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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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Similar bug to one a few posts back (shrinking geo map) but this is an expanding one. I believe the problem to be kethane-related. Everything runs fine, for a while, then the mouse scroll / view rotation becomes shaky. The kethane map expands and contracts wildly. This pick is while it is expanding. Sorry about the big pic, but it needs to be big to see the grid properly. The grid continues well outside the kerbin and doesn't align with the planet's center. In fact the camera appears to be inside a misplaced sphere at this moment.


Edited by Sandworm
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I have one BIG question....well, actually 2

-the release notes say "Debugging functions are now available by setting Debug = True in the settings file. Debug options will appear in the resource selector window in the scan map. The debugger part is no longer necessary (and now has no function)."...so well, where is the settings file? because i searched the Gamedata folder, kethane mod folder and found a settings.cfg...but it didn`t say "Debug = False" or anything of the sort, so should i just add that command to the settings file to get the debug console on the game?

-"The colors for empty and unscanned cells are now configurable in the settings file." yet again criptic and unknown reference to a color factor on the settings file inside the mod folder...should i add another line too? or am i looking at the wrong settings file? if so, please tell me where is the settings i should change, because the settings.cfg inside the mods folder does not contain any command line defining hexagon cell coloring

this is what the filke says:

"ScanningSound = True

ShowOverlay = True

WindowLeft = 200

WindowTop = 200"

what am i doing wrong? i fresh downloaded and extracted the 7.4 version on a fresh ksp 0.21 install...

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There are 2 diffrent settings files being talked about here.

the first is the kethane settings: C\KSP\GameData\Kethane\settings.cfg

and yes, i do think you just add the debug line

the second is the setting for the resources: C\KSP\GameData\Kethane\Resources\Kethane.cfg

scroll down till you see:

ColorFull = #, #, #

ColorEmpty = #, #, #

numbers RedBlueGreen format

edit: just tests, adding the debug line is all thats needed

Edited by KhaosCorp
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All the settings he wants are actually in the settings.cfg file. ColorFull and ColorEmpty are for Kethane itself and shouldn't normally be changed.

None of the keys you need are already there, so you have to add them. The keys you want for colors are ColorEmpty and ColorUnknown.

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Alright, folks, here's how it works. Your "bug" reports are going to be ignored and possibly removed if you fail to take a nice, long look at the bug reporting documentation and actually get your report filed correctly. Posting vague information on bugs caused by user error or failure to follow install instructions doesn't help Majiir get to the bottom of any problems.

Make sure you have a legitimate bug, and use the bug tracker on the github if you want it to get fixed. If need be, I'll post a reminder every few pages. This thread is getting awfully spammy and full of a lot of useless information.

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Ill post a bug report to Github after I get off work, but just as some other users have said I am experiencing the shakiness of the map as well. The grid for the Mun does not show around the Mun. When zooming in and out it looks like its at a different spot to it.

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Ill post a bug report to Github after I get off work, but just as some other users have said I am experiencing the shakiness of the map as well. The grid for the Mun does not show around the Mun. When zooming in and out it looks like its at a different spot to it.

I have this problem too. I have been able to replicate it reliably by quickloading. The map works perfect when the game is first launched, but when I quickload, the grid map breaks.

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So Majiir can i ask a question, is it possible that it has to do with being able to see the hex clouds and the grid while at the VAB? Because it appears that this problem triggers whenever you leave the vehicle you first launched in. Just a thought from what i am observing.

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I think I am ecperiencing something else weird:

I am on a Kethane Spot on the Moon but my drill is not working.

It extracts but there is no dust coming up from the drillspot and the kethane tanks are not filling.

I checked several time that the spot has kethane and the ship has worked before 0.21 also.

Mods: Kethane, Mechjeb, Kerbal Alarm Clock.


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I think I am ecperiencing something else weird:

I am on a Kethane Spot on the Moon but my drill is not working.

It extracts but there is no dust coming up from the drillspot and the kethane tanks are not filling.

I checked several time that the spot has kethane and the ship has worked before 0.21 also.

Mods: Kethane, Mechjeb, Kerbal Alarm Clock.

I believe Majiir has said the distance on the drill changed a bit, check a few pages back.

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I've got a dumb question that I'm certain is answered somewhere in this thread, but I looked for half an hour and couldn't find, so I'll just ask...

Why isn't the grid overlay showing up?

I just reinstalled 0.20 (0.21 was giving me fits, even with the patch yesterday - I'll wait for another patch or two before I try it again). Then I reinstalled Kethane, and the first time I ran the game, I saw the hex overlay on the opening screen. But it doesn't show up in the game when I'm in flight (although I do have the window with the toggle, but the toggle isn't doing anything).

I know there's a simple answer to this, but I have no idea what it is or where to find it. Can someone point me to the solution?


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Is there still a debugger? Sorry if there is an answer somewhere but I don't have time to look around right now.

