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The Linux compatibility thread!

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There's more than one cause of segfaults, it's a general fault when something bad happens, what's causing it for you could be anything at this point.

KSP generates several logs that may help, or it may be a hardware issue, I'm afraid it'll take a lot of elimination to figure this one out.

A place to start would be with a new user profile, to eliminate a non-default setting as the cause.

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I'm running KSP on Debian Wheezy. The game runs great, but I'm stuck at 23.0 because the patcher program won't run. I'm getting an error about libpython2.7:

Error loading Python lib '/tmp/_MEIjgRLfe/libpython2.7.so.1.0': /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /tmp/_MEIjgRLfe/libpython2.7.so.1.0)

Googling for this error doesn't seem to turn up anything other than an old, unanswered post here about Fedora with the exact same error. I'm still new to linux when it comes to dependencies, so I have no clue how to resolve this. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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There is no segfault anymore? As I said, on 64 bit now, works without driver installed but (predictably) ultra slow, with driver I get a black screen but no crash, game loads in background based on logs.

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gamedezyner, you may need an updated library, `GLIBC_2.15' not found means it's not there. But I suggest you just go to your store account page.

Requia, we'll need your logs, check out the diagnostics link in the opening post of this thread :)

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  sal_vager said:
gamedezyner, you may need an updated library, `GLIBC_2.15' not found means it's not there. But I suggest you just go to your store account page.

Requia, we'll need your logs, check out the diagnostics link in the opening post of this thread :)

You know... the title "ARM Patch" is a bit misleading... I think the download buttons should have the word "with" added. I skipped those downloads simply because I thought they were just a patch.

Thanks for enlightening me!

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Hi Guys,

So I've spent a few hours trying the various fixes for the mouse sensitivity problem, but whatever I do I can't get it to change at all. Here's what I've done so far:

Steam Launch Line: LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1" __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 LC_ALL=C %command%_64

I've restarted and deleted the settings.cfg file three times, it always comes back with the exact same values:







AXIS_CAMERA_HDG sensitivty = 3 (changed to 0.25)

AXIS_CAMERA_PITCH sensitivty = 3 (changed to 0.25)

AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL sensitivity = 3 (changed this to 0.25)

I've even tried changing these values, and then setting the settings.cfg file to read only to make sure it's not getting edited. None of these has had any effect at all on the mouse sensitivity.

Anyone have some suggestions?

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  altruizine said:
Yo. Hopefully this is the place to ask for tech support. If it's not I can move this post and such.

I'd been putting off buying KSP for a while because I figured it wouldn't work on my Arch Linux computer, but yesterday I grabbed the demo (0.18, I think?) and it went fine, so I sprung for the game on Steam. Unfortunately, the new version has not gone well.

I think I'm having two separate issues. The probably simpler one is the game crashing when I go from the main space center screen to the launchpad. It doesn't seem to happen when I just move from the vehicle assembly building to launching. According to Player.log, this seems to be due to a NullReferenceException somewhere or another.

The second issue is more important and makes the game unusable. It hangs at hard to understand points. Sometimes during the second menu screen (after "start game", I mean) and at two different points on the launchpad (gotten to directly from vehicle assembly to circumvent the above) before and after Jeb's face shows up.

I haven't tested this second bug much because when I say it "hangs", I mean my entire system goes unresponsive. The fan spins up so I assume it's in some kind of loop, but I have no way of knowing, as the CPU monitor, rest of the screen, mouse, etc. are all inoperable. Can't even switch to console. Music seems to keep playing, however. The only way I can stop this is a soft reset of the whole computer, so I don't know what kind of logs are available. This bug report might be relevant?

As I mentioned, the demo on Steam worked fine. The only issue I had was the font thing mentioned on the Arch wiki, but that didn't cause crashes or anything and was easily fixed.

I've already tried throttling down the textures and other graphics effects, including disabling anti-aliasing, but no dice.

I realize my system isn't officially supported, but I'd really like to play, and any support would be appreciated.

