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Fizzlebop Smith

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Everything posted by Fizzlebop Smith

  1. That sucks. Spreading it around generally won't help. Mod authors and people that us a (insert mod) typically frequent those threads.. or subscribe. LGG maintains over a hundred mods or so and is quite busy. You could try pinging them on the thread. Do you use Ckan to install mods or did you manually install? Have you - tried to verify the integrity of files? (Steam Option) Have you attempted to uninstall the mod Cacteye etc.. and reinstall? If you use a manual install - reread the install directions and make sure your folder structure is correct
  2. As I mentioned.. I use ship manifest to work around the transfer issues caused by normally incompatible Civ Pop modules. The message I was commenting about, didn't mention USI so perhaps ask this question of the general masses. Docking port shouldn't have anything to do with a crew space being available for life support as thag would be under the configs of the respective command pod / hab module. I use snacks
  3. I know it sucks man. When my Grandmother passed it floored me. I still get reminders for her Birthday and cannot stomach the idea of deleting the calendar alert. Find joy in those memories that you hold dear. Find those moments from childhood that ring most true. Seek out those scents, sights and sound which trigger the reverie and help you hold them dear. Sadness sucks, but is proportionate to the joy you experienced with her. Otherwise, the ache would not be near so great. Tenper your sadness with those memories that conjure joy. I remember waking up before the age of school & my mom being gone. Dad worked on the road. I remember they divorced because mom would be "sleeping it off" and I missed 30+ days of Kindergarten. She had convinced me she was sober, new leaf and all. My dad was strict and we got courts involved... I moved in with my mom and little brother. Thank goodness, he needed someone responsible. Mom sold our government assistance for drug money, she had more men than I can count. If we needed a new sink.. BF of the week would be a plummer. I was given RX opioids at 15 to "perk me up" & a live in Girlfriend at the same age. Graduated high-school right before I turned 17 and paid rent on the entire place with my first job... there is a great I still struggle to forgive her for. Mainly for the way my brother was treated when I was kicked out for refusing to feed her habit. My grandmother was my rock.. during my life I never once heard her speak I'll of my mother. I miss her more than words can ever express. It gets easier... eventually. You get a little numb to the pain, scars form and joy doesn't taste like ashes anymore. I pray you find that day sooner then later. Remember those good moments with her.. not all mothers are equal.
  4. Additionally, there have been other efforts made to correct various memory problems. KSP Community Fixes (Mod) Heap Padder (Mod) KSP Memory Allocation Fix (Utility) I too only have the barest understanding of code, but thought there would be some mention of effort already made. It just seems that someone would do a quick "KSP1 Mem Allocation Fixes" Interwebz search before posting such a length call for discourse. Referencing those past discussion would lend more insight on how to focus / compose such a post. As it is.. it cones off as a "Hey everyone. I noticed something that has been overlooked for 15+ years. Where do I send the bug report or how bout one of you ace modder get on this?"
  5. This is the place you should go. You can ping a mod and get this moved, or start a new post in the proper place. This is a good read before you begin
  6. Approach the people on Kerbalism thread. Im sure there is even a dedicated discord out there somewhere. Those mods that are "overhaul" related, typically fall under the author of the overhaul to include patches.
  7. ^^^ PLease follow this advice. I was a complete newb (still am) when I came to KSP and this was a lesson I learned a little late.
  8. Use ship manifest to transfer crew. IiRC that works when CivPop setting to 'always allow transfer' I seem to recall experiencing something similar.
