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When in Target Mode Navball Indicators are Incorrectly Moving according to Rotational Speed


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Reported Version: v0.1.4.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i9 9900K | GPU: 3070ti | RAM32GB

Following Shows the issue when it's bugged ( and when it isn't (

Spoiler Showing the Problem:
https://youtu.be/xuX0u4Nb6tY Showing how it should be:

The retrograde/prograde indicators are all over the place being affected by rotational movements in

Save File Used:

Following shows it bugged but slower to give a better idea of what is happening:

Spoiler Showing the issue in small/slow movements
https://youtu.be/nA70U_E8wR8?t=17s (Starting at 17s, watch the navball)

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Load RotationalSpeedTestSave.json
  2. Load again if there is spinning
  3. Turn off SAS
  4. Undock left craft
  5. Timewarp for a moment
  6. Target other craft
  7. Change to target mode
  8. Turn on Precision Mode (Capslock)
  9. Use W ans S to move the retrograde indicator away a little from the target indicator and note rotational movement
  10. Use W and S to move the retrograde indicator back to the target indicate and note rotation ceases


The speed of rotation is directly proportional to how far the retrograde indicator moves away from the target indicator

Thanks to Discord chat for helping me get this bug report to a point of being more simply explained.

Edited by Anth12
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1 hour ago, Stephensan said:

i must say io haven't done a real fine docking since the "instant explosion" stage of the game, did a test, i saw similar results.

Updated it. Hopefully it will make more sense now.

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