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The Linux compatibility thread!

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There is another thread that is dedicated to the mouse scroll bug here. There is even a temporary workaround (its not the best workaround, but it could work)


Also, there is a bug page for this bug, where you can see current progress here


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If it's still failing to work then it's likely not Wine, your log shows that KSP isn't getting enough RAM or is just running out

It's hard to tell what the cause is, you might just not have enough RAM, seeing as you have an old Gfx card then I'd guess you have a 1gig PC.

I got this computer last year brand new...it's got 6 Gigs of ram and a quad core processor with 1.8 GHz clock speed per core...I shouldn't be running out of ram...

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I've been watching and posted once or twice on this thread (lost in the server crash).

Running linux mint cinimon 64bit

Ive noticed that I don't suffer from allot of problems people are having. Crashes, Invisible VAB's, Halfmoon of pixelated white planet, the use of LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64 or 32.

Oh let me say it again I don't suffer from crashes in 64 or 32 bit. Now I do crash now and again with a 900-1100 part count and or running game for 6+ hrs but It only happens once in a blue moon.

Got me thinking what I might have diffrent than others.

none of the below is a for sure. Its jsut what might work

I hold no responsibilty for what happens why your using sudo. Be smart!

1) I'm set up for runing steam. It might help to have all thoes packages.

Goto Terminal type:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

This will give you 32-bit binaries. Lets you run 32bit version if your in a 64bit os.


apt-get install libcurl3-gnutls:i386


apt-get -f install

this will finish off all you need.

2) Video card. I run an nvidia 550. Ive found out that I need proprietary drivers from nvidia. The linux drivers nouveau packaged and provided drivers don't cut the mustard.

I tryed 310.x drivers and they were nice but what has worked for a charm for me was the 319.12. Even though some new ones are out and not beta Ive not upgraded in fear of somthing geting messed up that now works like a dream.

To install nvidia drivers download the nvidia.x.run file from nvida.

know the dir of the file and how to move through your file system in terminal.

IE: cd dir , cd .. , ls


Before we go on write down what comes next unless you have another computer screen to use.

You will be using virtual terminal and not be able to see the X window


sudo service lightdm stop

chmod +x driver-file-name.run

make it so you can run the file

sudo sh driver-file-name.run

do what the screen tells you

sudo reboot

Let me know if this helps any one. Or not.

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New Bug I have in linux. May be in other OS's I jsut noticed it on my upgrade.


OS: Linux Mint 14, 32 and 64 bit (unbuntu based)

In v0.19 I set my screen size in the '*settings.cfg*' to:



When I ran the game v0.19 It worked fine with my new res.

With v0.20 I set my screen size in the '*settings.cfg*' to:



Now it ignors my settings and only uses last setting changed within the settings ----> Graphics TAB

This is not best for my current windowed screen.

I liked being able to use a custom resolution outstide the comming options.

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Is there a list of working / non-working mods somewhere for the 64-bit Linux version? The vanilla 0.20 version of KSP.x86_64 has been rock solid for me (and the initial load seems much faster), but the mods are sort of hit/miss. MechJeb2 works fine, the newest ISA Map causes CTDs on the launchpad. Those are the only ones I've been brave enough to add since the 0.20 update.

I'm guessing parts-only mods should work fine, and anything with a .dll will be hit/miss.


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I've been watching and posted once or twice on this thread (lost in the server crash).

Running linux mint cinimon 64bit

Ive noticed that I don't suffer from allot of problems people are having. Crashes, Invisible VAB's, Halfmoon of pixelated white planet, the use of LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64 or 32.

Oh let me say it again I don't suffer from crashes in 64 or 32 bit. Now I do crash now and again with a 900-1100 part count and or running game for 6+ hrs but It only happens once in a blue moon.

Got me thinking what I might have diffrent than others.

none of the below is a for sure. Its jsut what might work

I hold no responsibilty for what happens why your using sudo. Be smart!

1) I'm set up for runing steam. It might help to have all thoes packages.

Goto Terminal type:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

This will give you 32-bit binaries. Lets you run 32bit version if your in a 64bit os.


apt-get install libcurl3-gnutls:i386


apt-get -f install

this will finish off all you need.