  9. "And another thing- KSP2 seemed to finally be getting revived, gaining replay value and was generally a better game. Then those dummies at Take Two canceled it. " I agree that the game had a few positive improvements during its final days, (current build is MILES better than launch) but i keep hearing contradictory analyses on the final potential of the game. I mean.. Yea i wish they would have continued to make KS2 .. if it would be capable of building a 2500+ part ship in orbit and actually flying it another system. Those conversations i remember tracking from way back in the day leaned into orbital construction and only near future tech, this suggested colonies, orbital installations and generational ships would be thing but i cannot envision the game supporting a massive infrastructure. I long for the day when there are some real dissection of the game, whether that day ever comes is something else all together, but i just would like to KNOW if it COULD have happened.. given the time and a proper injection of experience. I know absolutely nothing about the nuances between Webdevx code or whatever Foonix was talking about. For those of us uninitiated in the software industry, i think that is the most frustrating part. At this point we are all pretty sure it was a cash grab everyone from bleeding green than was deemed necessary. and not talking kerbals here. I know that KSP2 could have been amazing if everything would(nt) have worked against it from the very beginning... you know , like if everything were done differently. but i would like to eventually learn the definitive ruling from on high about KSP2 and whether it ever had legs.
  10. Cant stop playing it... Core Keeper and trying to get more folks hooked. I have always gravitated to the Low End graphics and think this is my new casual go to. It seems like I have a hard time engaging with KSP without at least a 4-5 window to really play, as the demands on my time increase, I am leaning more on games that i can kill and hour playing. It does suck not having anyone I know enjoy the same games, this one would be fun to get a small group together.
  11. A kickstarter of other crowdsourced method of purchasing the IP (KSP1) for the public domain might get some traction. The game has inspired alot of people to get into profitable fields.
  12. There is a mod that increases EVA functions as you suggest. Type EVA on Ckan
  13. It's because the kerbal is in some quasi EVA state. You cannot do a crew report while in external command seat. That's my guess. The other would involve the fact that bon voyage is for rovers and the seat is specifically designed to function with a rover and therefore includes the controller script. Anyone ever try this with the mem allocation tool? I am wondering if the script will keep the RAM from spooling constantly.
  14. I couldn't find the conversations where the mod was actively discussed with a broad community, and cooperative troubleshooting efforts provide patches. I also found it more difficult to find compatibility discussions. I failed to locate related suggestions & support and mod recommendations based on a preferred playstyle. I was unable to find a way to ping other members that might be interested in reviving some of the Dead github repos... or how to determine which members of the github community at large have an extended interest in KSP1 and might be willing to take on updating / maintenance of said more for free. Reddit is certainly searchable and offers many similiar features, but does not maintain the same coherent format and structure for easy reference. Some of the smaller reddit communities I've joined have a great sense of community, but find it largely lacking in general. Loss of the forum would definitely be a sad day and I think player count would suffer from those that don't know what a repo is.
  15. I like cats, especially big fluffy ones that have a penchant to sometimes behave as if a dog. I hate cat bites. I am getting somewhat older now. Three times in my life, I have been close enough to taste deaths sweet kiss. Of those three, one was from a cat. Everyone who has ever owned a car recognizes that moment where the LSD cascades have been triggered I'm a cats brain. Pupils dilate, they do 2-267 laps around the room with the pounce tail twitching back and forth. I had replaced a set of blinds about 6 weeks previously and Mikey (my amazing 23lbs Mainecoon) just went into full spaz mode. He was sitting there all hunkered down looking the 220$ blinds. The apartment I first lived in was super small, but had a 10 x 8 window in the non bedroom. He had climbed the blinds a few weeks prior while I was at work. I reached down and scooped him up all casual.. to prevent another disaster. He bit, it hurt but wasn't that big a deal. I soaked my hand in warm water / put bacitracin on it. By the time I woke up, my hand had tripled in size and I was delirious with a 104° fever. Thank god for my partner because I lost a few days in the delirium. There is a chance I might have wandered out into public and made it to someone with concern, but who know. The doctors said, If my partner would not have brought me in, it would have been bad. The pictures had red in the veins & the infection blistered my skin like a sunburn. The top most layer flaked and peeled from the heat of my body. All within 12-14 hours of being bit. It was crazy. I also hate that I have to take allergy shots or eye lashes fall out from combination puffy / rubbing
  16. That's awesome. I really hope you all can drum up some renewed interest. I would honestly reinstall if there were procedural mission / science awards.
