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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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An I doing something wrong with the smaller drill? I have two rigs within 100 meters of each other on the Mun, one with a small drill and one that has two of the large drills. The large drill rig works just fine and mines the Kethane, the small drill rig runs but no Kethane in the storage tank. They are of similar design (both have the drill directly attached to the storage tank). Maybe something weird with the small craft?

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  rottielover said:
An I doing something wrong with the smaller drill? I have two rigs within 100 meters of each other on the Mun, one with a small drill and one that has two of the large drills. The large drill rig works just fine and mines the Kethane, the small drill rig runs but no Kethane in the storage tank. They are of similar design (both have the drill directly attached to the storage tank). Maybe something weird with the small craft?

Probably more to do with the height of the drill... too high and it doesnt reach the Kethane, too low and it bypasses the Kethane... the clue is if there is sparks coming off the drill or not (and then smoke if the kethane is coming). If you see sparks as it deploys and then the sparks stop...probably the drill is too low.

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  keptin said:
We're planning an art pass on some of the old Kethane legacy parts and looking into a method to make the art update non-intrusive for save files containing legacy parts. [...]

This just keeps getting better and better. :)

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  Arrowstar said:
So does this mean you and Majiir are working together again? :)

Yes. For now, he's working on things that won't require any coding on my end to support, but we'll be moving into full-scale development of new parts soon enough. This is Kethane's first dedicated art pass, but nearly a year after initial release, I think it's a good time.

  Frederf said:
Why is this information not on the Kethane wiki?

It is now.

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So this whole grid overlay malfunction is kind of crippling my current usage of Kethane. Is there a way to re-enable the old map until it's fixed? Or is there some other alternative to getting it to work the way its supposed to?

I hear it's possibly got something to do with mechjeb.

Edited by shadowsutekh
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  ASnogarD said:
Probably more to do with the height of the drill... too high and it doesnt reach the Kethane, too low and it bypasses the Kethane... the clue is if there is sparks coming off the drill or not (and then smoke if the kethane is coming). If you see sparks as it deploys and then the sparks stop...probably the drill is too low.

Bingo! Thank you! Looks like the drill ended up too low. I raised it in the design a little and re-tested and it worked.

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  shadowsutekh said:
So this whole grid overlay malfunction is kind of crippling my current usage of Kethane. Is there a way to re-enable the old map until it's fixed? Or is there some other alternative to getting it to work the way its supposed to?

I hear it's possibly got something to do with mechjeb.

What are you referring to?

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nhnifong: the problem with the kethane grid disappearing into the planet. It's actually a stock bug and there's a workaround posted earlier in the thread (look through BloodyRain2k's posts). My understanding is there's a whole thread dedicated to his patch.

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Since the model of a drill is being worked on, I have a tiny suggestion that would make placing the drills much easier. On basically every page someone is complaining that he got something to the Mün and the drill is working and everything, but the Kethane tanks are not filling up. I think in every case it was either placed too low or high.

My proposal: Could we get two simple lines on the drill (shaft) itself that shows the allowed depth visually? If both are visible, it's too high. If none is visible, it's too low. Only if the upper line alone is visible it's fine. The great advantage is that this doesn't have to be tried out first, but a visual test is enough, therefore it doesn't require any Kethane below KSC just to test if the drills are working.

Even though I'm still very new to Kethane, this would be very much appreciated and also (hopefully) give clear rules for placing the drills that can easily be explained in the Wiki. It might even be self explanatory for some when they see the lines, or a small note in the description might make it even more obvious. I'm sure it would reduce the frequency of the "why am I not getting any Kethane" question :)

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  Creat said:
Since the model of a drill is being worked on, I have a tiny suggestion that would make placing the drills much easier. On basically every page someone is complaining that he got something to the Mün and the drill is working and everything, but the Kethane tanks are not filling up. I think in every case it was either placed too low or high.

My proposal: Could we get two simple lines on the drill (shaft) itself that shows the allowed depth visually? If both are visible, it's too high. If none is visible, it's too low. Only if the upper line alone is visible it's fine. The great advantage is that this doesn't have to be tried out first, but a visual test is enough, therefore it doesn't require any Kethane below KSC just to test if the drills are working.

Even though I'm still very new to Kethane, this would be very much appreciated and also (hopefully) give clear rules for placing the drills that can easily be explained in the Wiki. It might even be self explanatory for some when they see the lines, or a small note in the description might make it even more obvious. I'm sure it would reduce the frequency of the "why am I not getting any Kethane" question :)

+1 Great idea.

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Creat: while that's an excellent idea (and it would be good if done anyway), I think it would be better to "fix" the drill such that it can't be too low. While I know how it would be done, there might be a reason for the limited depth range.

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The drilling depth changed on the small drill as a consequence of merging the raycast code. I've added fudge factors on my dev build which add another half meter to each end for the radial drill. If I get a fix release ready before the new art is ready, you'll have that, and the visual indicator will simply be the drill geometry; if the art is ready, you'll have a new drill, and it too will be a sufficient visual indicator.

