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Bug Status [11/9]

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1 hour ago, Spicat said:

Yep, I will probably report this bug this weekend when I find the time. This is definitely a weird one.

So I tested this, turning off unlimited electric charge.  And I had ZERO issues with flight.  Or, well, no issues with not holding SAS (my flying skills, on the other hand, leave something to be desired).  The craft veered immediately west upon launch, but I was able to correct it with pitch (S key).  Once I cut the engines when the desired Ap was set (~100km), the craft wobbled slightly, but only to orient itself to head where SAS said prograde was.  Once I hit ~70km, I ejected the fairing and turned on RCS, pointing to the maneuver I set.  Worked like a charm...except there is still an issue with the RCS thrusters at the top of the craft not firing even though they are attached directly to a medium RCS tank that is full of propellant.

I have save files for both before and after launch with UEC turned off, but I have no way of adding them here or to the bug report (unless I just load them to Google drive/docs).  Do you still want to see them?

One other thing I noticed was that the fairing, upon ejection, got "stuck" inside the rest of the craft.  Did no damage this time, but that should be fixed, yes?

Also, I will be adding this to the last bug report I submitted so that this information is there for the bug hunters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tested blocked parts again this morning on 0.1.5. Got blocked ladder whereas it was working fine on the launchpad, and even the possibility for Valentina to climb the invisible ladder!

Took a picture of it, with the blocked ladder mouse-hovered (green outline). The fairing was not present at first, but there once reloaded (that might block the ladder, of course!)

Image: https://imgur.com/a/62Zo4Al


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