Some system details:

uname -a

Linux Syadavaktavyah 3.14.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jun 8 10:08:38 CEST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux

CPU is 6x AMD FX-6350 Six-Core Processor

GPU is AMD Radeon R9 200 Series

I am using the fglrx proprietary driver, like in the bug report. Specifically, I am using Arch's "catalyst" repository. The control center reports a "Driver Packaging Version" of 13.251-131206a-166303C-ATI.

Oh, and everything's updated as far as my distro goes as of a few hours ago.

Thanks in advance.

I'm trying to solve this problem too, and have been investigating for 2 months now, perhaps even more. Here are my findings.


AMD Athlon II X3 455 (Triple core 3.3 GHz) CPU

AMD Radeon 7750 (7700 Series) GPU



Arch Linux x86_64


I have the same issue. And when you say that it hangs, boy does it hang.

But, I've found out that what hangs is not the whole system. Only the graphics stack, and the culprit is most assuredly fglrx driver.

When it hangs, the kernel is still responsive, as you are able to SysRq+REISUB (provided you have magic sysrq enabled), or SSH into the machine and issue reboot command.

To me it seems that the driver hangs at some point, and in turn stops responding to any communication from the rest of the software stack. Which is evidenced by not being able to even switch to console, which usually helps with soft driver lockups. This seems to be a hard lockup, and it seems as if driver locks up the GPU itself and is unresolvable by any normal means short of rebooting the system, which power cycles teh card, and therefore restores it's normal functionality. (When you issue the reboot command, the screen doesn't change from the KSP locked-up one until the power cycle happens and only then can I see GPUBIOS and BIOS messages).

Culprit and a solution (kind-of):

The de-facto culprit for these issues, as far as I am able to figure it out are AMD Catalyst drivers (duh!), specifically version 14. Once I downgraded to Catalyst 13.12 and Xorg 1.14 the problem stopped. Or to say, the problem almost stopped. It still seems to lock up once in at least 10 hours (I've encountered it only once and played ca. 10 hours since the downgrade).

Downgrade instructions

Update your Vi0l0 repository lines in pacman.conf to look like this (as per AMD Catalyst ArchWiki):

Server = http://catalyst.wirephire.com/repo/xorg114/$arch

Server = http://catalyst.wirephire.com/repo/catalyst/$arch

And then issue:

# pacman -Syyuu

The solution is a "kind of" because we all don't really run Arch in order to run older software. But AMD drivers is a special kind borked in Linux software stack, so there's that.

  sal_vager said:
altruizine, the fix is here, and you can find more help for Arch Linux here.

As for Steams launch options, see here :)

CaptainKorhonen, that may be due to your computers language setting, try deleting the settings.cfg and then start KSO with "LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86"

Hello mr. sal_vager. I've been mostly lurking for quite some time, but I want to use this opportunity to thank you for your work and dedication to these issues and helping us, other players.

That being said, please take note of my message here, so that you are aware the issue is not segfault or offset related, as the game doesn't actually segfalt or crap out in any way. When the lock up happens, the game is still runing, it's just that the communication between the system and GPU has ceased completely and screen isn't updating. Your links send us (Arch users) in an infinite loop between Arch Wiki and this thread :-).

I've noticed that most users here are still running older (13.x) Catalyst drivers, and that might be the reason that Ubuntu and other users don't see this problem (yet!). But if I'm correct, the problem will hit all once the driver gets updated to (14.x).

Again, thank you for your work and dedication. This thread has been of awesomely great help the last several months.

Please correct me if Ubuntu users are using the 14 driver already without issues. It's important for me to know this and try to pinpoint the root cause of the problem as much as possible.

I'd love to hear from the rest of you guys and your thoughts on this.

Edited by sal_vager
Fixed profanity
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Figured I would try here before starting a thread. I recenly setup tripple monitors for a total 5760x1080 res. I prefer playing in linux because I only boot windows to play games I can't with linux. Anyhow. KSP in win goes full screen on all three no problems. With linux I cannot select the res in settings and if I manually input them into the settings.cfg it only loads on one monitor though it's only what would be displayed on that monitor if it was spanned across them all.. ie. the first 1920 of the total 5760 width. So i cannot see the loading or menu at the menu screen as they "should" be on the middle monitor.