2) Video card. I run an nvidia 550. Ive found out that I need proprietary drivers from nvidia. The linux drivers nouveau packaged and provided drivers don't cut the mustard.

I tryed 310.x drivers and they were nice but what has worked for a charm for me was the 319.12. Even though some new ones are out and not beta Ive not upgraded in fear of somthing geting messed up that now works like a dream.

To install nvidia drivers download the nvidia.x.run file from nvida.

know the dir of the file and how to move through your file system in terminal.

IE: cd dir , cd .. , ls


Before we go on write down what comes next unless you have another computer screen to use.

You will be using virtual terminal and not be able to see the X window


sudo service lightdm stop

chmod +x driver-file-name.run

make it so you can run the file

sudo sh driver-file-name.run

do what the screen tells you

sudo reboot

Let me know if this helps any one. Or not.

while you may have a working setup, I wouldn't recommend anyone - especially linux starts - to setup the nvidia binary blob* driver as the standard route to try to fix any general issue they have, also - what problems did you have where this action did help ?

* you basicly circumvent the package manager - can be nasty when deinstalling/updateing packages - also no dependency management

Edited by birdspider
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Getting accustomed to using the numpad to move the camera. It's a bit slow to zoom, but not bad. Is there a way to speed up camera movement? Perhaps via editing config files directly?

Maybe by changing these in the settings.cfg?




I got this computer last year brand new...it's got 6 Gigs of ram and a quad core processor with 1.8 GHz clock speed per core...I shouldn't be running out of ram...

It's most likely the Wine bug that misreports your Gfx card then, as I see you have an old, bad card there, but I suspect you actualy have something else, I had this also for a time until Wine fixed it so always use the latest version of Wine that will run your program.

New Bug I have in linux. May be in other OS's I jsut noticed it on my upgrade.


OS: Linux Mint 14, 32 and 64 bit (unbuntu based)

In v0.19 I set my screen size in the '*settings.cfg*' to:



When I ran the game v0.19 It worked fine with my new res.

With v0.20 I set my screen size in the '*settings.cfg*' to:



Now it ignors my settings and only uses last setting changed within the settings ----> Graphics TAB

This is not best for my current windowed screen.

I liked being able to use a custom resolution outstide the comming options.

This is a known bug on all platforms, not a Linux bug, it's being addressed.

Is there a list of working / non-working mods somewhere for the 64-bit Linux version? The vanilla 0.20 version of KSP.x86_64 has been rock solid for me (and the initial load seems much faster), but the mods are sort of hit/miss. MechJeb2 works fine, the newest ISA Map causes CTDs on the launchpad. Those are the only ones I've been brave enough to add since the 0.20 update.

I'm guessing parts-only mods should work fine, and anything with a .dll will be hit/miss.


Well, if you'd like to start one that'd be excellent :D

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I've just reinstalled my system (now OpenSuse 12.3 with a better Nvidia card) and I've forgotten how I fixed the fonts issue, in this case for Steam.

Please jog my memory!

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while you may have a working setup, I wouldn't recommend anyone - especially linux starts - to setup the nvidia binary blob* driver as the standard route to try to fix any general issue they have, also - what problems did you have where this action did help ?

Prob I had that required action; as I said "Ive noticed that I don't suffer from allot of problems people are having. Crashes, Invisible VAB's, Halfmoon of pixelated white planet, the use of LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64 or 32."

What lead me to installing nividia drivers was steam. In linux mint the nouveau drivers gave me frozen launch screens in steam games. I then switched the drivers provided in the SoftwareSources. The only one that worked at the time was VDPAU 304 drivers. If i tryed to install others no mattered what i removed it stayed stuck as 304. 304 drivers gave me FPS studer, so id go 30fps to 104fps back and forth in the rage. all this with my steam games, Not kerbal. Again I worked all this out befor I installed kerbal. but when I started using kerbal I had no issues. So I thought id shared what I have running as a possible solution.

you basicly circumvent the package manager - can be nasty when deinstalling/updateing packages - also no dependency management

Well this is not an issue.

sudo ./driver-file-name.run --uninstall

and if you need remove the xorg.conf


Package gone.

