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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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I like how you guys start trying to mine the star right AFTER I removed all the deposits there.

By the way, those who had lag in the map view: how's it doing after 0.7.2? I know I made a few performance improvements, but without measuring I have no idea how much; it could be a lot or it could be completely negligible. (There's also the issue of what was improved. I reduced CPU load a bit but I did nothing to speed up rendering.)

The only quirk I've seen so far (from mapping - I still haven't had a chance to land a drill) is that the mapping algorithm seems to punt if the sample point falls directly on the edge between two adjacent hexagons. I saw that happen repeatedly on a mostly-polar orbit with a satellite that had plenty of power, and at a fairly low warp (50x or lower - no other hexes were missed). Only those scans that happened to appear directly on the edge seemed to be skipped. Considering the low incidence, it's not a huge problem.

What do you mean by "punt"? The position->cell algorithm doesn't actually have any way to give up; it'll just loop infinitely if it can't find a cell (which shouldn't ever happen; every possible input yields a valid output). I'll experiment with a rover, but there shouldn't be anything special about borders that would cause that. Do you have screenshots? More detailed steps on how to make it happen?

Have some ideas for how you can represent multiple resources per cell.

1. Animate a colour transition for each resource.

2. Have a blended resource option that does a flat UV interpolation between the colours. The ugly option

3. Could probably use a toon shading effect on the edges and colour based on resource. Limits you to 6 resources

4. Speckle the cell colour based on resource ratios.

1. Possible... but tough to read at a glance.

2. Luckily, the custom shader lets me blend colors manually, no UV interpolation necessary. I tested it on stream yesterday and it works well for Kethane+Ore, but it's not very attractive.

3. Hexagons are currently four triangles (one center triangle and three on the perimeter), not six. The problem is in getting the colors to show up. Each cell is six vertices, and I can assign a color to each vertex, but I can't assign two colors to each vertex. It's conceivable I could write a really fancy shader that resaturates the color as it interpolates between a resource color and a neutral midpoint vertex...but that limits color choices and it's really a very hacky solution.

4. I don't see how I could speckle it without building a texture on-the-fly. Maybe a custom shader?

I just watched the livestream, about multiplication particles, would it take to much processing to invert the texture and multiply it with the inverted color of what you want? If you do it that way when you multiply the particle the parts that are supposed to be white are black and will not change while the black parts which where not getting multiplied before (or rather stayed the same) will get the color you want.

The real solution is to use an alpha-blended texture and an accompanying alpha blending shader (or, alternatively, to really lighten the multiplicative texture). I want to do a lot of tinkering with the shaders, which is why I didn't go into it too much on stream.

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Is updating this supposed to overwrite the old resource locations with entirely new ones? I was using 0.6.1 and had a base on the Mun harvesting both Ore and Kethane in the same location using EL, and when I updated to 0.7.2 that location no longer has either resource. :(

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Is updating this supposed to overwrite the old resource locations with entirely new ones? I was using 0.6.1 and had a base on the Mun harvesting both Ore and Kethane in the same location using EL, and when I updated to 0.7.2 that location no longer has either resource. :(

No, that shouldn't have happened. Do you have a backup of your deposits?

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What do you mean by "punt"? The position->cell algorithm doesn't actually have any way to give up; it'll just loop infinitely if it can't find a cell (which shouldn't ever happen; every possible input yields a valid output). I'll experiment with a rover, but there shouldn't be anything special about borders that would cause that. Do you have screenshots? More detailed steps on how to make it happen?

Sorry, no screenshots. Let me try to describe it in more detail:

I got a satellite over Duna at ~370km 75-80 degree near-polar orbit with a single "large" scanner. I was running at 50x time warp. Every now and then, if the orbital path would take the satellite over a hex edge, no data would be recorded on either of the adjacent hexes. When I say "over a hex edge", I mean the satellite was flying parallel to the edge, not transitioning from one adjacent hex to the other.

To use lame text art - the satellite flew directly over tile S below, recorded data, continued north along the edge between W and E, and recorded data in tile N. Both tile W and tile E remained unscanned. At the warp I was running at, no other tiles were missing data.


