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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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That's odd. What graphics settings are you running at, including terrain settings?


Terrain Detail: Default

SM3 Terrain Shaders: Enabled

Terrain Scatters: Enabled

Scatter Density: 50%


Render Quality Level: Fantastic

Texture Quality: Full Res

Fallback part Shaders: False

Aerodynamic FX Quality: Normal


Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

Full Screen: Enabled

Anti-Aliasing: 2x

V Sync: Every VBank

Frame Limit: 120 FPS

Pixel Light Count: 8

Shadow Cascades: 4

Running Kethane Version 0.7.1, KSP Version 0.20.2, Linux x86_64.

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I really like the coordinates display, but it often covers the native, mouseover stats. Perhaps the coordinates could be displayed in the overlay toggle window instead?

How come the overlay makes my game laggier than it was?

Also, it seems to run hot. Hovering the mouse over the geodesic overlay seems to cause brief interruptions which greatly slow down the game. I don't know if it's the 'mouseWindow' call, or any of these 3 lines:

var hitVertex = triangleToVertexBase(hitInfo.triangleIndex);
var sum = Enumerable.Range(hitVertex, 6).Select(c => mesh.vertices[c]).Aggregate((a, => a + ;
hoverCell = grid.NearestCell(sum);

Perhaps wrapping everything in timers (native Stopwatch object) would outline a problem?

Edited by velusip
overlay, not map
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How come the overlay makes my game laggier than it was?

It's hard to tell exactly what's causing lag. What are your system specs? Do you experience lag at all times, only when scanning, only when mousing over, or some other circumstance?

I really like the coordinates display, but it often covers the native, mouseover stats. Perhaps the coordinates could be displayed in the overlay toggle window instead?

What native mouseover stats?

Hovering the mouse over the geodesic overlay seems to cause brief interruptions which greatly slow down the game. I don't know if it's the 'mouseWindow' call, or any of these 3 lines:

var hitVertex = triangleToVertexBase(hitInfo.triangleIndex);
var sum = Enumerable.Range(hitVertex, 6).Select(c => mesh.vertices[c]).Aggregate((a, => a + ;
hoverCell = grid.NearestCell(sum);

Huh, I thought I nuked those lines. I'll have to recheck that. The likely cause of mouseover lag is the vector->cell conversion (which is done here but should have been skipped in favor of a lookup). Again, what hardware are you running? In my testing (admittedly on a powerful CPU) I was able to run hundreds of vector->cell conversions per frame without stuttering. I wonder if the impact is more severe on some CPUs.

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It most likely is, but even testing it on bare minimum settings on a 1.6Ghz Processor, with 1Gb of RAM being ate by KSP, it is still manageable (and admitably faster than I'd have thought.)

I will be testing your suggestion soon Majiir, thank you for clearing that up.

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Majiir, I have an idea, good/bad, you decide. Is it possible to use your new map technique to create a topographical map. That would be awesome. I have no idea if that's even possible. Maybe an alternative would be a elevation number, or even perhaps the gradient of the average of a hex.

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Majiir, when KSP 0.21 is released (soon hopefully), will updating to that version (w.r.t. Kethane) simply be a matter of moving our save folder and Kethane folder from GameData into the new 0.21 installation?

Btw, I've been using 0.71 today and with the exception of previously reported bugs, everything looks good!


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Majiir, when KSP 0.21 is released (soon hopefully), will updating to that version (w.r.t. Kethane) simply be a matter of moving our save folder and Kethane folder from GameData into the new 0.21 installation?

I don't have access to a 0.21 development copy, so I have no idea. I don't know of anything likely to break Kethane. In any case, keep your eyes out for a hotfix shortly after 0.21 release.

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For some reason, when I launch a ship with any kethane part, it doesn't load and I'm just stuck viewing space with Kerbal and Mun stuck in the background unable to do anything but to close my game with Alt +F4... any fixes?

Have the same issue.. glad its not just me ;)

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Also, how possible would it be to mine the sun for plasma (not physics wise, I mean kerbal wise, is it even possible to get clos enough to the "Ground" to even mine it?)

Stargate Universe - Kerbal/Kethane Style!

