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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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Kethane comes such that all you do is unzip it in the KSP root directory (many mods do). Other mods come such that you unzip them in GameData. Some rather annoying mods have mod_version/GameData/mod/... :/ (fortunately, they've been pretty few in my collection of mods).

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Kethane comes such that all you do is unzip it in the KSP root directory (many mods do). Other mods come such that you unzip them in GameData. Some rather annoying mods have mod_version/GameData/mod/... :/ (fortunately, they've been pretty few in my collection of mods).

You realize that fighting personal preference is like trying to swim up Niagara Falls right? :wink: Any way back onto the topic, Kethane.

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I have to cut the Grid config to the desktop and run the KSP because it is annoying. Does this affects the game?

EDIT: Nope, other than giving me more grids...

The hex effect, if that is what you mean by grid, can be turned off. I turn it off when not needing to find Kethane. The UI element that lets you turn it off is in Map mode.

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I highly recommend not using mod managers. Unlike many other games, KSP mods don't need to overwrite any common set of files, so there are no conflicts to resolve. Installing KSP mods is easy and mod managers have a history of screwing things up.

You realize that fighting personal preference is like trying to swim up Niagara Falls right?

It's long been convention to package plugins such that the root of the zip archive gets merged with the game root. When 0.20 came out with the GameData feature, a lot of people switched to packaging their mods where the root of the zip goes into the GameData folder. This caused a lot of confusion because many players would try to unzip the contents of the GameData subfolder into the game root. The convention Kethane uses is the same as the old one: the root of the zip merges with the game root. It has the added benefit that it's blindingly obvious what you're supposed to do; it makes no sense to have a path like KSP/GameData/GameData/Kethane. If there's a GameData folder in the root of the zip, it's obvious that it needs to be merged with the GameData folder in the game root.

Unfortunately, a large number of players seem to miss things that are blindingly obvious. (There's really no excuse.) I ended up adding a checker that warns the user at the main menu screen if they install Kethane in the wrong place, and this has dramatically cut down on support requests, but it seems that's still not enough.

In short, it's not just personal preference, it's a damaging bad practice. Mods should package such that the zip root merges with the game root; this works for any mod, and it doesn't suffer any problems that other packaging schemes wouldn't.

I have to cut the Grid config to the desktop and run the KSP because it is annoying.

...what? I really, really hope you aren't removing the Grid.cfg file.

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The generic mod manager is meant to over write files, that is true. But also I use it as a desktop front end to activate and turn off mods in the case of errors, glitches, and such. I understand and agree that having each mod as a defined separate folder in GameData is good for modding. But I am just not a fan of renaming or moving folder after folder to track down a bug or error by hand. So the MM I use just takes what I place and puts it in the directory I designate in my KSP_MODS folder it creates.

A mod with the directory say Kethane/GameData/Kethane/(Files) just ends up in the GameData folder using the first folder to track the name and contents/placement directory. IF the MM HAD to overwrite a file, this one does not, instead it will in fact preserve a backup of files it would have to overwrite from vanilla and then replace them so that the game can always be reverted back for patching purposes. It is very handy for games that do not always have a good mod system.

As for why it is my preference even though KSP has their act together on this. Ever play one of Egosoft's X games? Heh...scrips have to be dumped into core folders and if your not careful...uninstall is impractical as a mod can have hundreds of small unique scripts. There are many games like this out there...so I go with the safer approach.

Edited by SyberSmoke
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I use KSP 0.20.2 and I load Kethane 7.7, first use. It does not work for me. No action group possible in the VAB with the detectors, no contextual menu on right click in orbit. I am running on Mac OSX 10.7.5.

What is the issue....?


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Huge fan of Kethane. For lazy guys,could you add a mini debug toolbar which enables hidden kethane tanks full of it.

Can i use zero bypass in Kerbin?

