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Delta V and Trip Planner don't math right?

Doc Brown

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After several hours of playing (and LOVING the Science update!) and reviewing some other posts on here... The Delta V displayed in the VAB is stage based correct?  That's what I can figure... because I built a stage with 5k Delta V, then added a second stage, and boosters, etc... but my total delta V is like 3,400 (still over 1 Thrust to weight).  The trip planner doesn't seem to take the total d=Delta V into account.  I built a rocket with a total Delta V (based on stages) of 15,000 and yet the trip planner only showed 3,400 (first stage) and so was given the no no on trip to the Mun.

Can anyone else confirm?  Suggestions?  Am I doing something wrong?

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  • 2 months later...

I have this issue too. with nothing built yet, trip planner shows 4146 delta v in the launch vessel. as far as I can tell, as I build the rocket, it adds this Dv to the total ending up in excess of 10k Dv.

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