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Salutations, Kerbs!


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I figured it's about time I start actually using the forums some after recovering this account from over decade ago.  :wink:

So of course I'm not new to KSP by any means. Old school KSP 1 EA adoptee (early 2012). KSP 2 too, now. KSP is what pointed me towards aerospace engineering back in high school and now I work as an engineer developing some cool stuff which is sometimes in that vein and other times for other controlled kabooms. Obviously KSP holds a special place in my heart and personal history! Looking forward to spending some more time with y'all!


Edited by KiwiShark
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6 hours ago, KiwiShark said:

I figured it's about time I start actually using the forums some after recovering this account from over decade ago.  :wink:

Welcome to the forum game. Just an FYI it's kinda a mess here ;) 

Edited by NexusHelium
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