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Save the ISS!

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Inspired by this thread:

and @Lisias's comment therein.

The challenge:

1. Download HabTech2, Tantares, their dependencies and the associated craft files for the ISS: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/133501-112x-bg-habtech2-stockalike-iss-parts-100-the-final-update/

2. Open the craft file for the ISS's 2023 version from HabTech2. Hyperedit (or assemble, if you really want to) the various modules into either of the following orbits, depending on if you wish to use Realism Overhaul or not:


SMA 105km, eccentricity <0.05, inclination 51 +/- 2 degrees.


Perigee 413 +/- 1km, apogee 422 +/- 1km, inclination 51.6 +/- 0.2 degrees.

3. Design and launch a vehicle that successfully lands the ISS in the South Pacific Ocean. In stock, this is the ocean south of the KSC - I couldn't find any specific coordinates. In RSS, this is near Point Nemo (49 +/- 5 degrees S, 123 +/- 5 degrees W).

A successful landing is defined as one where no major module of the ISS is destroyed (solar panels and/or radiators can break) and, if the landing is attempted crewed, where all Kerbals survive safely. If solar panels/radiators do survive, this adds extra cool points (qualitative judging will apply for now, however input on a scoring system would be appreciated).

Feedback is appreciated. Thank you.


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