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ATTN: To All Kerbonauts and Astronauts alike! I bid thee good day and greetings!

Ohm Machre

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((I love a good title.))

Hello, ladies, gentlemen, and Kerbins. My name is Mr. Machre, and I am a new recruit.

I am extremely interested in interplanetary spaceplane travel. I love trying design after design in hopes of finding the one that will take off! =D

However, it seems my imagination is being.... slightly limited by the current vanilla parts. If any and all are so inclined, can they perhaps suggest a good, maybe an excellent modpack and/or plugin? I am especially interested in ones which involve parts larger than the largest vanilla fuel tank, the Rockeo I believe? I don't remember off of my memory.

I wish to all good salutations, and safe and happy ( and in Jeb's case, crazy ) travels to the far reaches of space!

Ciao for now!

- O. Machre

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Well, welcome board Ohm! We're glad to have you here! If you need anything the mod team will be happy to help. Be warned that your first 5 posts are moderated and watched, just a precaution we've put in place to stop spamming and problem posting. -DR

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Welcome to the forums, Ohm Machre.

Just like Damion said, the moderation team are a great help around here and do great jobs.

I suggest Nova Punch Remix Pack for the mod you want, as it has lots of different parts that are bigger and you can get payload fairings.

Good luck trying to get to the planets, I hope it goes well.

Have fun playing KSP and go blow up some rockets! :sticktongue:

Edited by mustwinfull
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