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Fizzlebop Smith

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Everything posted by Fizzlebop Smith

  1. This one of the known bugs on Github. Despite there being "no known issues" .. there are a few. I really wanna use this mod but haven't found a SCANSat compatibility patch.
  2. I do not know how it was inferred that I was even considering deleting the DLL from my post. Though I lack the terminology and nomenclature I thought it was pretty easy to Parse. I assume the DLL attached the part file to the mesh in some manner. I thought jiggering with parts files would be akin to breaking a shortcut by moving the original file location. I am very grateful for this knowledge though. -- Side note. I am pretty decent at writing configs for some games. Make some pretty decent automated systems in minedustry and loved the way pixel starship handles logic drive combat. I no longer consider myself capable of modding anything. The games where I would modify .ini, .cfg, .json or even writing simple batch files for cooperation between picky systems did nothing to prepare me for attempting to navigate development software and compiling code. After being unable to successfully set up the IDE a few times I realized I my brain is not cut out for it.
  3. I have wondered this before but was afraid to try.. I assumed anything with a DLL would be referencing the various parts meshes and would possible through errors if I attempted... there are literally several parts mods I REALLY want for a single part... All hail the Gravimoli . This makes my day
  4. I would rather not risk breaking ever older mod that still works but is unsupported. *My* primary draw to KSP1 is the manner in the MM and contract packs alter the gameplay loop of career. The second draw is the highly customizable nature of KSP1. Giving me the ability to alter the original sandbox scope into a streamline and focused gameplay preference. Having to trouble shoot 50+ odd mods would not desirable. Furthermore, I do not trust PD to alter the game in a way that will appeal to the majority of community. They do not have a history of considering consumer feedback, utilizing poles. Granted this is a new parent company and handler of the IP, but we still have month of silence after acquisition. If KSP2 has taught me anything, people have different opinion on what is fun. KSP removed many of the aspects I grew to enjoy about KSP1.
  5. This one is way better than the one that i have booked marked. It is more manageable in scope. Thank you (Edit Ungodly long day, my brain was fried and initial response"s" we with little juice left and a ton of window open)
  6. I agree. I tend to only revert when the results are beyond a threshold of inconvenience. I prefer to memorialize the fallen comrades through naming the successive mission profiles / various bases after them. I completely agree with you that "always" reverting created a sense of sameness that became difficult to overcome. This new playstyle with some of the enhance sound effects has led me to renewed interest in the game.
  7. Does anyone have a spread sheet format of all syntax / command functions of module manager / ksp? Like one stripped of explanations and definitions for quick reference?
  8. I have been trying to envision a Celestial composition that produces a semi-locked planet. I am trying to write a work of fiction where the planet has a day / night side with a terminus at the prime meridian. However... I want the Sun to move in relation to observers on the planet. I want the sun to appear to take an elliptical path through the sky. As you go from terminus to pole .. the sun goes from low on horizon to overhead. The issue is a tidally locked planet has not observable movements for the sun. So I would need an axial Wobble? This is probably a dumb question to those with knowledge of celestial mechanical, but it's driving me a little loopy. I can just wave hands since it's a work of fiction and atmosphere and life would not be present.. but it still drives me up the wall in those moments of boredom. Essentially I need a planet with a variable tilt that is tied to rotation. Was this articulated in a way where it makes sense what I'm asking? If not just write it off as babbling of a GM wanting to record the campaign one day.
  9. I wonder how much of this is intending to keep secrets and how much of it is "too early". There are alot of questions I ask at work.. where the answers feel evasive or misleading. Then I try to remember the people I am asking them of are all brand new and know less about what's going on than myself. There are probably a great number of hurdles still I'm place. Org. Charts not withstanding .. who is even supposed to tell the person that communicates with the other person...that eventually tells the public (insert message)
  10. How did you know they were made of crystal..? This game is hard... ooo ooo I know Heya Be ...on second thought @Scarecrow71 Time to say howdy?
  11. I not look at the dates. Just thought it was strange that I'm being prompted to update out of the blue. I performed the last update on my install directory and copy that before adding mods.
  12. Is anyone else being prompted for an update to their steam version of KSP1? Reading the information it says it is related to the launcher? Is this a synch error on my end or is anyone else seeing a launcher update?
  13. I will copy the entire directory and remove research bodies. I do indeed have this installed and have not yet officially uncovered EVE. Perhaps orbiting the Mun / Minmus triggered something because of the hiding of celestial bodies. The Tourism Expanded was an impulse when the newest tourism overhaul came out i went Tourist Happy. I was looking forward to making them quite Kourageous. I will remove the Tourism Expanded Mod The Error with the Kerbal Academy is likely my fault. I have modified this mod a little bit to change some of the fund mechanics associated with some of the missions. There are a couple other ongoing things that I will probably never get around to tweaking, but that one can be ignored. @Lisias As far as Contract Configurator (Updated 17/01/2025) (IIRC) You do not advocate CKAN but I am pretty crappy at most of this and often give in to least resistance. It recently was updated after prolonged inactivity on 15/01/2025) Let us see if this persists after taking away research bodies... or at least reduce some of the error content generated. (The Error Remains but think its likely to be an issue with Research Bodies and my own fault. Reading through the research bodies thread indicates the compatability patches for ScanSat were never implemented. Reading through the thread seems there are a few issues) The error persists after removing the Research Bodies, but that seems like one of those mods that kinds needs to be around when you start with it. As I have only just breeched the kerbol system, I am willing to write this off i needed.
