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Apollo program


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Started working on this one yesterday after seeing your post.  (side effect of a cold rainy  saturday)  Its almost finished.  The fairings are the biggest bug / feature / problem.  They just don't want to complete properly and they don't say why....but I digress.  Will post the craft in KSP Builds and KerbalX once I get the CM / LM docking issue figured out. (they docked just fine before the fairings were added)   Craft made with stock parts only.  So the LM is not very Apollo looking at the moment. (procedural panels would be awesome here.)

But for now you can enjoy this video of it, along with some photos. 
Thanks for viewing!
Let me know what you think.

Original look on the left/above  -  New look on the right/below after viewing reference photos.






Craft created using stock parts.


Thrust/Weight 1.037
Total Mass 691.14t
Dry Mass 150.01t
Parts 186
Height 60.49m
Width 6.93m
Length 6.93m

Handling with SAS very very stable.  Works nicely with K2D2 with settings shown.  LM bares a faint resemblance to the real LM but it works for now.  Docking the CM to the LM is fiddly in v0.2.0.   KSP team are aware... It will get figured out eventually.

Abort = abort
0 = Undock what ever is docked with LM

Available on KSP Builds

Or on KerbolX
Craft File:
Apollo KerbolX.json
Best I could do was to create a zip file of the .json .meta .png files along with a mission file. Then post it on KerbalX as a mission.  Until KSP2 is supported on KerbalX, this will have to do.


System SPECS - 

Dell XPS 8950
12 Gen i7 12700 2.10 GHz
512GB NVMe M.2  & 2TB 7200RPM SATA
NVidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti  8GB
Windows 11  Ver 22H2

Edited by DaveLChgo
Updated craft specs- photos - links
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10 hours ago, DaveLChgo said:

Started working on this one yesterday after seeing your post.  (side effect of a cold rainy  saturday)  Its almost finished.  The fairings are the biggest bug / feature / problem.  They just don't want to complete properly and they don't say why....but I digress.  Will post the craft in KerbalX once I get the CM / LM docking issue figured out. (they docked just fine before the fairings were added)   Craft made with stock parts only.  So the LM is not very Apollo looking at the moment. (procedural panels would be awesome here.)

But for now you can enjoy this video of it, along with some photos. 
Thanks for viewing!
Let me know what you think.




Craft created using stock parts.


Thrust/Weight 1.037
Total Mass 679.12t
Dry Mass 139.79t
Parts 191
Height 58.41m
Width 6.93m
Length 6.93m

Handling with SAS very very stable.  Works nicely with K2D2 with settings shown.  Still a bit fiddly on separation from second stage.   LM looks nothing like the LM but it works for now.  Docking the CM to the LM used to work fine.  But ever since the fairings got added, docking hasn't worked.  Will not see the LM as a separate craft and wont let me target it.  I'll figure it out eventually.

none at the moment

Craft File:
Best I could do was to create a zip file of the .json .meta .png files along with a mission file. Then post it on KerbalX.  Until KSP2 is supported on KerbalX, this will have to do.

(craft file in progress)

System SPECS - 

Dell XPS 8950
12 Gen i7 12700 2.10 GHz
512GB NVMe M.2  & 2TB 7200RPM SATA
NVidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti  8GB
Windows 11  Ver 22H2


This is simply fantastic! Thank you for your work.

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LOL well not sure about all that.  Recording editing and posting videos are time consuming.   If time permits will think about the video.  Will write up a checklist at the very least.

16 hours ago, Alex76 said:

If possible, you will then film a complete guide from takeoff to landing on the Moon. The video you provided is excellent and clear.

LOL just re-read your post.  You're acting like my boss giving me a directive rather than asking a favor.   "...you will then film..."  No worries or offense taken since its our first interaction, gave me a good chuckle.

Edited by DaveLChgo
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7 hours ago, DaveLChgo said:

LOL well not sure about all that.  Recording editing and posting videos are time consuming.   If time permits will think about the video.  Will write up a checklist at the very least.

LOL just re-read your post.  You're acting like my boss giving me a directive rather than asking a favor.   "...you will then film..."  No worries or offense taken since its our first interaction, gave me a good chuckle.

This is the translation)) I am not an English speaker. Although in life I am the boss)

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I think Im about as finished as I can be until they release the ability to put your own flags or signs onto craft.

Tried to do a USA on stage one.  Didn't turn out great but I left it there for now.  Below are four photos. 

  1.  Photo of the real ones I used for reference. 
  2. Photo of mine. 
  3. Photo of CM - best I could for bare metal and chrome finishes. 
  4. Photo of the LEM - tried to make it look more like the LEMMY. 

Will update my earlier reply above with the updated specs and download link.








