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Launch vessel hangs in air after payload separation and a save/load sequence


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Reported Version: v0.1.4.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win10 | CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 | GPU: 3080 | RAM32


If you loaded the save file named "Flying on Laythe" and created a save file shortly after decoupling the Buggy, you should have a save file that will showcase this bug. If not, let me provide a new save file named: "The Drop"

This is after separating and after a quick pause/save/load. (on a side note, this sequence also usually causes a soft crash/infinite loading screen)

Once I reboot the game I can load the save file "The Drop" and fly the Buggy, but I can also turn the camera around and see the delivery vessel that was just flying and just dropped the payload is now just floating/hanging in the air, despite its situation. The engines are even on.

To see these events you will need to fly my craft a bit.

I have some footage I'll try to supply with the issue. It's not an edit I look forward to making- I'd rather be in the VAB.


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