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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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  Sparker said:
I've got a problem with the new version. It never appeared in previeos versions of Kethane and KSP.

The big drilling unit is constantly deploying and retracting infinitely, both in editor mode and on a controlled vehicle. The deploy/retract button changes its state written in the text box, but not the real state.

By the way, have you ever thought of adding some kethane just under KSC by default so that we could test our designs?

I just use a Big Kethane tanker truck parked around back of the facility. I fill it up with the souls of Grey Shirt Kerbals. Trust me, with a name like Munvis, you are better off as Kethane. What do you think the "Wait No...STOP!" device is all about? I think it's the most entertaining method of getting kethane for testing.

Edited by Payload
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i had just figured on uploading the part text, but it wont let me do that ether, oh well.

the process is really simple. you just find which tech level you want each part to go into and put it in right above the 'cost' part of the part text.

note: you will next both the 'required tech' line and the 'entry cost' line, this is different from the 'cost' already in the text.

you will also need to go into the in-game tech tree and individually click on any parts in sections that you have already researched.

after that everything seems to work fine.

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  marko dash said:
i had just figured on uploading the part text, but it wont let me do that ether, oh well.

the process is really simple. you just find which tech level you want each part to go into and put it in right above the 'cost' part of the part text.

note: you will next both the 'required tech' line and the 'entry cost' line, this is different from the 'cost' already in the text.

you will also need to go into the in-game tech tree and individually click on any parts in sections that you have already researched.

after that everything seems to work fine.

Actually 'entryCost' is not required, it defaults to zero if not defined.

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  forsaken1111 said:
Golly gee, I'm sure sorry that this unofficial mod for an game still in alpha has some bugs good sir! Get over it, really. If you have to remake the bases, remake the bases.

Wow, thanks for that piece of enlightenment!!!

I guess since bugs are to be EXPECTED we shouldn't REPORT them or have any reason to think they might be FIXED.

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  Starwaster said:
Wow, thanks for that piece of enlightenment!!!

I guess since bugs are to be EXPECTED we shouldn't REPORT them or have any reason to think they might be FIXED.

That comment was not about a bug....was in response to someone saying that Kethane update 'broke' their save...since deposits were not in same spot......

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  KhaosCorp said:
That comment was not about a bug....was in response to someone saying that Kethane update 'broke' their save...since deposits were not in same spot......

The post I replied to was a very snarky post that explicitly mentioned bugs.

Following the entire conversational thread very much indicates that a bug is being discussed.

Bugs can be fixed. But they can only be fixed when they are reported so they can be investigated. People shouldn't be treated as though they are whining when they bring up something they feel are legitimate issues. It doesn't even matter whether they are legitimate or not.

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Response from post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/23979-Kethane-Pack-0-8-Art-pass-terrain-conforming-grid-and-miscellaneous-improvements?p=709220&viewfull=1#post709220

Man I am tired, been running a telescope all night long.

Web dev speaking here. MS is notoriously known for not being up to W3C standards. It is a fact of life, most of developers only aim to make pages work properly on FF or Chrome as that is what the majority of people use for the internet. Trying to make a web page look the same on Chrome, FF, and IE is virtually impossible (it can be done, but you will be bald and insane when you finish). Sad thing is MS believes their browser is the most advanced piece of software on the planet.

Edited by SimpleMajority
There was supposed to be a quote in there
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I see since the last update a problem.

I know not if it comes from the 0.22

Or from something here changed.

When I switch into orbital map (to see the Planet).

It takes terrible long to load, when the Kethane Grid Overlay is active.

Know anyone why?

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  ZodiusInfuser said:
Hi, I haven't had chance to update my game yet. Are there any pics of the new parts offered in 0.8?

He did post previews of these quite a while back which show the parts, you'll have to check the thread yourself (or use the search) to find them as I don't have a direct link

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  Xentoe said:
I see since the last update a problem.

I know not if it comes from the 0.22

Or from something here changed.

When I switch into orbital map (to see the Planet).

It takes terrible long to load, when the Kethane Grid Overlay is active.

Know anyone why?

I reported that on the GitHub bug tracker yesterday. Here it is: https://github.com/Majiir/Kethane/issues/188 It's probably the same thing you are experiencing, take a look.

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