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[0.21] Hooligan Labs - Airship, Submarines and More

Hooligan Labs

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Can you provide a link? I only see an equation for pressure.

This should be it: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Atmosphere

Oddly, it seems the equation pictures are broken. If you don't see them either we can contact their admin and I'll share my files where I copied them.

Sorry, I'm struggling to understand. What do you mean by "they", and whatever "they" are, what do you mean by "they are"??? "they are--" They are what?

Air density is rather properly modeled, based on altitude. The effects of high pressure on hydrogen has been apparently called "the holy grail of high-pressure physics."

I should be able to tell definitively whether or not a hydrogen or helium balloon should truly float in the atmosphere of Jool.

Cool! :cool:

Anyone else see this at the top of the page when they open this thread?

I used to get it as well on several threads, but it mysteriously fixed itself one day. I use Chrome. Ask on the support thread?

After seeing this I knew what I had to do: Missile Submarine!

And it works surprisingly well, thanks you muchly for the mod. :D

"I am liking submarine. Technology work good!" 21:35


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Thanks a lot! I'm glad to know this mod is already worth showing off. I can tell you didn't use the latest "release" version because your ship did not implode at a depth of 600 meters. :cool:

I've put the link to this on the front page and added your video to the official wiki! I put in a request to Wikia to change the URL from hlairship.wikia.com to hlmods.wikia.com. Once that is done I will get stuff more organized. :D

A quick question, is there anyway to remove the part that would make me implode?

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We would then have to get into a discussion as to what is a reasonable amount of depth. 600 meters = 60 atmospheres = 6000 kilonewtons per square meter. That is like having 4 Mainsail engines pushing in on every square meter on every side.

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On Earth, most submarines are rated for operation of "never exceed" ~500m, and are guaranteed to fold at ~800m. Special purpose DSV that can go down to 6000m are a big deal and the world record is about 10000m.

I'd say 600m is reasonable enough until the reasons why physics goes insane can be found. :)

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I'd say 600m is reasonable enough until the reasons why physics goes insane can be found. :)

I actually did find what seems to cause it in the documentation:

/// <summary>
/// The vertical distance in meters between the vessel and the nearest terrain (including buildings),
/// or -1 when sea depth is greater than 600m (terrainAltitude <= -600).
/// </summary>
public float heightFromTerrain;


Does the SQUID part still work in 21.1?

I haven't tested but I have no reason to know why it wouldn't.

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Glancing through this documentation, I wonder...

Could it be possible, instead of extending physics distance for all vessels, force load specific vessels by name or ID?

This would have a great variety of general applications, but more to the point, it could permit unanchored sky bases in at least some cases.

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I actually did find what seems to cause it in the documentation:

/// <summary>
/// The vertical distance in meters between the vessel and the nearest terrain (including buildings),
/// or -1 when sea depth is greater than 600m (terrainAltitude <= -600).
/// </summary>
public float heightFromTerrain;


I haven't tested but I have no reason to know why it wouldn't.

I'm not very good with modding. mostly I just use text editors. So I will get back to that.

Is there something that will tell me how far away the ground is in water? can we make one?

For your notes, as far as I can tell SQUID parts works in 21.1.

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For distance to ground underwater, I wonder if it would work to fire a ray downward that would return the distance to a terrain collider?

It would be nice if you would update your mods before putting 0.21 in the thread title.

Is something not working?

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Does the submarine mod play nice with InfiniteDice's Boat Parts? I'd love to have a submarine hanging from a crane on the carrier, though I'm not sure if the carrier will still float with the sub mod.

They might work together if the submarine and the boat were separate vessels. If they are one vessel, my plugin code will have to be copied to aircraft carrier (with a MASSIVE amount of buoyancy added!)

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They might work together if the submarine and the boat were separate vessels. If they are one vessel, my plugin code will have to be copied to aircraft carrier (with a MASSIVE amount of buoyancy added!)

Okay, thanks for answering. I'll grab the mod and see what happens, though I'll keep the carrier and sub separate. Great work on your mods, by the way. I find your airship mod great fun, albeit difficult to get the balance of weight correct :D

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It would be nice if you would update your mods before putting 0.21 in the thread title.

They are. It would be useful if you would specify what issues you're having.

It's only possible to make vague responses to vague comments.

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I'm having serious issues with the submarine parts.

I created a small submarine (mk2 cockpit with rover wheels and a sub part), I got deep enough (riding from the cockpit), and as soon as I switched out, the camera was stuck inside the cockpit, and all camera movement was blocked. I right clicked the cockpit from the inside and toggled the underwater camera but it did nothing. :(

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I can't get subs to work, all my designs are heavier than neutral with none of the ballast tanks filled, filling them just makes me sink faster, is there some way to make your sub more buoyant?

"these tanks provide bouyancy or ballast" I can't see any way to make them provide buoyancy.

Edited by K3|Chris
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K3|Chris: add more ballast tanks. Check their volumes, add them up and make sure the total volume is greater than your ship's mass. If mass of displaced fluid is greater than the mass of the object, the object floats, otherwise it sinks. Water is very friendly to designers at 1t/m3:)

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