  17. I shared that excitement for a bit, but think the mod community of KSP2 has largely vanished. Those two mod developers specifically have stopped working on the game. There are still a couple people working on it. I am a mission player, the only way i can really play for ever is if i have something to keep me going. I think the space tourism is a perfect example of what could have be a truly epic element of 2. Not all things are meant to be. I think adding procedural mission template at the launch of for Science would have generated a bit more sustained play. I could be wrong. In the beginning, anytime i brought up missions being my favorite part of KSP1 i would get bashed "Thats a mod!!" or "those were stupid, redundant and easily exploited" There is a mod for KSP2 on spacedock called KSRE (one of my favorite ksp2 mods) the developer is very anti contact. But from what i remember it was a serious overhaul that is under constant development. The CKAN version is dead.
  18. The "I'm suggesting" verbiage of the OP suggests to me that this is an idea for a mod, rather than a mod already out. Kerbal EVAl follower is a wonderful tool to bring life to the kerbals. You can create way points. I like staging pictures with it and it's amazing for heavy parts in eva construction with KIS
  19. Is there any remaining infrastructure. I think it would be paramount to attempt species survival... unless you were certainly the last, a great deal of effort would be spent toward finding others. If I was without a doubt the last. I would probably fly a plane into something and go out like a kerbal.
  20. Just the Hall of Famers or can some Honorable Mentions make the board? I haven't read anything in a bit that i would consider to be the pinnacle of a genre, but some have definitely resonated. While I really did love Enders Game when I was younger, the books about bean were more up my alley. A great deal of lore / world building. I love learing the stuff behind the scenes. I enjoyed reading about the shadow government created by the siblings. I particularly liked the single child rising to messiah figure was avoided somewhat for Bean. It was more of a Man vs Man internal conflict with bean struggling over familiarly obligation & desire to prevent a major geopolitical dumpster fire. It has been some years since I read the Shadow of the Hegemony and one about Valentine & Peter. Recently started up the Honor Harrington books. It will be second complete read through and is one of my favorite series of all time. I am a sucker for character arcs & character developement. I think Weber does an amazing job of illustrating the macro and how it fits into the micro.The human equation effects all decisions we make as intelligent beings.. a weighing of consequence and desire balanced by emotion and the rational mind. I also like the military focus, the author presents skill at describing the minutia of battle without bogging the reader down. Attention is paid to tactics / strategy and how they evolve over time with the arms race between polities. As weapons and communications systems evolve, you see the scope of warfare change. I felt the Honorverse books did a great job of showing the dichotomy and internal conflict that waged within us all. Most of those books I read multiple times are from a love of certain characters. Weber does a good job of capturing those flaws that make us real without giving into hyperbole or satirical parody.
  21. Kerbal: Awakenings - Prologue [Darkness. An abyss of black fills the screen] Slowly, a dim, flickering light emerges, illuminating a cramped, cluttered series of underground tunnels. Cast off personal effects lie amidst centuries. Haphazard pules of debri chokes choke the narrow tunnels. A massive 10m Vault door of pitted plas-steel and ferro-crete slowly materializes from out of the gloom. A rusty sign swings precariously above and makes a grating squeal every back and forth motion. Garish neon letters sputtering erratically: "Welcome to The Great Burrow: Where Kerbalkind Keeps Burrowing!" [A small box lying in the dust emits a series of chirps and a burst of Garbled static] Narrator (Whimsical Voice-over): “Five hundred years ago, give or take a century, Kerbalkind made a teensy-weensy miscalculation. Something about a 'Great Blunder'— details are fuzzy, much like Uncle Merkel's mustachio. Anyhoo, to avoid a slow roast into krispy karbs, we did what any sensible species would do: dug some nice, cozy bunkers just in case things went Skerbal. With hopes of waiting out the deadly Ir-addy-at-ee-on hiding on the surface, we took the brightest minds of the day and went underground. Our story might have begun 500 years ago, but It takes place in the now with our Kourageous