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 Okay, so, two things are happening.

1. A odd white ring is on the back of my planet (named Sarkin) in map and normal view. I have normals and textures. I have attempted to look for fix to no avail, from retexturing, new normals, and misspells.  SEE EDIT 2

2. My moon of Sarkin, Lull,  fades out when I zoom out too far in the normal view. This is new. Kerbal can still do stuff and terrain works.

The pictures are here. https://imgur.com/a/XtDWP0C

These config's were from the help of @Sushut and @JoshTheKerbal's tutorials. Thanks for your time.

EDIT: FYI, the mods are Niako's Kopernicus Utility's, MM, Kopernicus, and KittopiaTech. I decided to make a separate game for this, not my main modded install.

EDIT 2x: It was the Gradient node. Problem 1 is solved.



        name = Lull
        cacheFile = BeyondJool/Cache/Lull.bin
            name = Mun
            removeAllPQSMods = True
             displayName = Lull^N
             description = Lull is just a boring moon that looks a lot like the Mun. It, like the moons of Jool, was found after somekerb found a "grey dot" that wouldn't come off
             radius = 216000
             geeASL = 0.2
             rotates = true
             tidallyLocked = True
             isHomeWorld = false
                 landedDataValue = 11
                 inSpaceLowDataValue = 9
                 inSpaceHighDataValue = 9
                 recoveryValue = 8
                 spaceAtitudeThershold = 60000

           referenceBody = Sarkin
           semiMajorAxis = 44500000
           eccentricity = 0.03
           inclination = 10.45
           longitudeOfAscendingNode = 22
           argumentOfPeriapsis = 3
           meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 8.65
           epoch = 0
           color = RGBA(100,100,100,200)
            type = Vacuum
            fadeStart = 156000
            fadeEnd = 177500
               texture = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/LullColor.png
               normals = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/LullNormal.png
               color = 1,1,1,1
               specColor = 0,0,0,0
               shininess = 0
           minLevel = 2
           maxLevel = 10
           minDetailDistance = 8
           maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
           fadeStart = 60000
           fadeEnd = 120000
           deactivateAltitude = 120750
           mapMaxHeight = 9000
           materialType = AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation
          bounceCombine = Multiply
          frictionCombine = Maximum
          bounciness = 0
          staticFriction = 0.9
          dynamicFriction = 0.9
           factor = 10
           factorBlendWidth = 0.1
           factorRotation = 180
           saturation = 1.2
           contrast = 1
           tintColor = 1,1,1,0
           specularColor = 0.110294104,0.110294104,0.110294104,0.200000003
           albedoBrightness = 1.5
           steepPower = 2
           steepTexStart = 50000
           steepTexEnd = 1000000
           steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00
           steepTexScale = 1,1
           steepTexOffset = 0,0
           steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/Cliff (Layered Rock)_NRM
           steepBumpMapScale = 1,1
           steepBumpMapOffset = 0,0
           steepNearTiling = 125
           steepTiling = 50
           lowTex = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_diffuse
           lowTexScale = 1,1
           lowTexOffset = 0,0
           lowTiling = 100000
           midTex = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_diffuse
           midTexScale = 1,1
           midTexOffset = 0,0
           midTiling = 150000
           midBumpMap = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_nrm
           midBumpMapScale = 1,1
           midBumpMapOffset = 0,0
           midBumpTiling = 150000
           highTex = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_diffuse
           highTexScale = 1,1
           highTexOffset = 0,0
           highTiling = 100000
           lowStart = -1
           lowEnd = -1
           highStart = 1
           highEnd = 1
           planetOpacity = 1
            saturation = 1
            contrast = 1.83
            tintColor = 1,1,1,0
            texTiling = 1000
            texPower = 0.5
            multiPower = 0.3
            groundTexStart = 20000
            groundTexEnd = 60000
            multiFactor = 0.5
            mainTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
                mainTexScale = 1,1
            mainTexOffset = 0,0
        planetOpacity = 1
                  map = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/LullHeight.png
                  deformity = 7000
                  offset = 0
                  scaleDeformityByRadius = False
                  enabled = True
                  order = 100
                  noiseType = Billow
                  deformity = 75
                  frequency = 100
                  persistence = 0.55
                  seed = 122
                  lacunarity = 2
                  octaves = 12
                  enabled = true
                  order = 104
                  map = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/LullColor.png
                  order = 200
                  enabled = True
               altitudeBlend = 0
               altitudeFrequency = 1
               altitudeOctaves = 1
               altitudePersistance = 1
               altitudeSeed = 1
               createColors = True
               createScatter = True
               latitudeBlend = 0
               latitudeFrequency = 1
               latitudeOctaves = 1
               latitudePersistance = 1
               latitudeSeed = 1
               longitudeBlend = 0
               longitudeFrequency = 1
               longitudeOctaves = 1
               longitudePersistance = 1
               longitudeSeed = 1
               useHeightMap = False
           vHeightMax = 10000
           order = 999999
           enabled = True
              name = Base
              alterApparentHeight = 0
              alterRealHeight = 0
              color = 0,0,0,0
              coverageBlend = 0
              coverageFrequency = 1
              coverageOctaves = 1
              coveragePersistance = 1
              coverageSeed = 123
              latDelta = 1
              latitudeDouble = False
              lonDelta = 1
              minimumRealHeight = 0
              noiseBlend = 0
              noiseColor = 0,0,0,0
              noiseFrequency = 1
              noiseOctaves = 1
              noisePersistance = 1
              noiseSeed = 321
              delete = False
                  startStart = 0
                  startEnd = 0
                  endStart = 1
                  endEnd = 1
                  startStart = 0
                  startEnd = 0
                  endStart = 1
                  endEnd = 1
                  startStart = 0
                  startEnd = 0
                  endStart = 1
                  endEnd = 1


