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Fizzlebop Smith

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Everything posted by Fizzlebop Smith

  1. 10-4. Will do. I was almost as excited for the AMA as I was for KSP2 launch. Seems dumpster fires are allowed to burn out on their own.
  2. Aside From the Visual Packs.. Do Some research Bc some are not cross compatible with one another. With the new clouds I dropped Astonomers and spectra. I get most of my enjoyment from the immersion mods that add to the career experience. Once I get out of work I'll cull a list down to what I really love most and upload. At work now but wanted to respond so I wouldn't forget. I just started a ScanSAT ay that's awesome. I'll start off by recommending Contract Configurator Cacteye Refocused (Adds Satelites that are amazing with Distant Object Enhancement) ScanSAT Contract Pack : Anomalies Contract Pack: Constellations Contract Pack: Research Advanced Division Contract Pack; ScanSat Missions Contract Pack: Tourism (One With Casino) Some QOL that make the above easier and more engaging Mechjeb2 Waypoint Manager There are a couple more, Contract packs are my favorite thing about modded play. There are some more I can't remember or take the time post ATM. Look forward to reading the recommendations and will he back later with Ckan import list.
  3. My worst mission out that far is always manned. The probes are launched off of the main craft after the relay is set. Thought there might me some frog men observing from orbit.
  4. Was referring to the "Reddit" As far as off topic.. I guess I mis understood what AMA meant.
  5. I do think this is most likely the case. Though.. in poorly manage corporate situations I've been involved with. It's more about damage control, and having direct control over *who* gets to be the one talking. Conflicting narratives and all. I have a feeling that a single person mentioning internal conversations or emails might prove some form of malfeasance in sure anyone at TTI would claim ots bc of the close door negotiations.
  6. Did read through the posts to see if anyone posted a patch. You should probably start from page 1 the very first post..the one introducing the mod, talking about features. This one even has a small FAQ
  7. That is beautiful backgrounds. Welcome to the forum... did they make it back?
  8. Yea legal reached out light lightning.
  9. Moderators removed the OP. I bet there would have been more concurrent viewers than KSP2 avg player count should there ever be a real AMA. Cease and Desist on the Gag Violation was probably overnighted.
  10. I understand the advance funds being the payment for the training.. that makes sense. Rewards should be 0 funds as the leveling is the true reward. It costs me more to successfully train my kerbals than it does to kill them in the attempt.. I think the rep loss is due to something I messed up.. Almost got my own version working where advancement costs progressively more and rewards are all 0
  11. I'm quite the idiot. If i would have posted the actual warning. I would have been told its due to a unrelated mod. I must have fat fingered an older mod that was raising Thank you for taking the time. I have seen people post partial clips from logs and informed S.O.P would include a log. I do see the difference in situation and that makes sense. I often forget screen shots. I get intimidated by the number of logs but am learning where they are at. I feel quite chagrined to have been thinking at work today .. maybe its still on the list for load order.. maybe a cache somewhere.. like all this stuff & a soon as i power up i realize i must have stayed up too late.
  12. Greatly appreciate the advice. At work and was hoping it was a situation people have encountered enough for the answer be obvious to those other than myself. The the mods producing the warning have been removed. If no one provides that easy solution i will move a back dated save into a waiting install that mirror the current instant without problem mods ever touching the install. This will be quicker than compiling logs, uploading to cloud servers and trying to link imgur to the forum. Should that fail to work I add something akin to a bug report. Your message did make me realize that I wrote error instead of warning.
  13. I am hoping there is a simple solution to my problem. I'm technically illiterate in many regards amd have a decade gap in troubleshooting related to PC. I spent several days getting a modded install working. During initial loading, all errors have been resolved. I was proud of my bloated but stable install. One of the contract mods I love (Kerbal Academy) is producing negative contract values on this playthrough. I could not find a solution (issue is reported on github) and installed the contract suite which allows in situ modifications of contracts Contract Window + Contract Parser Cap Com + Dependencies When loading, I received 4 "warnings" related to this newest mod install. I have never witnessed a warning before. Once removing above mods.. I still get the error on load but with a (legacy) warning in front. The game ran stable, buy I am hoping there are some cache files / generated txt file I can remove to correct this warning at load.
  14. Finalized is the one being supported. Whenever you are curious which version is being used.. look at the game version and / or changelogs This will give you most recent ksp vesion & last time updated
  15. 1/10 Uh.... 446 Peta Flops (IF Google be believed) is the record for modern machines. You are obviously obsolete I vacillate for long periods of time over some of the simplest decisions. Weighing various arbitrary priority functions against one another in an endless loop before everything hits a hard reset and I choose the very first thing I was thinking about.
  16. Wait what? Are we burning stuff? The montage printer scene from office space started playing in my head.. then I realized we live I a world of digital distribution.
  17. I have used this contract before. Several times, without any issues what so ever. however, this install.. contracts are being generated with a negative hit to funds and rep. Advance -100,000 Reward -200,00 Im curious if anyone else has encountered this and knows a way around it without manually editing the contract every time. I know the thread is technically dead, but im sure there are many still using this mod I saw that it is a known issue on Github and was wondering why it hasn't happened to me before, due to that i have hope someone has a solution.
  18. Sums it up well. I would understand the nature of the workspace if i could have figure out what it was meant to do. I actually ran a series of tests where i would name the Workspace a unique name, and the craft generic. Then i would name the workspace generic, with unique on the craft to figure out the logic. If workspaces are unique.. shouldn't I be able to call multiple vessels: Vessel 1. Like many of those things the community could not fathom, it would all make sense in due time. Well im wondering now when that time will be?
  19. Maybe someone can implement a patch? I dont know if getting the Author will work as this has not been active on the thread. Also didnt see a github repo with bug reports so it seems this is the place.
  20. I wonder if something like OpenMW would be possible. Those of the community with the know-how and desire can band together and build a new engine that handles the games assets and uses the same exe, I have no clue as to what went into this with Morrowind and it seems to have split a large group of the gamers who are Morrwind fans. When i returned to the world of gaming i wanted to check out the open MW VS the modded MW reimagined but i was too consumed with KSP1 to dig into a heavily modded install for MW. With the bombing of the sequel, convincing anyone at T2 to support something tangentially related to Kerbals.. will probably have the traction of ice For the community to repair / optimize the foundation, they would need access to the source which is similarly likely.
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