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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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Okay I am confused. I am trying to get from 0.8.3 to 0.8.4. I download form the link above and the folder does not contain a GameData folder the plugin folder does not have a dll but instead has all the source code. This is like a master source node!!! Where the hell is the install ready 0.8.4 release? I do not have the ability here to compile a source release!

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Okay I am confused. I am trying to get from 0.8.3 to 0.8.4. I download form the link above and the folder does not contain a GameData folder the plugin folder does not have a dll but instead has all the source code. This is like a master source node!!! Where the hell is the install ready 0.8.4 release? I do not have the ability here to compile a source release!

Clearly you're doing something wrong; did you download from Majiir's link in the very first post of this thread? I just did and the download works fine. Unzip the archive and you get GameData folder, with the /Kethane folder and all its contents inside that.

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Hello, I have a quick question I just installed the Kethane mod not log ago I've been reading about it for a while, but now that I have it installed I have a problem, there is nothing about it in the wiki provided and when i google it nothing comes up so I'm guessing that I've done something wrong. Problem I'm having is that after launching a Kethane scanner in orbit and activating it, it scans but the moment I switch to another ship any ship it stops scanning. How did u guys solve it? and what am I doing wrong?

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Hello, I have a quick question I just installed the Kethane mod not log ago I've been reading about it for a while, but now that I have it installed I have a problem, there is nothing about it in the wiki provided and when i google it nothing comes up so I'm guessing that I've done something wrong. Problem I'm having is that after launching a Kethane scanner in orbit and activating it, it scans but the moment I switch to another ship any ship it stops scanning. How did u guys solve it? and what am I doing wrong?

Working as coded. The scanner will not work unless you fly the vehicle it's on.

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Working as coded. The scanner will not work unless you fly the vehicle it's on.

is there a way for it to scan without have me babysit it? cuz i was hoping to map the whole planet quickly with 3 or 4 of these scanner in orbit. This is just so that i can speed up the process.

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Having read the past few pages, I have a question: Are there any plans for 0.8.5? Perhaps for 0.9? Scansat proved that it's possible to have non-focused ships scan; that capability alone would be worthy of a major release, but Majiir seems conspicuous by his absence.

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is there a way for it to scan without have me babysit it? cuz i was hoping to map the whole planet quickly with 3 or 4 of these scanner in orbit. This is just so that i can speed up the process.

Oh no one (except perhaps Majiir) is disagreeing with you that it's okay to want that. The mod's just not written to allow it.

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@MASMC> Simply because it cuts off another reason for support calls. People could accidentally download an older version, find it doesn't work, then complain about XYZ not working when the most recent patch does work.

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I can imagine kethane having an overhaul, like a part overhaul, maybe a scanner for planes that can scan 5 hexagons at a time?

But it seems kethane has reached its "final form" :P

Why would you make such a statement when Majiir himself has talked about FUTURE changes to Kethane, and lil bits of code he is working on...

also....people should pay attention to the forums and other sites before claiming a dev is 'absent'...Majiir has been active several times on the forums in the past couple weeks, and activity on ghub.....he dont seem absent to me.


Think of it like this...as is Kethane is borderline OP mod, it gives you EASY access to HUGE amounts of fuel anywhere in the Kerbol solar system. The current scaning mechanics is about the only thing adding gameplay balancing.

Also keep in mind that, unlike a SCANSat or ISA map there is really no need to complete a Kethane map to 100%. In fact in most cases (when using a near-polar orbit to scan) getting 50-60% of the hexes filled is more than enough to suck a planet dry.

BEFORE you make a post and complain about scanning take a few minutes to actually learn the mechanics of how the scanners work. Link tot he Kethane wiki is in OP of this thread, and a really good read for anyone using the mod.

For instance, more scanners lets you use higher time-warp to scan. 62 of the big scanners can scan most bodys with almost no loss of per pass resolution, allowing scans to be completed in much less real-time (CAUTION using this method along with life support mods, as your not really changing the amount of mission time required...youve been warned =P...warned the guys in my space station, they didnt listen...now they dead).

Maybe Im the odd ball out on this issue, but I honestly hope Majiir keeps the scanning mechanics as is until the time the varibale hex mechanics that were spoken of in the past are implemented.

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Any chances of having the kethane pockets being generated as smaller chunks (like maybe 3 hexes together at most) but more evenly spread throughout the surface?

Main reason I'm asking is because currently there's no reason to mine kethane in any way other than to have a lander that has a kethane refiner and stores a decent amount of kethane, then have it land, mine kethane, refine some into the fuel it just spent, mine more kethane to refill and then fly back and redock to fill the ship it launched from

Roving refineries take forever to drive to the nearest kethane deposit if you land in a bad spot and the deposits are so big that it takes no effort to land on them from orbit anyway

It's not really that kethane is broken or anything, I'm just wanting a bit more variety with mining it to the point that having a refinery on the ground is more effective than having one just attached to your lander on your interplanetary ship

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Any chances of having the kethane pockets being generated as smaller chunks (like maybe 3 hexes together at most) but more evenly spread throughout the surface?