[EDIT] It strikes me that Kethane is in a similar place as KSP right now. There have been a lot of improvements, and many improvements that are in-development and promised, yet for some reason the latest updates aren't running so smoothly. In both cases, I recommend patience.

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Can someone post their designs for a kethane miner, refueling space station and a transport ship. I'm trying to build a mining operation on Minmus where i'll have several mining rigs, where a transport ship will transfer kethane from the rigs, to a orbiting station where it'll be converted into fuel/oxi. I'm really not good at designing stuff, everything i've built so far has failed terribley. I'm using Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) instead of docking ports, even without having to line up docking ports, i'm still failing. So i would be very interested in seeing other peoples designs, especially if they fit into the 3 step process i'm trying to build, mine>transport>convert.

Edit: ok, just found the kethane designs thread in spacecraft exchange, i was looking in genral discussion where the screenshots thread is xD

Edited by Matticus88
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I have a issue. idk what it is but as soon as i try to launch a ship with a surveyor part it fails to load and when i have launched before adding that part it loads, but when i reenter the VAB i cant even add a surveyor part it just freeze and i cant click anything.

Mod list if any of the mods conflict with Kethane


Subassembly manager

Editor extensions

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Kethane 0.7.5 has been released. The download link on the first post has been updated.

This update implements a new data system and includes miscellaneous fixes and improvements. This update is only compatible with versions 0.6 through 0.7.4.

Changes in this version:

  • Kethane data is now saved in the persistence file, so it will behave as expected through reverts and quicksaves/loads. Data is migrated from the old data file to the persistence file when the save is first loaded in either the flight or tracking station scenes. (The persistence file is not immediately saved when this happens, so perform a normal save to ensure the data is preserved.)
  • Added configurable offsets for extractor raycast endpoints.
  • Fixed the KE-X130 drilling height.
  • The plugin now checks its location at KSP startup and warns the user if it's been installed incorrectly.
  • Incorporated BloodyRain2k's scaled space fix. (This addresses the grid disappearing/jittering issue.)
  • Fixed an issue where the grid overlay would appear in the sky of the space center scene.
  • Fixed an issue with KethaneDetectorAnimatorUnity where the retract animation would not play.
  • Fixed an issue where settings changes could be lost on exit.
  • Removed the upgrade routine for pre-0.6 save formats.

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I have an enormous bug to report. I can't attach survey units or the Kerbal Unreconstitutionator because whenever I click to attach, the part connects and immediately disconnects and from then on, refuses to be put down and is unable to try attaching again. I have to delete it. Then, if what I attempted to attach the part to is not the focal part, picking it up renders it unable to be put down or attached, like the kethane part, and this time cannot be deleted by any means, I cannot save the craft, nor can I exit the game or throw it away into the parts menu. I'm stuck and screwed over before I'm even done designing the damn thing.

I've tried redownloading the mod and installing it without the Game Data directory, same results. The stupid thing refuses to work; and therefore I can't use this mod at all.

But the fuel tanks work!

Mods installed:



DEMV Mk1 v0.18.1

DEMV Mk2 v0.18.1

Extraplanetary Launchpads

FASA Asteroids




Lionhead Aerospace rovers Pandora & Prometheus


Romfarer Lazors & Sunbeams

Spaceprobe Parts

TriggerTech Kerbal Alarm System


Edited by Brixmon
Just read bug report guidelines, listed mods and provided ouput log.
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Wow this really is perfect timing! I'm just about done experimenting and wanted to start my Kethane-based space program, and magically a new version appears just an hour before I start. Thank you for the update!

I'm assuming from the changelog that the ScaledSpaceDumper.dll is no longer necessary at all, or is there still something fixed by it that is not Kethane related?

By removing the (old) kethane folder (in GameData) I also automatically reset all resources (which may or may not have existed) to guarantee the use of the new generation algorithms?

Edited by Creat
Typos fixed
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Brixmon: It looks like you're running an older version of KSP. Kethane is only compatible with the latest, which is currently 0.21.1.

  Creat said:
I'm assuming from the changelog that the ScaledSpaceDumper.dll is no longer necessary at all, or is there still something fixed by it that is not Kethane related?

ScaledSpaceDumper provides diagnostic information which Kethane's implementation skips, but the fix itself is the same.

  Creat said:
By removing the (old) kethane folder (in GameData) I also automatically reset all resources (which may or may not have existed) to guarantee the use of the new generation algorithms?

There are no new generators in this release.

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  Majiir said:
Brixmon: It looks like you're running an older version of KSP. Kethane is only compatible with the latest, which is currently 0.21.1.

ScaledSpaceDumper provides diagnostic information which Kethane's implementation skips, but the fix itself is the same.

There are no new generators in this release.

Love the bug fixes majiir, thanks for working on this :cool:

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