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A twin seat MK1 cockpit (Basically just a stretched Peregrine cockpit with an extra seat)

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Pretty short suggestion post, there's currently no (good looking) option for a twin seat Mk1 cockpit, as your options are essentially limited to either:

image.png?ex=65bdc157&is=65ab4c57&hm=7fc5dab1a3a6c9f63acb6f18c3f95e7d418c0660a3d5b4081b7563041b826c83& orimage.png?ex=65bdc194&is=65ab4c94&hm=ccfee7c6451be12376575e50bfa073ea25e97fba93f1ae1353a2fe1e6ed8f26d&











Neither of which are particularly pretty, a twin seat stretched variant of the Peregrine cockpit would work wonders here for plane designs, something akin to the F-14's cockpit perhaps?


Edited by DibzNr
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I think in terms how they organized the cockpit is very nice. Having one for every size. A way they could change it is by bringing part variants back. So selecting cockpit and then choose the regular or extended (2 seater) version. The same can be done for crew pods, after selecting the size having a few pod designs to choose from (like crew dragon style for M), with all having their own advantage

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I am actually quite fond of this one, though it doesn't mean you can't have a 2-seater dedicated one.


I (as always) like the idea of a toggleable / procedural part to address this.

Edited by Superfluous J
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