Get the TAC Fuel Balancer Mod. Among its many wonderful features is the ability to fill up tanks, including those that hold Kethane. Then build your Kethane plane with empty tanks, spawn on the runway, use TAC to fill the Kethane tanks, and you're set.

You will probably find the Kethane engine to be rather frustrating, though. To run reliably, it requires a combination of high throttle settings and low airspeed, meaning it's only really useful for very heavy, underpowered airplanes.

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I'm having trouble with kethane... Specifically, the kethane.cfg file disappears every time I load the savegame, and it doesn't seem to save the status of the game any longer, with my scanning satellites having to start from scratch everytime I load it up....

Any suggestions? It seem to have started after I download the latest (0.77) version. Not sure which version I had prior

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Hi majiir, not really a support request, more of a general question so I'll stick it here but tell me where to stick it if it's better elsewhere ;)

I would like to make a custom part for my own use; a drill that *always* produces a different resource to Kethane, but isn't a simple generator, i.e. it needs power and surface contact to work its 'magic'. It would be essentially an encapsulated electrolysis unit that can 'drill', consume a lot of electricity, and then produce Oxygen for use in either of the lifesupport mods (to simulate how a Mars mission could get water from Martian dirt, and use electrolysis to extract oxygen from that water; an expensive process, hence the high electical usage).

So my question is, is this a modification that can be created by the end user? I bet I could configure the Kethane drill to output oxygen instead, but I'm not so sure that it can be set to do this regardless of whether a resource is underneath it or not (it seems a bit silly to entirely cover a planet in a particular resource)?

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Any suggestions? It seem to have started after I download the latest (0.77) version. Not sure which version I had prior

File a full report on the Kethane issue tracker. Include your persistence (SFS) file and kethane.cfg file in addition to the debug file specified in the bug reporting guidelines.

I would like to make a custom part for my own use; a drill that *always* produces a different resource to Kethane, but isn't a simple generator, i.e. it needs power and surface contact to work its 'magic'. It would be essentially an encapsulated electrolysis unit that can 'drill', consume a lot of electricity, and then produce Oxygen for use in either of the lifesupport mods (to simulate how a Mars mission could get water from Martian dirt, and use electrolysis to extract oxygen from that water; an expensive process, hence the high electical usage).

So my question is, is this a modification that can be created by the end user? I bet I could configure the Kethane drill to output oxygen instead, but I'm not so sure that it can be set to do this regardless of whether a resource is underneath it or not (it seems a bit silly to entirely cover a planet in a particular resource)?

There's no easy way to do this with the current Kethane API. The 0.8 update will allow you to define your own deposit generators, so making a certain resource available everywhere will become possible. In the meantime, I recommend writing a plugin to get the job done.

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Majiir, I was wondering what the plans are for the scanners? I know from a few pages back you plan to make more changes. But at the same time scanners do not seam to have allot of distinctiveness. And only being able to scan a single grid point is a little on the tedious side.

Was the thought of allowing scanners to scan in parallel considered so that we can build satellites, aircraft, or ships that can scan a wider sath of a planet. Heck is that even feasible with KSP currently?

The reason I ask is because scanning a small strip is not the best use of a players time. I know that the scanning can not currently take place Out Of Ship (OOS) because KSP can not do that yet. And really there is something that bugs me about putting more scanners on just to time warp faster. Any thoughts on it?

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So the MM I use just takes what I place and puts it in the directory I designate in my KSP_MODS folder it creates.

That's going to break anything that uses model nodes. Model nodes are defined relative to GameData; adding another sub-directory means the path cannot be resolved.

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There's no easy way to do this with the current Kethane API. The 0.8 update will allow you to define your own deposit generators, so making a certain resource available everywhere will become possible. In the meantime, I recommend writing a plugin to get the job done.

Cool, I think I'll wait it out, currently concentrating on Laythe anyway so no problem with oxygen. Looking forward to the usual excitement of a new Kethane major release!

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Your missing how it works. I am trying to remain simple...but ok.

