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Liftoff! Of the 2nd Laythe Orbiter

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Hey guys! As you all know, on this post: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/222570-last-attempt-with-the-laythe-orbiter/#comment-4355469, my Laythe Orbiter failed to orbit Laythe, so after real life months, I launched it again! With more hope and technology(well Im in sandbox but idc), Video here:


Laythe Probe Version of Wellerman
by me
original song by Nathan Evans and Santiano
There once was a probe that put to space
The goal of the probe was the well-known Laythe
The winds blew up, her bow pointed up
Oh blow, my bully boys, blow (huh)
Soon may the Laythe Probe come
To bring us content and data and waypoints
One day, when the rocket is done
We'll take our leave and go
She'd not been two weeks from pad
When down on her a right whale bore
The captain called all hands and swore
He'd take that button in clamp (huh)
Soon may the Laythe Probe come
To bring us content and data and waypoints
One day, when the rocket is done
We'll take our leave and go...

Thank you for spending your time reading this low quality song

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