It's quite easy. Just look in your persistent.sfs for this code:

name = KethaneData
scene = 7, 8
Version = 0.8.4
Resource = Kethane
name = LegacyResourceGenerator
MinRadius = 7.29
MaxRadius = 16.2
MinQuantity = 10000
MaxQuantity = 500000
MinVertices = 20
MaxVertices = 50
RadiusVariance = 0.45
DepositCount = 17
NumberOfTries = 30
name = Kerbin
MinRadius = 4.05
DepositCount = 12

Notice that there are tons of defaults, and then specific settings per planet. Those specific settings override the default settings. So just modify the defaults and remove the planet-specific settings, or modify each planet as you wish. Something like:

name = Kerbin
MinRadius = 2
MaxRadius = 4
DepositCount = 36
MinQuantity = 5000
MaxQuantity = 200000

will give you more deposits with less per deposit.

It's been a while since I tried this but I think you also have to delete the geneated planet data as well. Look for:

Name = Kerbin
Seed = 1324904801
Deposit = 179926.195302944
Deposit = 352254.727050781
Deposit = 363776.62481916
Deposit = 466922.266970818
Deposit = 276226.758224064
Deposit = 375637.437689881
Deposit = 57565.2219110938
Deposit = 117652.912781412
Deposit = 206956.961931175
Deposit = 105328.762878351
Deposit = 52658.4945352089
Deposit = 326366.31964071

And delete the entire thing.

Make a backup of your persistent.sfs file first!

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Sorry to bother, but I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix an issue I have. I just got the new version of Kethane and it was working fine for a while, but now the grid doesnt show when the box is checked. I get a graphical issue it seems with the grid. It kind of flickers as I move the camera around. No errors in the alt+F2 window. Only other addon is latest Mechjeb. Any help woujld be greatly appreciated!


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Any chances of having the kethane pockets being generated as smaller chunks (like maybe 3 hexes together at most) but more evenly spread throughout the surface?

Main reason I'm asking is because currently there's no reason to mine kethane in any way other than to have a lander that has a kethane refiner and stores a decent amount of kethane, then have it land, mine kethane, refine some into the fuel it just spent, mine more kethane to refill and then fly back and redock to fill the ship it launched from

Roving refineries take forever to drive to the nearest kethane deposit if you land in a bad spot and the deposits are so big that it takes no effort to land on them from orbit anyway

It's not really that kethane is broken or anything, I'm just wanting a bit more variety with mining it to the point that having a refinery on the ground is more effective than having one just attached to your lander on your interplanetary ship

Not sure what page its on but awhile back majiir was talking about new code for mining that would varie the deposits and how mining is done. He was saying the deposits wouldnt change to much, but that a single drilling unit could no longer drain an entire deposit, but rather you could drain the hex your on and each hex touching it. Deposits would still have grand total, but it would be unevenly spread among the hexes, giving deposits sweet spots.

I agree, smaller deposits in higher numbers would make things a bit more interesting.

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Why would you make such a statement when Majiir himself has talked about FUTURE changes to Kethane, and lil bits of code he is working on...

also....people should pay attention to the forums and other sites before claiming a dev is 'absent'...Majiir has been active several times on the forums in the past couple weeks, and activity on ghub.....he dont seem absent to me.

I know he's been around on the forums, policing developer's licenses and what not. He hasn't been here in almost a month, though, which is what I was referring to. Do you by chance remember what those bits of code he was working on were? I don't remember seeing him say anything about future plans for quite some time now, and would like to see what he has in mind.

Edit: VVVVV Nice! Sounds pretty cool.

Edited by Hremsfeld
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I remember reading something about him changing the structure of the mines where when you mine a hex rather than mining the whole group of hexes you mine 100% of the hex youre on and 50% of the adjacent ones and 25% of the ones adjacent to those which means when exhausting on hex you have to move your location to another to keep mining. Either that or I dreamt it!!

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I'm doing a water add-on using the kethane API - what changes do I need to make to KethaneResource entry in the resource file for water (do I need a separate file?) in order to have one large deposit across the planet or moon. I'm thinking of applying this to Kerbin, Eeloo & Laythe. Also is it possible to choose where the deposits form on say duna for example so that the poles are covered or mun around some of the craters?

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Forgive me for the inconvenience but does anyone have a link for Kethane that works for .22 since i had to do a complete reinstall due to a problem with b9 and interstellar but i dont want to update to ksp .23 until i get most of the tech tree back and of course that will require spamming science.

So im really hoping someone can help me out here.

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I'm doing a water add-on using the kethane API - what changes do I need to make to KethaneResource entry in the resource file for water (do I need a separate file?) in order to have one large deposit across the planet or moon. I'm thinking of applying this to Kerbin, Eeloo & Laythe. Also is it possible to choose where the deposits form on say duna for example so that the poles are covered or mun around some of the craters?

You might want to look into the Open Resource System for that. It lets you define the location of deposits, and the rate at which you can gather resources out of them. In the case of water, it has a component for planetary oceans. Kethane's built around approximating oil deposits IN SPACE (a few areas of extremely high quantities), where ORS is built around approximating normal mineral scattering (soil/water naturally containing however many parts per million of gold, uranium, etc with some areas richer than others).

Edit: It also wouldn't require drilling into the sea floor to harvest water.

Edited by Hremsfeld
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