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Inflated heat shields when duplicated and radially applied will make it unable to retract [heat shield never fully extends and gets desynced]


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: Kapybara Space Program, Black Sky Mod | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 | GPU: RTX 3060 TI | RAM16GB DDR4


Loaded the craft, placed an inflatable heat shield onto an engine plate directly, extended it, and then tried to apply that same process to my boosters. I was at 3 symmetry which seemed to work normally for placing them but now none of them are retractable, being marked as retracted, but also extended (and they actually are). 


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Edited by Spicat
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@The Space Peacock This appears to be related to the deployment status issue I identified in the bug report linked below. The part does not properly reach deploy status and thus when it is duplicated or when a save is loaded with one extended, the "heat shield extended" button seems to be out of sync with the part and thus won't let it retract (due to the part already thinking it's retracting but not moving)

Unsure if you can link them or otherwise note it easily, but the root cause appears to be that the heat shield never fully extends and when it's copied or the save is loaded with it extended the button gets desynced and doesn't work.

My comment is here:


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On 1/5/2024 at 7:19 PM, hatterson said:

Unsure if you can link them or otherwise note it easily, but the root cause appears to be that the heat shield never fully extends and when it's copied or the save is loaded with it extended the button gets desynced and doesn't work.

thanks for the insight! added a note to the title of this report :)


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