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I'm making a water world for my mod JFA, and I want to increase the water level. I've tried many things, but none of them work. How can I fix this?

(I'm bad at making planet packs)

The code below is a very early DEV version of the code for use. How can I fix this issue

		name = Mystin
        cacheFile = JebFarAway/Cache/Mystin.bin // WIll generate automatically
            name = Laythe // Stock planet to base it off of.
            removeAllPQSMods = True
			description = Mystin Is An Ocean Planet Infested With Bacteria That Produces Oxygen. It Is Seen As The Ideal Location For Colonies Outside Of The Solar System.
			radius = 500000
			geeASL = 0.800273295870079
			mass = 2.93973106291216E+22
			gravParameter = 1962000029236.08
			rotates = True
			rotationPeriod = 52980.8790593796
			tidallyLocked = True
			initialRotation = 90
			inverseRotThresholdAltitude = 100000
			albedo = 0.3
			emissivity = 0.7
			coreTemperatureOffset = 80
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 120000 240000 480000 600000
			sphereOfInfluence = 3723645.81113302
			solarRotationPeriod = False
			navballSwitchRadiusMult = 0.06
			navballSwitchRadiusMultLow = 0.055
			nonExactThreshold = -1
			exactSearch = False
			useTheInName = False
			displayName = Mystin
			selectable = True
			RnDVisibility = Visible
			RnDRotation = False
			maxZoom = 60000
				landedDataValue = 14 // Science multiplier for landed science.
				splashedDataValue = 12 // Science multiplier for splashed down science.
				flyingLowDataValue = 11 // Science multiplier for flying low science.
				flyingHighDataValue = 10 // Science multiplier for flying high science.
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 9 // Science multiplier for in space low science.
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 8 // Science multiplier for in space high science.
				recoveryValue = 8
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 10000 // Altitude when "flying at <body>" transitions from/to "from <body>'s upper atmosphere"
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200000 // Altitude when "in space low" transitions from/to "in space high"
			referenceBody = Ilnise
			inclination = 0
			eccentricity = 0
			semiMajorAxis = 9262729900 // The altitude of the highest point in the orbit
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 // The position of the highest point on the orbit circle
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
			meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14000010490417
			meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 179.908753681645
			epoch = 0
			color = 0.266666681,0.337254912,0.611764729,0.501960814 // The color of the orbit line in the Tracking Station
			nodeColor = 0.266666681,0.337254912,0.611764729,0.501960814 // The color of the circle that marks the planets current position on the orbit
			icon = ALL
			cameraSmaRatioBounds = 0.03 25
			period = 52980.8790593796
			type = Atmospheric
			fadeStart = 55000
			fadeEnd = 60000
			sphericalModel = False
			deferMesh = False
			invisible = False
				color = 1,1,1,1
				specColor = 0.305970132,0.305970132,0.305970132,1
				shininess = 0.1661175
                texture = JebFarAway/Textures/PluginData/MystinClr.dds // color
				mainTexScale = 1,1
				mainTexOffset = 0,0
                normals = JebFarAway/Textures/PluginData/MystinNrm.dds // normals
				bumpMapScale = 1,1
				bumpMapOffset = 0,0
				opacity = 1
				rimPower = 5
				rimBlend = 1
				rimColorRamp = BUILTIN/AerialRampKerbin2
				rimColorRampScale = 1,1
				rimColorRampOffset = 0,0
				localLightDirection = -0.617191017,0.0226955116,-0.78648591,0
				resourceMapScale = 1,1
				resourceMapOffset = 0,0
			enabled = True // Whether the body has an atmosphere.
			oxygen = True // Whether the atmosphere contains oxygen.
			staticDensityASL = 0.764571404126208 // Atmospheric density at sea level. Used to calculate the parameters of the atmosphere if no curves are used.
			adiabaticIndex = 1.39999997615814
			atmosphereDepth = 50000 // The height of the atmosphere.
			gasMassLapseRate = 4.84741125702493
			atmosphereMolarMass = 0.0289644002914429
			pressureCurveIsNormalized = False // Whether the pressure curve should use absolute (0 - atmosphereDepth) or relative (0 - 1) values.
			staticPressureASL = 60.795 // The static pressure at sea level. Used to calculate the parameters of the atmosphere if no curves are used.
			temperatureCurveIsNormalized = False // Whether the temperature curve should use absolute (0 - atmosphereDepth) or relative (0 - 1) values.
			temperatureLapseRate = 0.00564
			temperatureSeaLevel = 282 // The static temperature at sea level. Used to calculate the parameters of the atmosphere if no curves are used.
			ambientColor = 0.187128037,0.239393175,0.305882365,1 // All objects inside of the atmosphere will slightly shine in this color.
			lightColor = 0.843283594,0.668219268,0.49830395,0
			addAFG = True
			pressureCurve // Assigns a pressure value to a height value inside of the atmosphere.