Klutz, Kizzy Kerbopolis." [Scene Transition: The War Room] Kizzy Kerbopolis stands in the War Room, which looks more like a disorganized works shed filled with spare parts, broken gadgets, and time worn manuals. She’s joined by two fellow engineers: Sheelby Kuntz a veteran maintenance tech with mischeif twinkling in her eyes. Also present, is the industrious Luppo Jones, a highly intelligent but somewhat unlucky frogman. Luppo looks to the stressed out Kizzy and asks, "So, Kizzy, you ever wonder what really happened with 'Great Blunder'?" With an exasperated sigh Sheelby sets down the broken spanner and responds with a touch of impatience, "Oh, please, Lup'. Everyone knows it was THE Big experiment gone wrong. Too much science, not enough sense." Kizzy looks up from the flickering monitor, "Maybe... But what kind of experiment could send all of Kerbalkind scurrying underground for half a millennium? If we really were able to sail the stars, how come we cant keep the Burrow up in running?” Light sparkles off the tears welling in the corner of Kizzy's eye. “It seems like every week another system is going down.” Luppo sates with a smile, “ Just be glad you were born after the reactor event of the 450's”. [Montage Sequence – Fade to Black] Narrator takes over as the visual shifts to past events. "Ah, the Great Blunder—a mystery wrapped in a riddle, coated with a thick layer of whoopsies. But let’s not forget, these Kerbals were once the pinnacle of technological achievement. They built wobbly rockets and reached for the stars.... oh, and on a regular occasion pressed the wrong button". [Soot Coated Reactor Room] A group of Kerbal engineers stand proudly around a reactor, one of them holding a clipboard with complex calculations. Suddenly, a noticeably younger and more nervous nervous Kerbal trips over a cord. The reactor, accidentally being disconnected from the cooling system. The system sputters and glows ominously before before all the lights suddenly go out. The Intern groans sheepishly from their place on the floor, “I, uh... think I found the off switch. " Narrator Voice-over: "Turns out, you really shouldn’t unplug the thing keeping the air recycle going. Power was restored to mamy important sections of the burrow, but still some areas remain down to this very day" [Back in the present] Kizzy glances at a dusty blueprint on the wall, showing sereral redlight blinking on the display for the oxygen generator. "Either of you two know whats up with the CO2 distributor? You think they intended for it to sound like Jimzee playing the Kazoo?” She asks with a note of concern. Luppo shares a look with Sheelby before replying in hushed tones, “Last time that dang thing went down, we lost half the Krops.!” [Dark Underground Chamber Filled with Plants] The scene shifts to a flashback. A confident Kerbal engineer named Klem Kermick, is busy tinkering with the CO2 distributor. Klem, known for his overly ambitious ‘enhancements,’ is convinced that he can make the distributor more ‘efficient.’ Klem fiddles with some wires, then proudly steps back to admire his work. "There we go, perfectly calibrated! The Krops are gonna thrive like never before!" As Klem turns to leave, Jimzee, comes strolling through while whistling a tune that eerily mimics the sound of his favorite instrument. Suddenly the CO2 distributor starts squeeling a warbled tune of its own, almost as if its trying to play a concert with Jimzee. The machine hiccups, burps, and then makes a loud PFFFFT noise. Klem freezes, realizing something has gone terribly wrong. Klem sputters, "Wait... that’s not supposed to happen." The distributor begins to overheat, with steam hissing out and red lights flashing all over the control panel. The screen shows the CO2 levels plummeting as the distributor shuts down completely. In the greenhouse, the Kerbals' precious crops start to wither. **The scene shifts to the greenhouse, where a group of Kerbals frantically tries to save the Krops. One Kerbal pours water on a plant that promptly disintegrates into a puff of smoke** Kerbal 1 (panicking): "Quick, someone do something!" Kerbal 2 (holding a limp plant): "This one's gone flat as a pancake!" Khaos ensues as the kerbals run around, trying various bizarre and ineffective methods to save the Krops. One kerbal uses a fan to blow air onto the plants, another attempts CPR on a particularly wilted carrot. Narrator Voiceover: "And that, folks, is how you turn a thriving greenhouse into a sad salad bar. Who knew that CO2 distributors were so finicky about kazoo music? Over the years, mishap after mishap has reduced the functionality of the Grest Burrow. The Population today is 1/10 of those early days of operation. The Kerbals of the Burrow hold