, ripping the docking port off as it goes

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ok, i have screenshots, take note of the trunnion pin locations and window, these are the only way to see the rotation as most of the module looks identical



links are google drive

after some further testing issue may be related to connecting modules then enabling autostrut on said module as a test run where I didnt enable autostrut on the new module resulted in no rotation, maybe autostrut is trying to move the modules back to their launch orientation? (since destiny is launched upside-down in shuttle's payload bay)

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32 minutes ago, x170doom said:

after some further testing issue may be related to connecting modules then enabling autostrut on said module as a test run where I didnt enable autostrut on the new module resulted in no rotation, maybe autostrut is trying to move the modules back to their launch orientation? (since destiny is launched upside-down in shuttle's payload bay)

that's an interesting point... I will investigate this... maybe the DockingFunctions need to do something with the AutoStruts (to be honest, I never use them, I always use KJR Next ... for obvious reasons :wink:)

when did you activate the autostrut? after docking or before (when in latched state)?

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5 minutes ago, x170doom said:

after docking, also I have KJR next as well, maybe its using both that's causing confusion as well (trying to fix the bendy ISS issue)

probably... do you know of the settings for the strength of what KJR next does? ... the latest version also adds an option to disable autostruts

but, anyway... I will in any case try to find out if AutoStruts can cause a problem together with my mod

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ok, so results from testing

firstly my KJR setting was minimum, I turned it up to max and the rotated component tried to rotate back, so im going to re-test with the setting on max, as a not KJR next seems to cause robotic parts to jolt quite agressively, may need a way to disable it for certain parts of a vessel

autostrut is not the issue, saving and reloading without autostrut this time still had the module attempting to rotate

time warp has no effect (vessel enters and leaves timewarp without issue)


edit: needed to move a grapple fixture during re-test, using in flight editor with KJR next on max causes vessel to be snapped in half by phantom forces (mine survived beacuse no crash damage + unbreakable joints for testing, but got catapulted away at speed instead), going to instead try changing KJR settings on one of the saves outside of KSP then load it and see what happens

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23 minutes ago, x170doom said:

... may need a way to disable it for certain parts of a vessel

KJR doesn't touch parts that implement IJointLockState and are in unlocked state (and all robotic parts do this). No idea why this should not work... but, I never say never... might be we have some problems we don't understand yet.

26 minutes ago, x170doom said:

autostrut is not the issue, saving and reloading without autostrut this time still had the module attempting to rotate

time warp has no effect (vessel enters and leaves timewarp without issue)

that's pretty strange... because coming out of time warp is almost the same as loading a vessel... and why loading it should rotate it... that's quite interesting... never saw this before

27 minutes ago, x170doom said:

edit: needed to move a grapple fixture during re-test, using in flight editor with KJR next on max causes vessel to be snapped in half by phantom forces (mine survived beacuse no crash damage + unbreakable joints for testing, but got catapulted away at speed instead), going to instead try changing KJR settings on one of the saves outside of KSP then load it and see what happens

I had this during the development of KJR next, but this should be fixed long ago... and KJR next does already go the conservative way here...


... is it possible that you could send me your save files and maybe mod-list or something that would allow me to reproduce it here on my machine?

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heres the savefile and modlist


load quicksave, not persistent or FMRS main save

on orbit there is the ISS, with docked shuttle carrying destiny lab, once loaded jettison PMA 2 then use the RMS to grapple destiny and connect it to unity, bug should happen from there

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