				key = 0 60.795 0 -0.005216384
				key = 5250 33.40898 -0.004252711 -0.004252711
				key = 10000 17.78605 -0.002407767 -0.002407767
				key = 17000 7.100577 -0.001092064 -0.001092064
				key = 22000 3.812421 -0.0004677011 -0.0004677011
				key = 31000 1.312482 -0.0001961767 -0.0001961767
				key = 38000 0.5104055 -7.855808E-05 -7.855808E-05
				key = 50000 0 0 0
			temperatureCurve // Assigns a temperature value to a height value inside of the atmosphere.
				key = 0 277 0 -0.009285714
				key = 5250 206 -0.009253677 0
				key = 10000 206 0 0.001419616
				key = 17000 217.8 0.001414257 0.003959919
				key = 22000 235.5 0.0039412 -0.0002581542
				key = 31000 203 -0.003911343 -0.0007623209
				key = 38000 199 0 0.001478429
				key = 50000 214 0 0
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 5250 0.1 -6.848309E-05 -6.848309E-05
				key = 10000 0 0 0
				key = 17000 0 0 0
				key = 27000 0.1763835 4.519309E-05 4.519309E-05
				key = 38000 1 4.497274E-05 4.497274E-05
				key = 50000 1.2 0 0
				key = 0 5 0 -0.04354425
				key = 50 1 -0.2132 -0.2132
				key = 70 -10 -1.128971 -1.128971
				key = 90 -30 -0.02418368 0
				key = 0 6 0 0.02746098
				key = 40 9 0.2094055 0.2094055
				key = 65 11 0 0
				key = 90 2 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
			AtmosphereFromGround // The atmosphere effect that is seen on the horizon.
				DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = False // Whether all parameters should get recalculated and reapplied every frame.
				doScale = True // Whether the atmosphere mesh should be scaled automatically.
				innerRadius = 499687.5 // The lower bound of the atmosphere effect.
				invWaveLength = 1.97744954,5.01561308,16.2189484,0.5
				outerRadius = 512500 // The upper bound of the atmosphere effect.
				samples = 4
				transformScale = 1.02499998,1.02499998,1.02499998 // The scale of the atmosphere mesh in all three directions. Automatically set if doScale is enabled.
				waveLength = 0.843283594,0.668219268,0.49830395,0
				outerRadiusMult = 1.025 // A multiplier that automatically sets outerRadius based on the planets radius.
				innerRadiusMult = 0.975 // A multiplier that automatically sets innerRadius based on the planets radius.
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 10
			minDetailDistance = 8
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			fadeStart = 60000
			fadeEnd = 120000
			deactivateAltitude = 160000
			mapMaxHeight = 8000
			materialType = AtmosphericOptimized
				bounceCombine = Multiply
				frictionCombine = Maximum
				bounciness = 0
				staticFriction = 0.9
				dynamicFriction = 0.9
				saturation = 1
				contrast = 1.4
				tintColor = 0.514705896,0.514705896,0.514705896,0
				powerNear = 0.5
				powerFar = 0.5
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 10000
				steepPower = 1.15
				steepTexStart = 10000
				steepTexEnd = 100000
				steepTex = BUILTIN/Cliff (Layered Rock)
				steepTexScale = 1,1
				steepTexOffset = 0,0
				steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/Cliff (Layered Rock)_NRM
				steepBumpMapScale = 1,1
				steepBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				steepNearTiling = 2000
				steepTiling = 100
				lowTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
				lowTexScale = 1,1
				lowTexOffset = 0,0
				lowNearTiling = 2000
				lowMultiFactor = 8
				midTex = BUILTIN/RockyGround
				midTexScale = 1,1
				midTexOffset = 0,0
				midBumpMap = BUILTIN/cloud_normal
				midBumpMapScale = 1,1
				midBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				midNearTiling = 1000
				midMultiFactor = 2
				midBumpNearTiling = 1000
				highTex = BUILTIN/snow
				highTexScale = 1,1
				highTexOffset = 0,0
				highNearTiling = 1000
				highMultiFactor = 2
				lowStart = 0.2
				lowEnd = 0.4
				highStart = 0.6
				highEnd = 0.9
				globalDensity = -8E-06
				fogColorRamp = BUILTIN/blue_atmogradient
				fogColorRampScale = 1,1
				fogColorRampOffset = 0,0
				planetOpacity = 0
				oceanFogDistance = 1000
				saturation = 1
				contrast = 1.55
				tintColor = 1,1,1,0
				texTiling = 1000
				texPower = 0.5
				multiPower = 0.3
				groundTexStart = 20000
				groundTexEnd = 60000
				multiFactor = 0.5
				mainTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
				mainTexScale = 1,1
				mainTexOffset = 0,0
				planetOpacity = 1
                    map = JebFarAway/Textures/PluginData/MystinHgt.dds // height
                    offset = 0
                    deformity = 12000
                    scaleDeformityByRadius = false
                    order = 10
                    enabled = True
                    map = JebFarAway/Textures/PluginData/MystinClr.dds // color
                    order = 50
                    enabled = true
                    deformity = 1000
                    ridgedAddFrequency = 32
					ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
					ridgedAddOctaves = 8
					ridgedAddSeed = 937536357
					ridgedMode = Low
					ridgedSubFrequency = 32
					ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
