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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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Yes. Back up your entire save (in case you make a mistake) and then open your persistent.sfs file in an editor (Notepad is fine for this sort of thing). Search for "KethaneData" and under that in the file is the data for each planet. Whether you've scanned them or not, each planet has its data put into the file, and you can edit them all to add a couple 0's to make them bigger.

If you don't care about the locations, you can also delete all of the planet data and change the MinQuantity and MaxQuantity to larger numbers, and then when you load your game it'll regenerate the fields, possibly in different places. You can also change the other values to make more or less fields or larger or smaller sizes.

Thank you very much! That totally solves my problem.

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Okay so I used Kethane a =lot= before the .20, .21, and .22 updates. However, I didn't bother reinstalling it because I was trying to learn the new changes in the game.

Now, I am comfortable enough with the game I would like to put Kethane back in and use it as a means to create missions for myself to go after the deposits. However, there's an issue. Before I stopped using the pack, there were very few folders required to install the pack into, which made it easy. Now, there's multiple folders of similar name in the KSP folder.

I am have a lot of trouble trying to install the pack, and I haven't found a tutorial on how to install it properly. Every time I put the .dll folder in the original folder it was meant to be in and start the game, KSP tells me it was installed incorrectly and the .dll file is to blame. Is there anyone who could lay out step by step how, and where to place the files? It would be greatly appreciated.


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I think it's one of those cases where something is "so simple it's hard". In one of those updates (0.22, I think) Squad simplified the directory structure so that mods can be simply dropped into one place, whole.

So, here's what you do:

1) delete (or archive) all old kethane files;

2) get the new version of kethane and extract the whole thing into \gamedata;

3) before you start KSP, call your mother, because you'll be distracted by kethane KSP for a long, long time!

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Thank you for that eloquent and hilarious recommendation :D

I will attempt to use it now.

And now every time I load KSP, the Kethane overlay is displayed in the background on Kerbin...

Also, when I send a craft up with the Kethane detector equipped, enough battery and solar systems as well, it neither dings or pings, highlights, or in any other way signals that Kethane has been found.

Thank you again for your help.

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Thank you for that eloquent and hilarious recommendation :D

I will attempt to use it now.

And now every time I load KSP, the Kethane overlay is displayed in the background on Kerbin...

Also, when I send a craft up with the Kethane detector equipped, enough battery and solar systems as well, it neither dings or pings, highlights, or in any other way signals that Kethane has been found.

Thank you again for your help.

1: It does that overlay. Can't really be helped.

2: Scanning doesn't start until you tell it to start. Either bind the scanner to an action group and use that action group in space, or right-click and activate the scanner.

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1: It does that overlay. Can't really be helped.

2: Scanning doesn't start until you tell it to start. Either bind the scanner to an action group and use that action group in space, or right-click and activate the scanner.

And then it only dings when scanning a new cell. So you should here one ding when you turn it on for the first time, as it scans the launchpad cell, then a few seconds after pitch-over, etc.
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I appreciate all of the help the above folks gave me!

Turns out I had duplicate sound files in the wrong locations that were interfering with the main file in the GameData folder. I have since removed them and did a fresh install of the game, re-installed B9, Kethane, and Mechjeb. I really appreciate the help guys. I look forward to making self-thought missions again with this version of KSP!


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Majiir. Now that it seems almost certain that a vanilla resource system is out, or at least going to be horrifyingly simple, will there be any expanding going on with Kethane? I know Scott in his old videos were under the impression that the reason for the relatively lite development of the Kethane mod beyond compatibility was because of the promise of a vanilla system. So with the stand the devs has taken, what is the future of Kethane? :)

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Majiir. Now that it seems almost certain that a vanilla resource system is out, or at least going to be horrifyingly simple, will there be any expanding going on with Kethane? I know Scott in his old videos were under the impression that the reason for the relatively lite development of the Kethane mod beyond compatibility was because of the promise of a vanilla system. So with the stand the devs has taken, what is the future of Kethane? :)

In the Resource poll/rant thread he posted a few days ago, pretty much on the back of the resources discontinued announcement, that he was going to be expanding the Kethane mod

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So this is really going to become popular now...

I doubt that. (Or rather, Kethane already is really popular.) I know there were some holdouts who were waiting for stock resources, but my guess is that number is pretty low. The download stats will tell us in any case.

Majiir. Now that it seems almost certain that a vanilla resource system is out, or at least going to be horrifyingly simple, will there be any expanding going on with Kethane? I know Scott in his old videos were under the impression that the reason for the relatively lite development of the Kethane mod beyond compatibility was because of the promise of a vanilla system. So with the stand the devs has taken, what is the future of Kethane? :)

The recent announcement about stock resources changes nothing about Kethane development. Since early this year, I've been operating under the assumption that the stock game will never have resource mining (or at least, nothing good enough to warrant canceling Kethane). I've been planning to add more resources to Kethane for a long time; the first step in that direction was version 0.5 with the Kethane API. More details on my expansion plans later.

Kethane development has seemed relatively slow for two reasons. The first: I've been busy. As of Saturday, I have a lot of free time to work on things, so this no longer applies. Second: My recent work has been highly technical, mostly laying the groundwork for new features. It will take some time for those features to materialize.

One of those features might look something like this...


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Interesting. So using the Biome map to plot possible Kethane deposits?