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For some reason, when I launch a ship with any kethane part, it doesn't load and I'm just stuck viewing space with Kerbal and Mun stuck in the background unable to do anything but to close my game with Alt +F4... any fixes?
Have the same issue.. glad its not just me ;)

As others have mentioned many times in this thread, you've probably installed Kethane incorrectly. If you have a similar issue, PLEASE read back for solutions. I don't release this mod without testing!

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As others have mentioned many times in this thread, you've probably installed Kethane incorrectly. If you have a similar issue, PLEASE read back for solutions. I don't release this mod without testing!

Um not to be a dick or anything, but its pretty easy to install a mod in KSP.. Prior to this update I had no issue.. I've wiped KSP 3 times and reinstalled Kethane the same amount. Pretty flawless, unzip the kethane.zip to KSP/GameData folder...

However, upon further investigation, Kethane was not the cause of the issue. Seems one of my other Mods, was conflicting with Kethane, and upon removal, has resolved the issue. I have a feeling it was using an older MMI_Kethane.dll file which was causing the conflict. I will try and see which mod was using an older dll, and update this post.

Thanks for the assistance.

GP Space Industries

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Stargate Universe - Kerbal/Kethane Style!

Is that like wormhole mining? Interesting concept actually haha. Oh man, once we have wormhole technology I'm going to be sooo lazy. Just wormhole myself a sandwich and beer to the PC; science at it's finest no doubt.

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I'm not seeing anything Kethane-related. I suggest you experiment a bit and try it again with the hotfix coming in a couple minutes.

Turns out it was not Kethane really. Something broke my save file, since a new save works perfectly fine. :( I have to start from scratch :( :(

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Stargate Universe - Kerbal/Kethane Style!

I don't get the reference, I never watched SG:U, I was more into the actual action of SG:A and SG:SG1.

But really, does anyone know, or is the surface so intensely dense that it vaporises anything on touch?

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First of all it takes an Immense amount of deltaV to get yourself to landing speeds, more deltaV than you can actually achieve with stock parts. The Orion engine might be able to do it, or infinite fuel. And after that I do believe there's actual land there but it's 100% pointless. With the deltaV you spend to land and take off again you could have done every mission imaginable 100 times.

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Is that like wormhole mining? Interesting concept actually haha. Oh man, once we have wormhole technology I'm going to be sooo lazy. Just wormhole myself a sandwich and beer to the PC; science at it's finest no doubt.

No. It's like a ship diving into star's atmosphere, opening its plasma scoops and gobbling enough liquid fire to power all systems until next stardive. Inefficient and complicated, but pretty cool to watch. Unfortunately it was one of few good things in the entire show.

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Its really to bad the Devs for this game don't work as hard as most of you Mods... Excellent update, only one issue I have is the grid showing up on the load screens. Always looks like a texture glitch and seems like the stock load screens should remain stock. Again, thanks for all your doing for us Fans.


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What makes you think they don't work as hard? They have a much bigger system to work on, and they have to be much more careful with their releases because brown-paper-bag releases are very expensive for them. Modders can (to a certain extent (reputation effects)) afford BPB releases, Squad cannot. We have no idea how much they're doing and not telling us because the work is still secret. Mods can be (and many are) much more open. Go ahead and appreciate the hard-working modders, but give Squad a bit of slack. They've recently put 0.21 out for testing, they can't be slacking off that much :)

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With the overlay open in Mapmode, when i have hovered my mouse over the grid and get the Node Popup info in my screen, then when i return too my ship view, the Popup stays in my screen, replacing the mouse cursor.. to get back too a normal cursor i have too switch back too the mapmode, hold my mouse away from the HexGrid overlay, and then return again too the Shipview..

Its a minor glitch, dunno others have it too, dunno if other have the same issue, havent read all the pages ..

For the rest great work Majir, really like the new Overlay..

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Majiir, I am still having lag issues when the overlay is on, the game studders when it's on and does not when i switch it off. I don't see anything in the debug console in terms of errors. and checking the output file, I don't see anything there either, or at least anything blatant.

However, I do notice it gets worse when you zoom up on the planet and watch the hexes being scanned, when you zoom out, there is less lag and when the probe is on the far side of the planet it also doesn't lag as much, it's only when your actually looking at the hexes as they are being scanned.

Edited by agentexeider
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