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'Clear Workspace' opens a prompt that makes it seem like the game will delete the workspace save when used


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: CustomFlags | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 10 | CPU: i7-3770K | GPU: GTK 1060 6GB | RAM32 GB


  1. Go to the VAB in an existing save
  2. Discover there's already a craft there that you were working on before
  3. Click the new craft icon because you want to start a new one
  4. This prompt appears:

The word "delete" here is scary. It makes it sound like the game is going to remove files from disk.

But more importantly, the only two options are to "delete" the current build or not create a new craft at all. Neither of these is adequate to the main thing players will expect from this button, which is to clear the VAB without losing data. There should be a third button along the lines of "Save and Clear", which saves any changes to the current craft before emptying out the VAB for a new craft. This should probably be the default option when this prompt appears, because "deleting" isn't what anyone wants, and cancelling is only for mis-clicks, a corner case.

Or for an even better UX, have it auto-save the current craft and clear the VAB without any prompt at all! One easy click!

Edited by The Space Peacock
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