The program JSGME created a "MODS" folder. If the MODS folder is in conflict with a preexisting MODS folder, then the user can rename it, I named it KSP_MODS. The KSP_MODS folder is where you place your mods to be added into the game.

To add a mod. There is a certain convention, The Generic Mod Enabler is just that, generic. So to know what the mod is and where it go it uses the folders in the KSP_MODS folder. The first folder is the container and defines the name used in JSGME. Folders after are destination folders for the JSGME. So having a folder set of KSP_MODS\Kethane\GameData\Kethane\(Every other folder) tells JSGME that Kethane is the mod name, And then all files in order are placed in these folders, in this case GameData.

IF there are files there that are replaced, JSGME will copy them as a backup and then place the mod files into the folder. OR you can choose to have the files replaced with out a backup, but if you remove the files the game will be borked.

NOW...I really hope the long winded totally off topic explanation ends this once and for all because well...otherwise go look it up your self. Back on topic...geeze make one little post trying to help some one based on personal preference and it becomes a page spanning test of patience.

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Hi Majiir I think I've found a slight bug/glitch with one of the kethane tanks and I can't find mention of it by searching this thread. Thought I'd post this here before adding it to your issue tracker on Github incase this isn't something relevant.

It's the small KE-TL10 tank, it doesn't seem to want to sit directly on the ground. If you place it directly on the terrain (ie without legs or any other part under it) it just sinks into the ground. I've tried several simple tests in a pure stock install with just Kethane installed, with just a probe core on top of the tank (made in the SPH) when I load it the tank will sink into the runway. If I do the same thing but replace the kethane tank with the stock fuel tank (the X-200 8) it will sit on the runway fine. The other kethane tanks are all fine, if I do the same thing with them they will sit on the runway fine, its just the small tank that will sink.

I first noticed this when delivering a several tanks to a Mun base. They were winched out of a landers cargo hold with KAS and just vanished into the ground. I thought it might be a KAS issue, but I've found it happens the same in stock. Obviously in most cases these tanks will have legs or be part of another structure so its not a problem, but in the case of this base I was going for a messy (redneck) design with random tanks strewn around just sitting loose on the ground and connected to the base via KAS.

I had the same problem with the IonCross life support mod and the large oxygen and recycler parts (which are a similar size/shape to this kethane tank). But all other parts delivered have worked as expected.

Hope this is helpful and sorry if this is a repeat of another report, but I couldn't see any mention of it.

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Hi Majiir I think I've found a slight bug/glitch with one of the kethane tanks and I can't find mention of it by searching this thread. Thought I'd post this here before adding it to your issue tracker on Github incase this isn't something relevant.

It's the small KE-TL10 tank, it doesn't seem to want to sit directly on the ground. If you place it directly on the terrain (ie without legs or any other part under it) it just sinks into the ground. I've tried several simple tests in a pure stock install with just Kethane installed, with just a probe core on top of the tank (made in the SPH) when I load it the tank will sink into the runway. If I do the same thing but replace the kethane tank with the stock fuel tank (the X-200 8) it will sit on the runway fine. The other kethane tanks are all fine, if I do the same thing with them they will sit on the runway fine, its just the small tank that will sink.

I first noticed this when delivering a several tanks to a Mun base. They were winched out of a landers cargo hold with KAS and just vanished into the ground. I thought it might be a KAS issue, but I've found it happens the same in stock. Obviously in most cases these tanks will have legs or be part of another structure so its not a problem, but in the case of this base I was going for a messy (redneck) design with random tanks strewn around just sitting loose on the ground and connected to the base via KAS.

I had the same problem with the IonCross life support mod and the large oxygen and recycler parts (which are a similar size/shape to this kethane tank). But all other parts delivered have worked as expected.

Hope this is helpful and sorry if this is a repeat of another report, but I couldn't see any mention of it.

He won't handle bug reports here. Please report them as stated earlier in the thread, probably mentioned on OP.

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