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Cargo Bays: All wheels do not interact with cargo bays and clip through vessel


Bug Report

Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5900HX | GPU: GeForce RTX3080 | RAM16gb


When you have any type of wheel inside of a cargo bay, when decoupled the wheels do not seem to have physics collisions with the cargo bay. There is no friction for them to drive on or off and just stay stuck in place.

After a bit of testing it seems like the steering parts of the wheel objects will collide with the interior of the cargo bay but the actual wheels (tires) do not see them as a valid physics object.

Correct Behavior: The wheels should interact with the interior of the cargo bay to allow a rover to drive on and off via a cargo ramp.

How To reproduce:
Place a docking port and any wheeled rover vehicle inside a cargo bay, when undocked the rover will clip through the bottom of the cargo bay unable to move on its wheels.

Tested these cargo bays:

Wheels Tested:
RoveMax S2
RoveMax M1
RoveMax TR-2L
RoveMax TR4
Probably an issue with the other cargo bays as well.



Included Attachments:



Edited by DibzNr
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