					ridgedSubOctaves = 8
					ridgedSubSeed = 234352
					simplexFrequency = 24
					simplexHeightEnd = 6000
					simplexHeightStart = 0
					simplexOctaves = 8
					simplexPersistence = 0.5
					simplexSeed = 139783915
					order = 40
					enabled = True
						key = 0 0 0 0
						key = 0.6311918 0.4490898 1.432598 1.432598
						key = 1 1 0 0
					altitudeBlend = 0.01
					altitudeFrequency = 2
					altitudeOctaves = 2
					altitudePersistance = 0.5
					altitudeSeed = 53453
					createColors = True
					createScatter = True
					latitudeBlend = 0.05
					latitudeFrequency = 12
					latitudeOctaves = 6
					latitudePersistance = 0.5
					latitudeSeed = 53456345
					longitudeBlend = 0.05
					longitudeFrequency = 12
					longitudeOctaves = 4
					longitudePersistance = 0.5
					longitudeSeed = 98888
					useHeightMap = False
					vHeightMax = 6000
					order = 60
					enabled = True
					name = LCExample
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0,0,0,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 1.5
							coverageOctaves = 4
							coveragePersistance = 0.5
							coverageSeed = 171214
							name = Main
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = False
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 0.5
							noiseColor = 0,0,0,1
							noiseFrequency = 8
							noiseOctaves = 4
							noisePersistance = 0.5
							noiseSeed = 453737
							delete = False
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
							// latitudeDoubleRange
							// {
							// 	endEnd = 0.4
							// 	endStart = 0.39
							// 	startEnd = 0.25
							// 	startStart = 0.23
							// }
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 0.75
								startEnd = 0.25
								startStart = 0
								endEnd = 2
								endStart = 2
								startEnd = -1
								startStart = -1
			ocean = True
			oceanColor = 0.116715364,0.12626785,0.156716406,1
			oceanHeight = 0
			density = 1
			minLevel = 1
			maxLevel = 6
			minDetailDistance = 8
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
				color = 0.413805217,0.387094229,0.514925361,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.116878122,0.126456618,0.156862751,1
				specColor = 1,1,1,1
				shininess = 1
				gloss = 0.2
				tiling = 1000
				waterTex = BUILTIN/sea-water8
				waterTexScale = 1,1
				waterTexOffset = 0,0
				waterTex1 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
				waterTex1Scale = 1,1
				waterTex1Offset = 0,0
				bTiling = 800
				bumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
				bumpMapScale = 1,1
				bumpMapOffset = 0,0
				displacement = 0.05
				texDisplacement = 0.31
				dispFreq = 0.15
				mix = 0.4032745
				oceanOpacity = 0.3
				falloffPower = 3
				falloffExp = 0.05
				fogColor = 0.321443439,0.611232221,0.947761178,1
				heightFallOff = 0.2
				globalDensity = -8E-06
				atmosphereDepth = 50000
				fogColorRamp = BUILTIN/blue_atmogradient
				fogColorRampScale = 1,1
				fogColorRampOffset = 0,0
				fadeStart = 20000
				fadeEnd = 60000
				planetOpacity = 1
				normalXYFudge = 1.4
				normalZFudge = 1.18
				color = 0.336603671,0.378080368,0.447761178,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.116878122,0.126456618,0.156862751,1
				specColor = 0.8493402,0.8493402,0.8493402,1
				shininess = 1
				gloss = 0.3336538
				tiling = 1000
				waterTex = BUILTIN/sea-water1
				waterTexScale = 1,1
				waterTexOffset = 0,0
				waterTex1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
				waterTex1Scale = 1,1
				waterTex1Offset = 0,0
				fadeStart = 20000
				fadeEnd = 60000
				planetOpacity = 1
				afgAltMult = 0.05
				afgBase = 0.6
				afgLerp = False
				afgMin = 0.05
				fogColorEnd = 0,0.0850000009,0.122500002,1
				fogColorStart = 0,0.340000004,0.49000001,1
				fogDensityAltScalar = -0.0008
				fogDensityEnd = 0.025
				fogDensityExponent = 1
				fogDensityPQSMult = 0.02
				fogDensityStart = 0.005
				skyColorMult = 1.1
				skyColorOpacityAltMult = 15
				skyColorOpacityBase = 0.25
				sunAltMult = 0.01
				sunBase = 0.5
				sunMin = 0.05
				useFog = True
					atmosphereDepth = 5000
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = False
					globalDensity = -7.5E-06
					heightFalloff = 0.2
					oceanDepth = 0
					order = 100
					enabled = True
					name = _Material_AerialPerspective
                    map = JebFarAway/Textures/PluginData/MystinHgt.dds // height
					deformity = 0
					maxHeight = 0.5
					minHeight = 0
					order = 1000
					enabled = True
					name = QuadRemoveMap
					angle = 0
					blendA = 0
					blendB = 0
					framesPerSecond = 10
					oceanOpacity = 0
					spaceAltitude = 0
					spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
					specColor = 0,0,0,0
					texBlend = 0
					txIndex = 0
					order = 100
					enabled = True
					name = OceanFX
						value = BUILTIN/sea-water1
						value = BUILTIN/sea-water2
						value = BUILTIN/sea-water3
						value = BUILTIN/sea-water4
						value = BUILTIN/sea-water5
						value = BUILTIN/sea-water6
						value = BUILTIN/sea-water7
						value = BUILTIN/sea-water8
						value = BUILTIN/sea-water1