However for basic users I agree that this might not be the best solution.


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I've just reinstalled my system (now OpenSuse 12.3 with a better Nvidia card) and I've forgotten how I fixed the fonts issue, in this case for Steam.

Please jog my memory!

This should help ya.


Also Ive made a deb for TTF EZ install into debian based systems.

This will install the fonts for all users not just the one you are using kerbal for.

TTF Fonts -Arial.ttf and ArialB.ttf

DEB >>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12968946/kerbal/kerbalttf_0.1-1.deb

You may also have to run in terminal

sudo fc-cache -fv

I don't deal in rpm package managment so let me know if it works.

RPM >>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12968946/kerbal/KerbalArialArialBoldTTF-0.1-2.noarch.rpm

You may also have to run in terminal

SuSEconfig --module fonts

Edited by meeki
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I did some poking around with a disassembler and managed to find and fix the scroll wheel bug in v0.20. I haven't download v0.20.1 yet but I'm sure I can quickly fix that version as well. When I get the time I'll post some more technical details as well as some binary patches if that's okay with the devs.

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I did some poking around with a disassembler and managed to find and fix the scroll wheel bug in v0.20. I haven't download v0.20.1 yet but I'm sure I can quickly fix that version as well. When I get the time I'll post some more technical details as well as some binary patches if that's okay with the devs.

I for one would love a binary patch against 0.20. I'm not interested in 0.20.1 because apparently it loads resources too many times and my system only just has enough ram to start with. will deal with 0.20 until 0.20.2 comes out

if for some reason the binary patch is no-go, feel free to post gdb instructions :D

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Hi, I'm new at both Linux and KSP. I heard about KSP, downloaded the Linux demo (Which worked fine) and was instantly hooked. So I purchased it off of Steam and installed it.

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04, and I've tried placing 'LC_ALL=C' 'LC_ALL=C%command%' and 'LC_ALL=C %command%' in the launch instructions field.

Each time I get the same thing when I try to launch the game. I'll get a loading screen, the bar will fill, I'll get the menu. If I click on settings, the game crashes and dies, if I say "start a new game" or "load an existing game" I get another loading screen (after inputting name for new game) and when that load is complete, it brings me back to the main screen.

What can I do to fix this problem? I really want to start constructing spacecraft!

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Hi all I'm new here, I just downloaded the demo for KSP and now am trying to buy the full version. I'm not sure what the recommnded approach for linux is though as the get full version button doesn't work for me. If possible I'd like to avoid using Steam.

I'm on Ubuntu 13.04 and have checked that the firewall isn't bloking anything.


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Hi all I'm new here, I just downloaded the demo for KSP and now am trying to buy the full version. I'm not sure what the recommnded approach for linux is though as the get full version button doesn't work for me. If possible I'd like to avoid using Steam.

I'm on Ubuntu 13.04 and have checked that the firewall isn't bloking anything.


Is this in-game? You can just buy it using a browser in the KSP Store website. Once done, you download and unpack the zip.

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Hi, I'm new at both Linux and KSP. I heard about KSP, downloaded the Linux demo (Which worked fine) and was instantly hooked. So I purchased it off of Steam and installed it.

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04, and I've tried placing 'LC_ALL=C' 'LC_ALL=C%command%' and 'LC_ALL=C %command%' in the launch instructions field.

Each time I get the same thing when I try to launch the game. I'll get a loading screen, the bar will fill, I'll get the menu. If I click on settings, the game crashes and dies, if I say "start a new game" or "load an existing game" I get another loading screen (after inputting name for new game) and when that load is complete, it brings me back to the main screen.

What can I do to fix this problem? I really want to start constructing spacecraft!

Can you provide the player.log and the KSP.log? The opening post has information on where to locate these files.

Hi all I'm new here, I just downloaded the demo for KSP and now am trying to buy the full version. I'm not sure what the recommnded approach for linux is though as the get full version button doesn't work for me. If possible I'd like to avoid using Steam.