I fly in X-plane via xinit with linux all the time and it renders across all three no problem so I know it's possible.

Kerbal Space Program - (LinuxPlayer) Steam

OS: Linux 3.13.0-24-generic LinuxMint 17 64bit

CPU: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor (8)

RAM: 7897

GPU: GeForce GTX 580/PCIe/SSE2 (1536MB)

SM: 30 (OpenGL 4.4 [4.4.0 NVIDIA 337.25])

http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Jy7qSrYz <---- player.log

you can see that the game sees my 5760x1080 res... so what gives? I know the game renders beautifully at that res with windows. is this some kind of superficial limit to the linux KSP version?

EDIT* well i figured it out by searching about unity3d and linux in general. The key is the borderless window. You can enable it by using the -popupwindow switch. Like I said before when I game with linux I like to close out the destop mangers and get to just the command prompt to free my system of every little bit it can. Then I run via xinit. You do this on most distros (the ones ive used) by pressing alt+ctrl+f1. this brings you to the tty1 prompt where you will login and then shutdown your desktop session. Im currently using linux mint 17 so I do "sudo service mdm stop" (mdm = mint display manager) for you current ubuntu flavor's you would do "sudo service lightdm stop". this closes out everything but the "base" linux system so all our power and resources are available to the game. I have the following script in my home directory and it is just named ksp. then you

xsetroot -xcf /usr/share/icons/DMZ-Black/cursors/left_ptr 8 #you need to make this point to a proper cursor file to use for the game or you will get no cursor. The 8 the cursor size.. change to liking.
xset s off #this disables the screen saver.. don't want it coming on while playing.
xset -dpms #this disables power management so that the screen(s) do not blank or go into standby mode while playing
lsusb #mainly here for debugging purposes.
/home/damadone/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/KSP.x86_64 -popupwindow #command to run the game. change location as needed
# end of script

This should work for any ubuntu based distro.

1.) alt+ctrl+f1

2.) login

3.) sudo service mdm stop (replace mdm with your dm(ie. lightdm))

4.) cd ~

4.) xinit ./ksp

5.) after you close ksp you will be back at the command prompt

6.) sudo service mdm start (replace mdm with your dm(ie. lightdm))

7.) w00t back at the desktop.

KSP runs perfectly smooth across all three monitors @ 5760x1080 when run this way.. I have a pretty beastly system with 2 gtx580's and it stutters and lags when run at only 1920x1080 from within the "desktop mode"

If you are going to play a native linux game you might as well run it this way as you are basically giving all of your resources to the game and there is nothing much else going on in the background to cause stutters and lag in game.

hope this will help someone out. You can take that script.. modify it to launch about anything.

EDIT AGAIN* Any idea when AA is going to be fixed?

Edited by DaMadOne
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When I type something into a Mechjeb window, using the 64 bit KSP version under the latest Lubuntu, action groups are activated.

I tried the windows version with wine and there this doesn't happen but I have another problem: the shadows are flickering.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix these problems?

Edited by iamzac
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Hello, i have reinstalled my system and the game doesn't work :'(.

When i start the game with the LC_ALL=C parameter, i see the Squad logo, the text "Loading" and when the line "Squad/Sounds/sound_click_latch" come, the screen become black and when the game have finish to load, i can hear the music and the screen is always black.

When i start the game without the LC_ALL=C parameter, i can see the game loading and it's stop loading at the line "Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model".

The game work with wine.

OS: Arch Linux x86_64

CPU: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz

RAM: 2048 MB


I have try :

- to patch the KSP.x86_64 with xxd (090f377: 00 and 090f37c: 00),

- to start the game with steam with LC_ALL=C %command% and with LC_ALL=C %command%_64,

- to start the game with steam with LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" LC_ALL=C %command%_64,

- to start the game after the delete of ~/.config/unity3d and ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/settings.cfg,

- to switch the locale of my system with LANG=en_US.UTF-8,

- to reinstall the game,

- to install KSP 0.23,

If you have an other solution that i can try ?

