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Release pacing


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I feel OP sums up my perspective pretty well. I truly hope this is due the the current state of developement and not an attempt to railroad my playstyle into other systems. 

It took me probably around 800 hours in KSP1 before I started to plan regular missions outside of Kerbins SOI.

I know not everyone uses the same slow, methodical approach i (and my completionist nature) are compelled to.

That is what makes the glory of the first truly shine. The wrapped a sandbox into a game. No wrong approach. Have fun, explore.. learn and kerbal the Cosmos.

Hurry up and unlock everything.. or what is more likely.. do a few missions and lock yourself out of future success bc you wanted a couple cool parts.


Usually, no big deal. I'll do an extra 60 missions amd make up for it.


I think there is enough feedback that specific improvements will come to address these shortcoming. I am still extremely excited and hopeful...much of that is overshadowed by a deep seeded fear that multi-player/ colonies will superceded any an all aspects of solo play.

What I mean to say is.. I hope they drop the push toward linear expansion and adopt a model based exploratory progressions.

Edited by Fizzlebop Smith
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