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[1.12.5] Sterling Systems v0.4.10 [Feb 02, 2025]


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  On 10/30/2024 at 5:37 AM, DareMightyThingsJPL said:

Sorry, not sure if i specified clearly enough:

The engine plumes do not appear. Inside the engine bell, coloration which would be caused by the exhaust  is present. 

Hope that cleared things up. Again, as i said - Happy to send you my mods list or some images if need be.


Howdy. I tend to depend on Stock Waterfall Effects, which isn't exactly the most popular of the Waterfall template packs.

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  On 11/1/2024 at 6:13 PM, Hypersonic Was Taken Again said:

Are you considering any type of atmospheric engines and/or aerospike variants of the nuclear and thermal rocket engines?


Aircraft engines: Yes. Actually, there might be too much on the drawing board there as I'm entertaining ideas for several engine types.

Nuclear core aerospikes: No.

Thermal nozzle aerospikes: Yes.

  On 11/1/2024 at 6:13 PM, Hypersonic Was Taken Again said:

There was a master's thesis at San Jose that discussed aerospike ntrs


That's really nice to see. Thanks for sharing it. I may change my mind on nuclear core aerospikes.

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Sorry for being a nuisance again, but I'm having issues - pretty sure it's a bug of some sort.

Whenever I radially attach any of the dusty plasma radiators to a vessel, upon launch, the kraken strikes and destroys the vessel. Autostrut doesn't seem to fix or even mitigate this, and normal struts don't help either. All and sizes and variants of the dusty plasma radiators seem to be subject this. I will send my mod list if needed, as well as anything needed.

Notes - 

- Speeds up to 250m/s are reported on the navball after the kraken strikes.

- non radial attachment (ie, just the part on its own, attached to nothing) has no effect.

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@DareMightyThingsJPL There is a specific detail about those parts (and they are liquid film, not dusty plasma) that gets rubbed the wrong way by KSP Community Fixes. Another person who reported this issue has confirmed that KSPCF 1.35.2 doesn't agitate these parts so do grab that version and let me know. I have an idea what that detail is and I'll take a swing at it.

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  On 11/3/2024 at 3:44 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

There is a specific detail about those parts (and they are liquid film, not dusty plasma) that gets rubbed the wrong way by KSP Community Fixes. Another person who reported this issue has confirmed that KSPCF 1.35.2 doesn't agitate these parts so do grab that version and let me know. I have an idea what that detail is and I'll take a swing at it.


Thanks, Will take a gander at installing that older version of KSPCF until you fix it

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  On 11/7/2024 at 1:08 PM, KspNoobUsernameTaken said:

Could you just add subtypes with heatshields to the adapters themselves?


I've sworn to myself not to add features to stock parts where this mod is concerned. I've had enough of having to respond to clashes with other mods that affect the stock parts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I'm getting a B9PartSwitch error with Sterling Thermal. The error has to do with the Sun Shield part, if I delete the part and the affiliated lines from configs the error disappears.

EDIT: Specifically caused by B9PS-SuperHeavyShields.cfg


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Edited by aspct
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@aspct I assume you have Deadly Reentry. I learned the other day that DRE renames the ablator module. Sine that shield's B9 config also targets that module it gets broken now, hence the problem. Save this as a new .cfg file to handle it.

        @name = AblativeShielding
                    @name = ModuleHeatShield


  On 11/20/2024 at 6:16 AM, slyfox023 said:

I'm a bit confused on the engine stats, for most of them they say "NAN" is that because they aren't finished yet?


Your install is broken somehow. Perhaps you have CRP installed and the engines should be asking for LH2 but the resource definition is missing (CommonResources.cfg does not exist) or you have some mod that contains a patch :FOR[CommunityResourcePack] but you don't use CRP yourself.

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  On 11/21/2024 at 6:07 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@aspct I assume you have Deadly Reentry. I learned the other day that DRE renames the ablator module. Sine that shield's B9 config also targets that module it gets broken now, hence the problem. Save this as a new .cfg file to handle it.


Yes I do have Deadly Reentry, I have added the patch and it seems to have solved the problem but only if it runs after the B9PS patches, if it runs before them the error persists.

So I named it zDeadlyReentryCompat, put it in Sterling Thermals' zPatches folder and problem solved. Thanks :D

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  On 11/23/2024 at 2:56 PM, Hypersonic Was Taken Again said:

What is the meta for the thermal engines? I put a bunch of radiators, heat sinks, and a solar thermal shield, but no deltaV reading. What am I doing wrong?