Not quite. In that shot, it's showing altitude data. I'm developing that shader to display arbitrary data with a heatmap. This will probably be used for a new resource, not Kethane. I might also make altitude and slope maps available.

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Will you be doing any sort of tie-in with damny's SCANst mod? I know you've played with it a bit, and I read your hesitations with integration (due to the electricity no being used on non-active vessels). No offense, but it just seems like a waste of your time to develop another script when damny has all the leg work done.

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Will you be doing any sort of tie-in with damny's SCANst mod? I know you've played with it a bit, and I read your hesitations with integration (due to the electricity no being used on non-active vessels). No offense, but it just seems like a waste of your time to develop another script when damny has all the leg work done.

SCANsat is mostly concerned with 2D map rendering. There's very little that could translate to Kethane. Of course, damny could add Kethane rendering support to SCANsat, but the other way around doesn't make much sense.

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I doubt that. (Or rather, Kethane already is really popular.) I know there were some holdouts who were waiting for stock resources, but my guess is that number is pretty low. The download stats will tell us in any case.

The recent announcement about stock resources changes nothing about Kethane development. Since early this year, I've been operating under the assumption that the stock game will never have resource mining (or at least, nothing good enough to warrant canceling Kethane). I've been planning to add more resources to Kethane for a long time; the first step in that direction was version 0.5 with the Kethane API. More details on my expansion plans later.

Kethane development has seemed relatively slow for two reasons. The first: I've been busy. As of Saturday, I have a lot of free time to work on things, so this no longer applies. Second: My recent work has been highly technical, mostly laying the groundwork for new features. It will take some time for those features to materialize.

One of those features might look something like this...


Absolutely brilliant! I can't wait to see where you are taking things :)

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Kethane development has seemed relatively slow for two reasons. The first: I've been busy. As of Saturday, I have a lot of free time to work on things, so this no longer applies. Second: My recent work has been highly technical, mostly laying the groundwork for new features. It will take some time for those features to materialize.

One of those features might look something like this...

While terrain data maps have been done before, this one is the most beautiful I've ever seen. It'll be great to see other data there, like 'concentration of unobtanium', etc. This post of yours is very encouraging! Looking forward to new features over time and the inevitable awesomeness.

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Majiir: I was wondering if you had considered a path for "resources" other than the exploitation model? The exploitation model of resources is simple, go some place, mine the crud out of it, then move on. It revolves around the idea that a resource is used only to advance your own path in the game and does not really offer anything in its own right other then opportunities to get more resources.

With all of this discussion about resources, I got to thinking about another model for their use, the Development Model. Unlike Exploitation, the development model looks at resources as a way to develop game play, in this case the natural progression of space travel to colonization. Resources would be Water, Food, Waste, Kerbals (non-playable), and materials (Kethane, Ore, Etc).

The point of the development model is to give the player a larger sense of accomplishment when their development reaches points of sustainability. This is more like what you would see in SimCity or Anno2070. This would not invalidate what has been done, but would alter the path of resources to something other then just mining for the sake of mining. A process that is, in game terms, something of a dead end.

If interested I would not mind discussing this in more detail with you, but right now with ideas flowing in my mind I could go on for pages. Eah probably will as I detail out the ideas. But I was just wondering if this path was under consideration as it would offer a different perspective to resource development and would be in line with what a space programs ultimate goals would be.

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While terrain data maps have been done before, this one is the most beautiful I've ever seen. It'll be great to see other data there, like 'concentration of unobtanium', etc. This post of yours is very encouraging! Looking forward to new features over time and the inevitable awesomeness.

Thanks for the kind words! Resource concentration is what I had in mind, and the altitude data is just filler for now. I want to be able to support different modes of visualization to support different styles of resources.

Majiir: I was wondering if you had considered a path for "resources" other than the exploitation model? The exploitation model of resources is simple, go some place, mine the crud out of it, then move on. It revolves around the idea that a resource is used only to advance your own path in the game and does not really offer anything in its own right other then opportunities to get more resources.

With all of this discussion about resources, I got to thinking about another model for their use, the Development Model. Unlike Exploitation, the development model looks at resources as a way to develop game play, in this case the natural progression of space travel to colonization. Resources would be Water, Food, Waste, Kerbals (non-playable), and materials (Kethane, Ore, Etc).

The point of the development model is to give the player a larger sense of accomplishment when their development reaches points of sustainability. This is more like what you would see in SimCity or Anno2070. This would not invalidate what has been done, but would alter the path of resources to something other then just mining for the sake of mining. A process that is, in game terms, something of a dead end.

If interested I would not mind discussing this in more detail with you, but right now with ideas flowing in my mind I could go on for pages. Eah probably will as I detail out the ideas. But I was just wondering if this path was under consideration as it would offer a different perspective to resource development and would be in line with what a space programs ultimate goals would be.

Your question speaks in broad terms, but I think I understand what you're getting at. I hadn't been thinking along those lines, but there's no reason other resources couldn't fit that model. For example, a Laythe base with sufficient equipment and power might constantly generate life support resources in a way that's tracked while offline and through timewarp, so you could set up infrastructure and not worry about it as long as your crew is inside. Exploitation will probably remain the primary mode of operation for Kethane, but I'll ponder alternatives. (And, of course, feel free to elaborate.)

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