If you need more information :

[malah@arch-desktop Kerbal Space Program]$ LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64
Set current directory to /home/malah/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program
Found path: /home/malah/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP.x86_64
Mono path[0] = '/home/malah/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = '/home/malah/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/Mono'
Mono config path = '/home/malah/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/Mono/etc'

All Files (logs, screens and configs) : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cbbdw9qawjeoyrf/AACUeLz-gBzanvIK8JhP9q2Ta?lst

[malah@arch-desktop ~]$ pacman -Q linux mesa lib32-mesa catalyst-hook catalyst-libgl catalyst-utils lib32-catalyst-libgl lib32-catalyst-utils xorg-server alsa-utils pulseaudio mono
linux 3.15.1-1
mesa 10.2.1-2
lib32-mesa 10.2.1-3
catalyst-hook 13.1-21
catalyst-libgl 13.1-8
catalyst-utils 13.1-7
lib32-catalyst-libgl 13.1-8
lib32-catalyst-utils 13.1-7
xorg-server 1.12.4-3
alsa-utils 1.0.28-1
pulseaudio 5.0-1
mono 3.2.8-1

Thanks for your help, and sorry for my bad english ;)

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DaMadOne, AA was deliberately disabled for AMD cards because there were serious issues with those cards when Unitys own AA was enabled, AA with Nvidia is just broken.

iamzac, not sure about Mechjeb, but you'll need to turn down the render quality slider to fix the shadows.

Malah, that's an old graphics card and the current driver does not support it, can you try the open source driver?

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@sal_vager: thanks for your help, turning down render quality in wine does eliminate shadow flickering but also removes the shadows completely... anyway the main reason for testing with wine was to see if I can get better performance but it's the same so it doesn't matter.

As for the problem with keyboard events:

I tested further and it happens in both 32 and 64 bits versions and also happens with Kerbal Alarm Clock so it's not a bug related to MechJeb. Under wine the problem doesn't happen.

Every time I type something into a Kerbal Alarm Clock or MechJeb window this triggers action groups and other events (for example space would trigger stage separation) which shouldn't happen if the window has focus.

So this is a problem with event bubbling: in the Linux version the windows don't stop events to propagate to their parents when they are focused.

Any idea how to fix this?

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  sal_vager said:
Malah, that's an old graphics card and the current driver does not support it, can you try the open source driver?

Thanks sal_vager for your answer but, in February, the game work fine with catalyst. I have already try the open source driver, that work flawless, but i don't understand why the game work on wine and not on native and why i can see the game load more without LC_ALL=C.

With the opensource driver, my graphic card is at 80°C on idle and the fan are noisy, i can't use it ... with catalyst my graphic card is between 62 and 67°C in idle and i don't hear the fan. The three process to power management on the ATI opensource driver are really bad (dpm, dynpm or profile) we can tweak nothing.

If you have an other solution, i take it and again thanks :)

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iamzac, I always had to use the second or third setting from default, any lower and yes, the shadows vanish.

As for the keys activating other things, yes it shouldn't happen, but it'd be something the mechjeb maintainers would have to fix, there most be something wrong with how the overlays are handled.

Malah, do you know what version of the driver you used in February? It may be worth going back to it.

The game uses different ways to render graphics between the Windows and Linux versions, it uses D3D in Windows and Wine, and openGL on Linux.

Look for your player.log, if Arch uses the same file structure as Ubuntu you'll find it in "/home/user/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program", otherwise you'll need to search your computer for it.

That file could tell us more about the problem, also see if LC_LANG=C work better for you :)

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  sal_vager said:
DaMadOne, AA was deliberately disabled for AMD cards because there were serious issues with those cards when Unitys own AA was enabled, AA with Nvidia is just broken.

I got a new SSD yesterday and did a fresh install of mint 17 cinnamon for the hell of it.. Fired up ksp and AA is working now?! Im running the same exact xorg.conf from the previous install as I copied it over.. so I dont know why its working and I don't care haha =) No more jaggies!!

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  sal_vager said:
It's working? Maybe I should install Mint :)

Yea.. i dunno.. I was running Mint 17 when I posted the other day about the AA. Same nvidia drivers.. same xorg.conf.. just a fresh install of the same.. but AA is working. No clue haha.