an emergency election and nominate Kizzy Kerbopolis as the Big Boss Kerbal." [Grand Entrance of the Great Burrow] The entry chamber is abuzz with nervous energy as Kizzy prepares to leave. A small crowd of kerbals has gathered near the massive steel door labeled "Surface Access." The Kerbals are a mix of emotions—some excited, some worried, all curious. Sheelby and Luppo stand closest to Kizzy, who is tightening the straps on her slightly worn but colorful space suit. Sheelby looks to Kizzy with clear concern on her face, "Are you sure about this, Kizzy? No one's been out there in... well, a very long time." Kizzy smiles a reassuring smile before speaking, "Someone's gotta do it, right? Besides, what's the worst that could happen?" She glances at the crowd continue to gather, trying to muster as much courage as she can. Some Kerbals exchange nervous glances, while others nod in support. One kerbal in the back mutters something about “crispy critters,” but is quickly shushed by the others. Luppo approaches Kizzy with a serious look on his face, "Just remember to take a left at the cave-in Or was it a right? Eh, you'll figure it out. Just be safe" Kizzy chuckles takes a deep breath and gives Luppo a hug before turning to face those gathering. She grunts, her hand on the turnbuckle unable to get it to budge. She pulls harder, her small body straining against the handle. With one last grunt of exertion and cheers form the crowd, Kizzy gets the huge tumblers on the door to start moving, "Come on, you big hunk of metal... work with me here!" With a final groan, the door swings open, revealing a blinding light from outside. The Kerbals shield their eyes, squinting at the unknown beyond. There’s a moment of silence as Kizzy steps toward the open doorway. She pauses, turning back to the gathered Kerbals, her expression a mix of excitement and uncertainty, “Well, here goes nothing. See you on the other side!" With that, she steps through the doorway, disappearing into the bright light. The Kerbals watch in awe as the door begins to slowly creak closed behind her. Luppo scratches his head, a bemused grin on his face, "You think she'll be alright out there?" Sheelby sighs and then nods, "She's Kizzy. If anyone can make it, it's her." The massive door finally slams shut with a loud CLANG, leaving the Kerbals to ponder the unknown adventure that awaits their Kourageous Klutz beyond the safety of The Great Burrow. Join us Next Time as Kizzy Exits the Bunker in the area near the Kahara Desert. Will she discovered what happened to her ancestors? Will all the knowledge forgotten be rediscovered? Entering into the desert Kizzy polarizes the visor of her helmet, walking toward a landmark on the horizon. Slowly it reveals itself as a tower far off in the distance. To be continued... Kizzy, "Such an Empty place. Lets see what we can scavenge for the bunker"
  22. Started taking screenshots for a new story board / playweekend. Hopefully will have a little more free time to write some of the narrative this weakend. The sacred histories tell of Kerbals conquering the stars. Harvesting resources from distant worlds, giant eyes build in the sky capable of viewing the minerals beneath kerbins soil. Decided to go with post Apocalyptic theme. A mishap of some type initiates am extinction event that sends the Kerbals underground. Kizzy Kerbopolis is has emerged from a hidden bunker after 250 years of isolation near the desert airfield. After exploring the immediate area, Kizzy reported back. As my playthrough starts members of the communitys FEFs (First Expeditionary Force) have refurbished enough of the desert airfield to start fielding local science missions. With recent events I have begun to lose interest in KSP1. Reading some of other people's fan fic has rekindled the flame. TL/DR Started compiling material for fan fiction posts I've been wanting to write... Coming Soon "Kerbal Awakenings"
  23. I have used this method several times. I hate to admit it but some missions sink tens of hours into reaching the point where something doesn't quite work right. Some of the Monoprop Assets from an AES pack I found, produced VFX that made the part unusable. I rebuilt the craft without the component and saved it. I deployed the new relay into optimal position, saved and quite. When editing the Persistent file.. i find the modified version and copy all craft related text, replace the craft text containing the defective/ deprecated component.
  24. Anyone out there still using this mod? In particular, i love the micro size Monoprop assets. The RCS block still produces blinding plumes. Anyone have personal confics that work with the newer VGX mods / settings.
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