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17 minutes ago, D4RKN3R said:

I want to increase the water level.

Edit your terrain textures so that the perceived sea level is higher then offset the terrain down so the sea level in the texture matches the sea level in-game. And if it really matters, increase the body radius too.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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57 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Edit your terrain textures so that the perceived sea level is higher then offset the terrain down so the sea level in the texture matches the sea level in-game. And if it really matters, increase the body radius too.

Alright, I've followed your advice, and it has made me realize that the problem isn't just that the water level is too low - It's BELOW the surface. I've set the oceans on the heightmap to black, and it's the same size as laythe. Any more suggestions?


EDIT: made it slightly bigger, fixed the issue.

Edited by D4RKN3R
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19 minutes ago, D4RKN3R said:

Any more suggestions?

For a beginner: Perhaps use exactly 50% gray as your midpoint, where sea level should sit. (If you know better, you don't have ot do this.) Also ensure that your heightmap uses the entire grayscale: 0 (black) ~ 100% (white). I don't know for sure but you may have problems if you don't do this.

And another thing: There's terrain deformity and terrain offset. Your offset might be too high of a positive value which is why your water is all underground.

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18 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

For a beginner: Perhaps use exactly 50% gray as your midpoint, where sea level should sit. (If you know better, you don't have ot do this.) Also ensure that your heightmap uses the entire grayscale: 0 (black) ~ 100% (white). I don't know for sure but you may have problems if you don't do this.

And another thing: There's terrain deformity and terrain offset. Your offset might be too high of a positive value which is why your water is all underground.

Alright, I've managed to get it to the exact same height as the ground, but it won't go any heigher. Quick question, which of the offset/deformity values do you mean?

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25 minutes ago, D4RKN3R said:

Quick question, which of the offset/deformity values do you mean?

The ones here:

			offset = -1150 // raises or lowers the terrain geometry. The sea level is static and the reference for the offset
			deformity = 7500 // Vertical scaling of the terrain. Makes your mountains taller and your valleys deeper


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