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Suggestion: Electrical Calculator App

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I don’t know how much EC (Electrical Charge) my craft uses, produces, and stores. Figuring it out requires math (long math!), which I wouldn’t like to do! Plus, this problem gets even worse for more distant planets, where I must use MORE math to figure out the EC production, because Kerbol’s intensity decreases by distance!

My Idea:

My idea is to create an app that tells players how much EC their craft uses, produces, and stores. It could feature a system where players type the distance from the star, and the game does the math behind the scenes and uses that to change the EC production.


This system would help me a ton with designing crafts, as I can know the exact EC needs of it. This would save players from doing a lot of math and help them make even better crafts, as they don’t run out of EC halfway through the mission (speaking from experience here!).


I hope you like this!


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On 10/11/2023 at 10:34 AM, TechieV said:


I don’t know how much EC (Electrical Charge) my craft uses, produces, and stores. Figuring it out requires math (long math!), which I wouldn’t like to do! Plus, this problem gets even worse for more distant planets, where I must use MORE math to figure out the EC production, because Kerbol’s intensity decreases by distance!

My Idea:

My idea is to create an app that tells players how much EC their craft uses, produces, and stores. It could feature a system where players type the distance from the star, and the game does the math behind the scenes and uses that to change the EC production.


This system would help me a ton with designing crafts, as I can know the exact EC needs of it. This would save players from doing a lot of math and help them make even better crafts, as they don’t run out of EC halfway through the mission (speaking from experience here!).


I hope you like this!


Sounds neat! I love the idea!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Even just a graph line showing  production at distance from Kerbol for the panels in the Parts Manager would help, but I'd MUCH rather see your calculator suggestion take place.

Had a few times in KSP1 where I didn't do enough math and had a craft that became bothersome to recharge out in the hinterlands.

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