In retrospect, I suppose it is possible that the distance traveled correlated to the scan time, and I was hitting a lucky altitude and trajectory that caused the scan pulse to skip tiles in this case due to the fairly short distance involved along that edge.

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2. Luckily, the custom shader lets me blend colors manually, no UV interpolation necessary. I tested it on stream yesterday and it works well for Kethane+Ore, but it's not very attractive.

Was there a live development stream yesterday? Or are you referring to the previous stream last week?

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Was there a live development stream yesterday? Or are you referring to the previous stream last week?

There was an impromptu stream yesterday. I was showing someone my silly plane design but I forgot to change the stream name, so a double dozen confused subscribers came looking for a dev stream. So I did some stuff. I was very sleepless and unprepared, so it wasn't much.

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I really like that new hex-grid overlay, it totally improves Kethane and i'd love if the Devs would ask your permission to use it on future releases for their resource implementation.. but one thing that i just noticed makes me wonder if it is a bug or feature: Should the main menu show up the hexagrid on Kerbin?

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I really like that new hex-grid overlay, it totally improves Kethane and i'd love if the Devs would ask your permission to use it on future releases for their resource implementation.. but one thing that i just noticed makes me wonder if it is a bug or feature: Should the main menu show up the hexagrid on Kerbin?

I wonder how many times this has already been mentioned. (And how many times it will in the near future.) It's not a bug, it's a feature. And you can shut it off as neurotoxin explained several pages ago:

Looking into the source on Github it looks like the value you want to set is ShowInMenu.

After some trial and error I figured it out. I placed ShowInMenu in the following location

ScanningSound = True

ShowInMenu = False

ShowOverlay = False

For some reason it kept reverting my changes when I placed it at the end although it might work for you there. So edit GameData/Kethane/settings.cfg and then start your game.

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Out of curiosity has anyone been running this on Linux 64-bit successfully?

Since upgrading I have had KSP crash pretty much every mission. The Logs don't show anything except a metric ton of rendering bool, rendering rect lines [i mean /a lot/, is this related to the new Kethane?]... I am not at a point where I am declaring it Kethane and reporting a bug, but I just wanted to check in to see if anyone is using it on Linux 64bit successfully. I have already patched the memory issue and prior to this I had been running flawlessly even with ~80 or so mods running.

I have a few more things to rule out tho and some tests to run.

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Since upgrading I have had KSP crash pretty much every mission. The Logs don't show anything except a metric ton of rendering bool, rendering rect lines [i mean /a lot/, is this related to the new Kethane?]... I am not at a point where I am declaring it Kethane and reporting a bug, but I just wanted to check in to see if anyone is using it on Linux 64bit successfully. I have already patched the memory issue and prior to this I had been running flawlessly even with ~80 or so mods running.

Kethane doesn't log anything about parsing bools or rendering lines. I know of a few people who run Kethane on Linux 64-bit and I haven't heard of any problems from them, so I'd assume it's another mod for now.

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Out of curiosity has anyone been running this on Linux 64-bit successfully?

Since upgrading I have had KSP crash pretty much every mission. The Logs don't show anything except a metric ton of rendering bool, rendering rect lines [i mean /a lot/, is this related to the new Kethane?]... I am not at a point where I am declaring it Kethane and reporting a bug, but I just wanted to check in to see if anyone is using it on Linux 64bit successfully. I have already patched the memory issue and prior to this I had been running flawlessly even with ~80 or so mods running.

I have a few more things to rule out tho and some tests to run.

I just installed it last night and ran one scan of the Mun. Didn't notice any real difference in lag. Right after that, I did a trip to Jool with a big ol 2-ship contraption (Which I use quite often and never have lag with) and I was lagged bad the entire mission, *mostly* in the mapmode. It was strange but I didn't attribute it to Kethane, I wasn't using Kethane parts on this ship.

Don't know if that helps, maybe it was coincidence that the day I install 0.7.2, I get my first real lag running the Linux 64bit Client. I use Linux Mint.

