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FlyByWire SAS Mode - Control a navball attitude marker with WASD input


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FlyByWire SAS Mode

This Kerbal Space Program plugin adds four new SAS modes and a new more relaxing way to control your vessel, especially useful for managing your gravity turns on launch :


FlyByWire.png Fly by wire
When enabled, pitch and yaw WASD inputs don't control the vessel directly anymore, but instead control the position of a custom navball direction marker that the SAS will follow automatically. You can switch to precision mode (Caps lock key) for finer control.
FlyByWirePlane.png Fly by wire (plane mode)
Identical to the fly by wire mode, but the navball marker stays at a constant position relative to the horizon.
ParallelNeg.png AntiParallel
Available when a target is selected, will keep the vessel control part in the opposite orientation as the target. Quite useful for docking !
ParallelPos.png Parallel
Available when a target is selected, will keep the vessel control part in the same orientation as the target.

These new modes are available for pilots and probe cores at the same SAS level as the target and maneuver modes, but this is configurable in the settings.cfg file (doing that with a ModuleManager patch is recommended).

Download and installation

Compatible with KSP 1.12.3 to 1.12.5 - Available on CKAN


  • Go to the GitHub release page and download the file named FlyByWireSASMode_x.x.x.zip
  • Open the downloaded *.zip archive
  • Open the GameData folder of your KSP installation
  • Delete any existing FlyByWireSASMode folder in your GameData folder
  • Copy the FlyByWireSASMode folder found in the archive into your GameData folder




1.2.0 - 01/05/2024

  • Added plane mode
  • Fixed a bug where the SAS would keep going toward the fly by wire direction after switching back to the stock stability assist mode.
  • Put all icons in a single texture atlas

1.1.0 - 28/04/2024

  • Added parallel / antiparallel modes

1.0.0 - 27/04/2024

  • Initial release
Edited by Gotmachine
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4 hours ago, dok_377 said:

Would it be possible to have a mode that keeps the marker level relative to the surface so it could be utilized for planes? Right now it's drifting upwards over time, so planes can't fly level using it.

That feels like a good idea, will try to add that additional mode.

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, dok_377 said:

But not really a problem of the mod, the game's SAS is not very good with them either, they just wobble all over the place.

This plugin just instruct the stock SAS to follow a custom direction, so indeed all the usual caveats applies, the stock SAS just isn't well tuned for atmospheric flight and control surfaces.
I made this plugin with mainly rocket launches and landings in mind, and while it can be used for controlling planes, this isn't a replacement for the more advanced autopilot mods.

16 hours ago, JollyGreenGI said:

Is there a way to invert the pitch controls?

No, but I will try to remember to add the option.

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39 minutes ago, Gotmachine said:

the stock SAS just isn't well tuned for atmospheric flight and control surfaces

It's for some reason greatly exaggerated with procedural control surfaces. Stock ones for the most part are decent enough. But anyway,  it hardly has anything to do with the mod itself, just KSP being KSP.

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  • 9 months later...
On 2/25/2025 at 4:37 PM, Stratickus said:

@Gotmachine is this a replacement and/or improvement over Smart Docking Aid? Just curious. I'm assuming its a 'conflict' of sorts since they both add Parallel makers to the Navball.

At first glance it looks like it adds more features than SDA.


@linuxgurugamerhas mentioned in the 

thread that this mod is a more likely candidate for support....so I'm making the switch.

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On 2/25/2025 at 3:37 PM, Stratickus said:

@Gotmachine is this a replacement and/or improvement over Smart Docking Aid? Just curious. I'm assuming its a 'conflict' of sorts since they both add Parallel makers to the Navball.

At first glance it looks like it adds more features than SDA.

I don't know if its a true conflict, but the mods do seem to overlap significantly. The markers next to the Navball overlap each other with both mods installed, so that at a minimum is a conflict.

On 2/26/2025 at 9:03 PM, Errol said:

thread that this mod is a more likely candidate for support....so I'm making the switch.

I also made the switch.


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