  14. Could have swore I had run NoMiniAvc at some point with this install. Thanks for the heads up, I know its unrelated to the NRE but probably adds alot to the mess and will be much cleaner. Whats bad, is i know better. Correct. That is indeed the one. Also updated Kourageous Tourists and included the new logs in a new folder with (updated) to mark the difference. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zPjuVp-UPcE8An9Wf6PHaOAenDSOsvS_?usp=drive_link Ignoring the exception will reproduce the same message next time i load up the game. If i just select "ok" we play the endless dance with closing the window. I know there was some confusion why i would venture into the MM thread with Scan Sat Errors .. thank for the patience and guidance folks This is the message i am given, and i feel stupid for not reading it closer. I am wondering now at the RO. I do not use real solar systems is this because something is flagging RO as present?
  15. @Lisias I am going to apologize for the log spam before you ever even open it. Im sure those skill in developmental tools can overcome some degree of log bloat... When CKAN started prompting me to allow older mods into the mix... i got a little carried away. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zPjuVp-UPcE8An9Wf6PHaOAenDSOsvS_?usp=drive_link help is greatly appreciated.
  16. Where do I find the MM config cache? Is this the logs within MM that are compressed? I'm not really sure what the confic cache looks like, sorry.
  17. Wow, Thank you. Sharing these are embarrassing, but i hoped it would create a place that might elevate forum expense beyond a mere dollar value. This holds true now, in a time when we are uncertain if they will spring for new paint on the community center. Depression was (is) the danger, addiction was a convenient tool to justify the depression. I CANNOT *overstate how grateful* I am that the forum is back up. Reading the unread threads is still one first things i do after crappy day at work. I cannot tell you how excited i get whenever i see a new mod appear on CKAN. Even if it's something i will never ever play with, I will cruise over to the conversation. This place is awesome. As my stress levels have gone through the roof these last few day, I realized how much i missed the forum. Also, how hard everyone here works toward community. Granted.. in different ways, but it all comes together to make a wonderful place. Some work at shedding light on difficult technical topics, others act as mediators and bridge disparate views of thought, other spend hours tirelessly bringing free content for others to play with , still others offer boundless hope in an otherwise dark and terrible world. I missed you all so much.
  18. The fact that they sorted out the DNS errors at all would suggest there is a decent chance of forum extension. I have no exposure to development but have seen low priority problems get ignored indefinitely because a project was already over budget or at a state where the Cost / Gain analysis is in a state of constant flux. My hope for KSP2 specifically, is very much stamped out. However, I have hope that the franchise may endure. Is this sound logic for the industry... or is it more likely someone was simply given a job to integrate acquisitions, and they were performing this task until completion?
  19. So friggin' true. I have been wanting to give Sandcastle a go for a bit and am trying to go back through to see what all I used on my last Extended Launch Pad experience. I am still having a hard time picking my "core" mod package. The visual enhancements and OPM are a must... I love Chatterer and other immersion mods. I swear my *essential* mod list grows each playthrough.
  20. There is a new mod being developed with a name in Cyrillic. It creates procedural missions without the mission profile. Instead of exact orbit to place a satellite ... you will have to establish a relay with the Mun or place a probe in Kerbol SOI with a minimum DSN range multiplier. I have not played but this was what the description led me to believe I'll try to link it here when I get back home.
  21. Firstly, I want to point out The project managers I work with rarely understand what actually happen after it's fully in the hands of the engineers & productions crews. I know it's different industries, but PM not parsing is kinfa par for the course for me. Your second point is one few people stop to consider. An IP raking in the money would likely have a less than favorable price point per potential ROI, and never be sold. While heralding the company as our saviors is unrealistic, I am very grateful they have seen fit to keep on the lights. There does appear to be some long term goal related to development. Alot of acquisitions in short order .... but hope is dangerous so I'll just wait and see.
  22. I Like the idea of an inline command pod... Or inline two seat rover! There are some awesome rover mods but i dont remember hardly any of them
  23. Always been intimidated by Kerbalism, but think the Science only is pretty amazing. This seems like it make it more approachable to the uninitiated. Thank you for your efforts and will add it to the growing horde of configs i am stockpiling for the end days
  24. This is pretty awesome. Very wonderful unrealized niche filled.
  25. I stand corrected. I only use the electric systems but keep looking at all the pretty party displayed on the opening graphic. Thought they were part of the lot they were shown with.
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