Edited by DaveLChgo
photo correction
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Saturn V Mission Outline
This should get you started to the Mun. Still writing it out as time permits.
K2D2 and FlightPlan work with KSP2 v 0.2.0  Just make sure they are updated.

    Check for stow aways.

On LaunchPad
Checklist PreFlight

  Adjust view of pad to desired distance and elevation

  Review Staging Panel

  Adjust crew camera panel

  Set Time Warp Clock to MET

  Start Flight Plan
    Select Celestial dropdown Kerbin
    Select Cirularize
    Select Burn Option dropdown 'at next apoapsis'

  Start K2-D2
    Select mode Lift
    Set launch parameters in Settings
    AP Alt         = 100km
    5 degree Alt     = 60km
    45 degree Alt     = 30km
    90 degree Alt    = 3km
    Heading degree    = 90
    Initiate guidance computer by selecting 'Start'

PreFlight Complete

***LAUNCH***    (stage)

  ALT 80m Clear Tower
  ALT 3 km Guidance starts tilting on a 90 degree az
  ALT 18km Stage 1 empty  (stage)
  ALT 55km Tower Jettison  (stage)
  ALT 60km Stage 2 empty  (stage)
  ALT 100km Stage 3 MECO
K2-D2 panel
  Select mode Node
  Select 'Close Settings'

FlightPlan panel
  Select 'MakeNode' 
  Select Run/K2D2

***Circularize Burn***

Checklist TMI
Trans Munar Injection    
  MET 00:13:00 approximate
  On FlightPlan panel
    Select Celestial dropdown Mun
    Select Target celestial icon (craft/moon)
    Select Hohman Transfer
    Select Burn Option 'at optimum time'
    Select 'Make Node'
    Select Run/K2D2

***TMI Burn***
***TMI Burn SECO***

Checklist Mun Collision Burn    (if already on collision course this can be skipped)
Using Map/Chart view
    Create maneuver node approx 10 min away
    Adjust the maneuver node for mun collision
    Select Run/K2D2

***Collision Burn***

Coast Phase
Checklist CM/LM Separation and Dock

  Adjust exterior view as desired

  Review Staging panel

  Initiate CM/LM separation (stage)    

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The LEM is looking more LEMMY now.  Think Im done fiddling.  Totally cheated on part placement and clipping  parts into each other.   Will update the 'mission' on kerbolx shortly.

  • Made the descent stage octagonal. 
  • Cleaned up the  ascent stage tank blisters. 
  • Added the visual target 'T' for docking. 
  • Placed the RCS thrusters onto stalks and covered them with panels.  

First pic is the old one. Second is the new and improved one.


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Posted the completed craft / json file on KerbolX.  It is posted as a mission.   https://kerbalx.com/missions/180

Apollo.zip contains 4 files.

Apollo KerbolX.json
Apollo KerbolX.meta
Apollo KerbolX.png

You will find 2 Saturn V launch vehicles and 2 landers. 

The one without the USA is my earlier attempt is not as accurate a depiction and has fewer parts. It includes a barrel shaped lander. May run smoother on slower PCs.

The one with the USA has more parts is visually more accurate a depiction but will be a bit more resource hungry on the PC. It includes an octogonal shaped lander.

Of course the landers can be swapped if desired.

Once downloaded and unzipped the mission file can be deleted. Place the other 3 into your 'Workspace' folder.   Enjoy!


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On 12/17/2023 at 6:05 PM, DaveLChgo said:


Thrust/Weight 1.037
Total Mass 691.14t
Dry Mass 150.01t
Parts 186
Height 60.49m
Width 6.93m
Length 6.93m

Handling with SAS very very stable.  Works nicely with K2D2 with settings shown.  LM bares a faint resemblance to the real LM but it works for now.  Docking the CM to the LM is fiddly in v0.2.0.   KSP team are aware... It will get figured out eventually.

Abort = abort
0 = Undock what ever is docked with LM

Craft File:
Apollo KerbolX.json
Best I could do was to create a zip file of the .json .meta .png files along with a mission file. Then post it on KerbalX as a mission.  Until KSP2 is supported on KerbalX, this will have to do.


System SPECS - 

Dell XPS 8950
12 Gen i7 12700 2.10 GHz
512GB NVMe M.2  & 2TB 7200RPM SATA
NVidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti  8GB
Windows 11  Ver 22H2

But Saturn 5 weights over 3000t:unsure:

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On 12/25/2023 at 12:18 AM, Aeolica said:

But Saturn 5 weights over 3000t:unsure:

LOL    Yes but those are Imperial tons.   The weight was straight from VAB engineers report.   But I think because Kerbin is a smaller planet... comparatively speaking then weights and measures would also be smaller.   

Yeah, let's go with that!

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