The idea of the thermal nozzles is that instead of an internal nuclear core they have a heat exchanger with relatively enormous contact area (or volume, whichever way you want to look at it) for the propellant to receive thermal energy. The power source is a separate part, a reactor which produces ThermalPower, not ElectricCharge. If you have no such reactor then you get no ThermalPower and have no dV.

Since you mention the solar thermal shield I must also mention that the thermal nozzles use the stock thrust curve function. Effective thrust scales with the fill % of ThermalPower. If you're low on ThermalPower, thrust and dV go down. But even then, you should still have dV at minimal fill %. Perhaps you have too little capacity for it or some mod is interfering somehow.

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  On 11/24/2024 at 9:57 PM, slyfox023 said:

I have a question, how does the solar tower work? I understand it needs the gulf streams, but other than that I have no idea how it generates power


At the very basic, the solar tower is a concentrating solar panel, a solar panel which produces useful heat, not electricity. It only captures and stores heat (because it does not have a built-in generator. I want heat storage or power generation capacity to be stackable around it) so it doesn't immedately need a Gulf Stream. You'll need a Gulf Stream when you attach a few of the 3.75m or 5m Delta Electro series parts which provide high volume electric generation.

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  On 11/23/2024 at 2:56 PM, Hypersonic Was Taken Again said:

What is the meta for the thermal engines? I put a bunch of radiators, heat sinks, and a solar thermal shield, but no deltaV reading. What am I doing wrong?



  On 11/24/2024 at 9:57 PM, slyfox023 said:

I have a question, how does the solar tower work? I understand it needs the gulf streams, but other than that I have no idea how it generates power


I see some general misunderstanding how a heat engine works. Heat engine uses some source of heat (nuclear|chemical) to heat the working fluid (it can be fluid or gas), the working fluid expands and does some work: pushes the piston, spins the turbine, pushes aircraft or spacecraft forward. If  it is a closed cycle engine, the working fluid needs to be cooled to repeat the cycle.  The efficiency of a thermal engine depends on a temperature difference between the cold and hot states of the working fluid (aka between the heater and the cooler) so the  cooler the better. Open cycle engines like internal combustion piston engines, jet or rocket engines do not need a cooler because they dump heat into the exhaust and use the brand new cool working fluid from the atmosphere or a storage tank so they don't need a cooler (from a Brayton cycle point of view). Actually they can use some precooler to prevent the air from getting too hot from the compression before it even gets to the combustion chamber (turbocharged car engines and SABRE), and the engine components can require some cooling, but the nuclear thermal rocket is cooled by it's cryogenic propellant so it's not the case.

Basically you need 2 or 3 components to run the heat engine: a source of heat, a cooler (isn't required if the waste heat is dumped with an exhaust) and the engine itself.  Solar furnace or a nuclear reactor is a source of heat but it's not a thermal engine, and it requires another components to convert heat into something useful. It might be a thermal nozzle or a turbine attached to an electrical generator. In case of a turbine you need a lot of cooling capacity to condense and cool the working fluid so it  can cool the reactor and spin the turbine once again.

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  On 11/25/2024 at 8:59 AM, Manul said:

Basically you need 2 or 3 components to run the heat engine: a source of heat, a cooler (isn't required if the waste heat is dumped with an exhaust) and the engine itself.  Solar furnace or a nuclear reactor is a source of heat but it's not a thermal engine, and it requires another components to convert heat into something useful. It might be a thermal nozzle or a turbine attached to an electrical generator. In case of a turbine you need a lot of cooling capacity to condense and cool the working fluid so it  can cool the reactor and spin the turbine once again.


I have a thermal nozzle, fuel, a whole bunch of radiators, and the solar thermal shield. Is there some other component that I need to get everything to work?

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  On 11/25/2024 at 3:30 PM, Hypersonic Was Taken Again said:

I have a thermal nozzle, fuel, a whole bunch of radiators, and the solar thermal shield. Is there some other component that I need to get everything to work?


Use a nuclear reactor as a source of heat or drop the solar shield it into the sun :D  Realistically this design would never work: if you start pumping cryogenic propellant through a shield at any reasonable distance from the sun, you will get a very cold shield and an ISP of a boiling teakettle rather than heat the propellant to above 2000K that is required for a nozzle to work with a reasonable ISP.  If it doesn't work in game, that's a good thing.

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Do you think you could add a pulsed solid core NTR? I haven's seen any mod that adds it, including KSP:IE. 

In short, it is a bimodal NTR that can function as either a normal NTR  or  pulsed mode that allows for thrust and ISP amplification by pulsing the core like a TRIGA reactor. I've tried to get access to the paper that describes the concept, but it is unfortunately behind a paywall. However, the Atomic Rockets website and other places have summarys of the information contained in it.

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