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  antena said:
I'm trying to solve this problem too, and have been investigating for 2 months now, perhaps even more. Here are my findings.

Thanks for this. I'm still annoyed enough at my graphics stack (separate issue led to X crashes when loading large images in a browser. great, right?) that I still don't want to deal with it right now. And when I do, I'm not sure I'll be willing to downgrade Catalyst even farther. The xorg thing is ridiculous enough.

Nonetheless thanks. Maybe I should get into mesa development just so I can learn what the heck is happening.

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Hey Folks,

Things have been going well in Linux-land, Kerbalwise, lately. However, I recently started from scratch with my Gentoo setup (well, scratch is a relative word - I kept my home folder intact). I'm using btrfs for my root FS, and it delivers slightly better performance loading files when starting Kerbal. I noticed that unfortunately, when I timewarp, the game gets pretty choppy. The higher the warp, the worse it gets, and it gets down to just a few fps... I don't know if I'm missing something, or what.

I have the ALCOR 0.8 mod with IVA installed - perhaps timewarp forces the IVA informatics to refresh too often and slow the system?

THanks for any ideas, it would be nice to track down what causes lag during timewarp. Usually, I use timewarp to avoid lag related to physics calculations!

Edited by FuzzyLlama
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My Ksp keeps crashing if, I have a ship with a kerbal in it 100 % cash when trying to land on a atmosphere planets and only maybe 30 % if it's a probe , I tried to EVA out and game crashes at around 43k to 35k think it's at a save part log just stop ?

[LOG 22:23:16.487] [FASAMercuryPodRCS]: Activated

[LOG 22:23:21.970] Game Paused!

[LOG 22:23:21.971] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.

[LOG 22:23:23.028] Game Unpaused!

[WRN 22:23:23.029] Can not play a disabled audio source

[LOG 22:23:25.927] Game Paused!

[LOG 22:23:25.927] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.

[LOG 22:23:26.978] Game Unpaused!

[WRN 22:23:26.978] Can not play a disabled audio source

[LOG 22:23:28.959] Game Paused!

[LOG 22:23:28.959] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.

[LOG 22:23:31.193] Game Unpaused!

[WRN 22:23:31.193] Can not play a disabled audio source

[LOG 22:23:34.226] Game Paused!

[LOG 22:23:36.006] Launcher here(in write): False

[LOG 22:23:36.006] Game Unpaused!

[WRN 22:23:36.006] Can not play a disabled audio source

[LOG 22:23:46.462] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: FASA Mercury-Atlas

[LOG 22:23:46.471] Maneuver Mode enabled

[LOG 22:23:46.474] Clouds: Volume Enabled=False

[LOG 22:23:46.477] Clouds: Volume Enabled=False

[LOG 22:23:46.481] Clouds: Volume Enabled=False

[LOG 22:23:51.314] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel CamSat 1 ----------------------

[LOG 22:23:51.314] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.

[LOG 22:23:54.841] Camera Mode: AUTO

[LOG 22:23:54.984] Clouds: Volume Enabled=True

[LOG 22:23:54.989] Clouds: Volume Enabled=True

[LOG 22:23:54.994] Clouds: Volume Enabled=True

[LOG 22:24:33.916] Vessel FASA Mercury-Atlas Debris was on-rails at 0.0 atm pressure and was destroyed.

[LOG 22:24:33.963] Vessel FASA Mercury-Atlas Debris was on-rails at 0.0 atm pressure and was destroyed.

[LOG 22:24:42.726] [00:26:18]: Jebediah Kerman from FASA Mercury-Atlas went on EVA.

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I have an issue with the game aborting to core dump at random times. I can start a flight but about a minute into it it'll just die. The game also seems to start twice because the titlebar in KDE says "<2>". I've tried the LC_ALL=C, xxd, and Arial fonts tricks so far on both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions, but get no love. This is a completely stock install as well.

Using a System 76 Gazelle Pro with an i7 and SSD, and Kubuntu 14.04 LTS.

Are there any other log files I can look at? The normal KSP ones say nothing.

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