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For those running Linux-64bit. The use of the Kethane and/or mapsat mods does cause crashes. But Kethane is not to blame. There is an issue with the KSP executable and how it handles some image formats in 32-bit, and that includes some aspects of Kethane. Execute the following to correct these issues:

$ xxd -s +0x7cebc7 -l 1 KSP.x86_64
07cebc7: 01
$ echo "7cebc7: 00" | xxd -r - KSP.x86_64
$ xxd -s +0x7cebc7 -l 1 KSP.x86_64
07cebc7: 00

$ xxd -s +0x7cebcc -l 1 KSP.x86_64
07cebcc: 01
$ echo "7cebcc: 00" | xxd -r - KSP.x86_64
$ xxd -s +0x7cebcc -l 1 KSP.x86_64
07cebcc: 00

(All credit to A.G. for diagnosing and fixing this problem)

See the following thread for a better explanation


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As promised, a scanning Satellite capable of 1000x time-warp (albeit MUCH easier with the new way the scanners work)

On the pad: It is mounted on a Zenith VII by Temstar. Available like this and without a launcher, but I expect most people will just take it this way.


In orbit around Kerbin, launch stage still has 1000m/s of DeltaV remaining, PLUS the 6200m/s on the Satellite itself.


Now I know what your going to say. Its much too big to be a satellite. Well, up until 7.0 a ship this big was needed to be able to scan at 1000x timewarp, so I just started with that and removed scanners and tested until I found the minimum, then added an extra pair again for good measures!

On the pad-

Double tap 0 to lock gimbals

with mechjeb just launch with whichever profile you want, it has lots of fuel and lots of thrust.

Once out of the atmosphere and/or at your target orbit press 1 to deploy all solar panels and toggle your scanners. 1 will not toggle the panels back in again only extend them.

Be sure to place yourself in a decent orbit for the most efficient scan time. There are charts listing Altitudes and Inclinations available here:


Also note, that you want your orbit to be over the terminator for Night and Day. That way you will be in sunlight full time, and wont accidentally go behind the planet and lose power. There is a single RTG on board but that's just so you never lose control, it wont power the actual scanners properly. It has enough battery power to not run dry while scanning the Mun and going behind Kerbin, so it will probably work for most other Moons except the closest 3 to Jool. That giant is too big for batteries to last so there's no real point in trying.

Craft with no launcher

Craft with Zenith VII Launcher

Again, this thing has an effective DeltaV of over 7000m/s from LKO, so its absolutely Overkill, but it is enough to send to any planet or moon. Smaller is easy :)

Edited by HoY
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The new version is using a lot more memory then the previous versions, Is there a way I can fix this?

Are you sure? If anything, the geodesic grid should use less memory than the old system.

[EDIT] Ran some more numbers and it may use a little more, but we're talking a couple megabytes.

[EDIT 2] Yeah, the more I run these numbers the more I think the grid actually saves memory. I didn't expect that, but I won't complain! It's definitely more CPU and GPU intensive than the old maps, but it's fairly lean since 0.7.2.

Edited by Majiir
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The Zero-Bypass Turbine has always worked on any atmospheric body, including Kerbin, Eve, Laythe, Jool and Duna. One common issue is that the engine MUST be activated through staging, not the right-click menu or action groups. (After it's activated once, those menus are fine.) This is a KSP limitation, although there may be a hacky workaround.

Would it be possible to figure out how B9 Aerospace's engine are implemented and apply them on the Zero-Bypass Turbine? or is it an entirely different story here?

Awesome plugin btw!

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The Zero-Bypass Turbine has always worked on any atmospheric body, including Kerbin, Eve, Laythe, Jool and Duna. One common issue is that the engine MUST be activated through staging, not the right-click menu or action groups. (After it's activated once, those menus are fine.) This is a KSP limitation, although there may be a hacky workaround.

So is it possible to figure out how B9 Aerospace's engines are implemented and apply them on the zero-bypass turbine? or is that an entirely different story?

Btw, cheers for the awesome hex map!

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I checked through the posts since the 0.7 release and didn't see this answered anywhere, so sorry if it has been and I missed it somehow!

Is there a way to reduce or turn off the amount of gas thrown out when mining? It seems to be causing a good deal of lag that I never got with the older versions of the mod. Thanks!

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