The planet configs are here


Edited by Mr. Kerbin
added some info
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17 hours ago, Mr. Kerbin said:

I decided to make a separate game for this, not my main modded install.

That's what you should be doing, good that you did! (I've seen too many people make planets on their ultra modded mess and wonder why it's hard to debug.)

18 hours ago, Mr. Kerbin said:

            type = Vacuum
            fadeStart = 156000
            fadeEnd = 177500
               texture = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/LullColor.png
               normals = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/LullNormal.png
               color = 1,1,1,1
               specColor = 0,0,0,0
               shininess = 0
           minLevel = 2
           maxLevel = 10
           minDetailDistance = 8
           maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
           fadeStart = 60000
           fadeEnd = 120000

Anyway, the fadeStart in PQS had to be over and equal to the ScaledVersion fadeEnd. Generally it should be: Scaled fadeStart < Scaled fadeEnd = PQS fadeStart < PQS fadeEnd

Essentially, your PQS/Scaled transition isn't right.

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Oh. I didn't know that.  You or KerbalHub should probably put that some where. Thanks! I copied some stuff from KerbalHub's Copy to Config thing.

P.S. IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, could you make tutorials on small gilly sized moons?  I don't want stuff to break and not know why.

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  • 1 month later...

Edit: How to make Procedural Gas Giants? They are available via Kop Expansion, but I don't know how.

EDIT 2X: Fixed oceans; just slightly changed color.

Edited by Mr. Kerbin
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On 9/1/2024 at 10:58 AM, Mr. Kerbin said:

Edit: How to make Procedural Gas Giants? They are available via Kop Expansion, but I don't know how.

EDIT 2X: Fixed oceans; just slightly changed color.

As far as I know, procedural gas giants don't work anymore.

On 7/16/2024 at 4:25 PM, Mr. Kerbin said:

Also, could you make tutorials on small gilly sized moons?  I don't want stuff to break and not know why.

The best way to fail is not to try at all, but if you really want some basic info:

1. lower detail heightmap (make all the features huge, the map can be a lower resolution too)
2. low radius
3. use PQS noise to your advantage

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well.. Seeing as thy great @Sushut is here , I’d like to ask how to do EVE and Scatterer. Not volumetric or Parallax, as


I am sorry, but I am not purchasing something that will make my computer explode.



Edited by Mr. Kerbin
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