No, the release notes Majiir posted tell how to turn debug functions on.

go into KSP\GameData\Kethane open 'settings.cfg' add the line 'Debug = True' save config and done

debug options are in grid UI

Edited by KhaosCorp
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After I updated to KSP 0.21 and then replaced my old Kethane install with 0.7.4, I've been getting a strange issue where the kethane detectors can't find any electrical power. I've got plenty on-board my ship, but it still says insufficient power. Anyone have any ideas what is going wrong?

Here is an example:


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I put the Kethane pack into the plugins folder and opened KSP, but when I tried to attach the parts to my rockets, the game glitched and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't hit the exit button to get out of the VAB. Also, I tried to unstick the piece I had selected from my mouse, and it didn't work, like, I would hit the delete button and it wouldn't delete, and when I clicked in the parts side of the screen, it wouldn't delete itself. I have a clean copy of KSP (from Steam), no mods (other than Kethane, but now that's deleted too), and my version is 0.21.1. Also, I have windows 8, if that's of any meaning. Please help.

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The grid jittering/zooming issue is not a Kethane bug. BloodyRain2k helped me reproduce the issue by providing a save file and a procedure which reliably causes the bug. With the Kethane plugin removed, the issue still occurs. I narrowed the list of possible mods at fault to MJ2, ORDA and Quantum Struts, but others have encountered the bug without any of those mods so at this point I'm going to hesitantly say this is a stock bug. In any event, I've confirmed it's not a Kethane issue, so please direct support requests for this bug elsewhere.

[EDIT] There's a support thread here: link

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The grid jittering/zooming issue is not a Kethane bug. BloodyRain2k helped me reproduce the issue by providing a save file and a procedure which reliably causes the bug. With the Kethane plugin removed, the issue still occurs. I narrowed the list of possible mods at fault to MJ2, ORDA and Quantum Struts, but others have encountered the bug without any of those mods so at this point I'm going to hesitantly say this is a stock bug. In any event, I've confirmed it's not a Kethane issue, so please direct support requests for this bug elsewhere. I recommend the Support & Bugs forum.

Wait, what? If the issue is caused by a stock bug/"feature", and causes the mod not to work, isn't it really a mod bug? It's not like the stock game is using overlays. Obviously it's up to you if you want to fix it, but I can't follow your reasoning. "I've confirmed it's not a Kethane issue" doesn't make any sense if the only symptom of the bug is that Kethane no longer works.

For the record, I only have MechJeb2 out of those plugins.

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Wait, what? If the issue is caused by a stock bug/"feature", and causes the mod not to work, isn't it really a mod bug? It's not like the stock game is using overlays. Obviously it's up to you if you want to fix it, but I can't follow your reasoning. "I've confirmed it's not a Kethane issue" doesn't make any sense if the only symptom of the bug is that Kethane no longer works.

The problem is that the entire map starts jittering. It's quite noticeable even without the Kethane grid. The same ScaledSpace exceptions appear. No, it's not a Kethane bug, although it may be a MechJeb bug; I've narrowed it down to either MechJeb or stock.

Since it's not a Kethane bug, there's really nothing I can do to fix it.

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The problem is that the entire map starts jittering. It's quite noticeable even without the Kethane grid. The same ScaledSpace exceptions appear. No, it's not a Kethane bug, although it may be a MechJeb bug; I've narrowed it down to either MechJeb or stock.

Since it's not a Kethane bug, there's really nothing I can do to fix it.

I am also looking closely at MJ2. The problem is that the bug is so intermittent that coming to any conclusion over which mode is responsible takes hours. Kethane is still on my list, but so is MJ2.

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The problem is that the entire map starts jittering. It's quite noticeable even without the Kethane grid. The same ScaledSpace exceptions appear. No, it's not a Kethane bug, although it may be a MechJeb bug; I've narrowed it down to either MechJeb or stock.

Since it's not a Kethane bug, there's really nothing I can do to fix it.

Not getting the map jittering. Perhaps someone with only Kethane and not MJ2 can confirm. It seems very odd that there would be a clash like this - the mods have very different Spheres of Influence so to speak! I've got a flag where there was (before the update) a Kethane deposit previously so I'm going to see if I can still mine there.

Any way to tell exactly which functions/numbers are causing your grid to jitter, perhaps to help MJ fix the issue?

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It seems very odd that there would be a clash like this - the mods have very different Spheres of Influence so to speak!

MechJeb actually interacts with the map view much more than Kethane does, so it makes sense. Kethane just has more obvious symptoms. You can see this kind of thing in the stock game if you focus on the sun and quickly rotate your camera; the glowing texture around the sun jitters in the same way. This is all because of how ScaledSpace works. It could be MechJeb breaking the whole system, but there's some growing evidence that it's a stock bug.

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A thought on the jittering when dragging the PoV in map view, is it just me or does it look like the jitter you get when you drag a mechjeb window off screen? Could it be that the game thinks you are trying to drag a window off screen and is attempting to snap it to the edge?

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