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Successful return to Mission Control keeps popping up over 1km height (after completing all missions)


Bug Report

Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: Maneuver note Controller, Science Arkive, Orbital survey; mainly... | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Inter I7 | GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060 | RAM32 GB


The 2nd time i started a kampagne and solved all missions (partially using infinite fuel), i, since i solved the last mission on the "41 Missions" list, encounter that everytime i enter a certain instance, like flying above troposphere in 10+ kms height, that green "Success" window is popping out. I wonder, if this might also happen, if we do NOT use any "workaround" to complete those 41 tasks.

(( The thing is: The first time i encountered this, i had to find my tricky solution to get my ackknowledgement on the "under pressure" mission. I launged and transfered to Eve, i entered it's atmo, a heatshield was not pointing straight to retrograde, so it had seemingly NO protection at one corner (strange behaviour, too), overheated quickly, broke, i had to load... Then i landed, i lifted, transfered Kerbals to a carrier ship (i could have pushed their bay), and landed Kerbin. Mission not accomplished. I did not accept this, so i "infinited" this one ... like ... again. ))

Since the last mission was "fullfilled", i encounter the popping up of the green window.

Same on a kampagn i freshly started, just to workaround the "bug(?)". I a hurry i completed anything. Same result. I'd LOVE to play a private campagne WITH all Missions solved, and WITHOUT this popup window.

Any educated comments on this? Will it stay like this forever, and i have to "non-cheaty" fulfill the programs conditions (which in dept i can't exactly tell... only that Mission control grants the thing or otherwise doesnt), or is this a known issue, maybe for anyone how completed the 41, and will have a fix in the (near) future? I'd really love to know. Thanks for ackkowledging. Kind regards.


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Edited by Spicat
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