I'm on Ubuntu 13.04 and have checked that the firewall isn't bloking anything.


The in-game buttons to reach the store do not work on Linux, sorry, it's a Unity bug.

You can find the store here > https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kspstore/

And you can find KSP on Steam here > http://store.steampowered.com/app/220200/

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I am running Kerbal Space Program on Linux, and I have a ATI Radeon HD 4770 video card. I was running the open source drivers.

The game worked fine in 0.19, but after upgrade to 0.20, game quits on start, or when entering Preferences, while 'Loading' animation is running, with the output "Aborted(Core dumped)" or just "Aborted".

I solved this issue by creating a new partition on my hard drive, and installing Mint 13 Xfce edition on it. It can be any disto that uses Kernel 3.4 or lower. This is because the Catalyst drivers for HD4770 supports kernel versions up to 3.4. Check this by typing "uname -r" in a terminal.

After installing the proprietary drivers, the game works fine.

Every other Steam game that I've tested also works fine, and even a little better now.

Specifically for me (probably): I had to use 'sudo amdcccle' in a terminal to enable dual screen since catalyst with administrator rights doesnt run from the menu, and change sound output to optical out using 'pavucontrol' to get any sound because Sound preferences was missing from the menu.

1. Install any version of Linux that uses kernel version 3.4 or lower

2. Enable proprietary video card drivers

3. Install steam & download KSP 0.20.

4. Profit

I hope this can be of use to someone :-)

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Can you provide the player.log and the KSP.log? The opening post has information on where to locate these files.

I have exactly the same problem with ATI RV710/M92 [Mobility Radeon HD 4350/4550] and crashes at Settings or when starting new game. KSP.19 works fine.

I'm using the open source driver (Gallium3D I think), OpenGL 2.1 with Mesa 9.1.1. Installing closed source ATI driver is not an alternative due to two reasons. First that would be the "legacy" driver, which does not support Xorg .13, so not compatible with Ubuntu 12.04 or above (thanks for this AMD, I will never buy anything from you again). Second, it is possible to downgrade Xorg, install the ATI drive and start the game, but the game is very slow (i.e. for KSP .19 the game is muuuuch faster with the Gallium driver!). I admit, the f**** ATI is the guilty one, but anyway, we should find out how to restore the situation what we had with the previous version (hacking mesa/gallium/mono/KSP or anything! :) )

There was a previous answer from dodorian, saying that installing "mono-complete" helped him. I have installed it (sudo apt-get install mono-complete), but that didn't help. (Can't we hack somehow to use the installed mono? "mono KSP.exe" does't help.)

Once I have upgraded my MESA to 9.2.0 (unstable one), no difference (actually, openGL remained what it was: v2.1).

LC_ALL trick was checked, doesn't help. (Actually, I don't think that the problem is there, but someone said this on a steam thread.)

I made the files you asked for in a directory, where KSP was freshly extracted. I have just started the game and clicked on Settings. Console output:

enyedi@Gizi4:~/KSP_linux.20$ ./KSP.x86

Set current directory to /home/enyedi/KSP_linux.20

Found path: /home/enyedi/KSP_linux.20/KSP.x86

Mono path[0] = '/home/enyedi/KSP_linux.20/KSP_Data/Managed'

Mono path[1] = '/home/enyedi/KSP_linux.20/KSP_Data/Mono'

Mono config path = '/home/enyedi/KSP_linux.20/KSP_Data/Mono/etc'

/dev/input/js0: driver version: 2.1.0 (20100)

/dev/input/js0: fd 3, buttons 0, axes 3, name ST LIS3LV02DL Accelerometer

/dev/input/js0: axis 0: raw 0, mapped 0.000000

/dev/input/js0: axis 1: raw 0, mapped 0.000000

/dev/input/js0: axis 2: raw -14304, mapped 0.000000

Aborted (core dumped)




I am using a freshly installed (I have reinstalled that today) Ubuntu 13.4 64 bit, but running KSP.x86.

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For those of you who segfault (core dumped) on the loading animation. The only thing you can do is wait to get it fixed.

At this moment - to my knowledge - it is unknown if this is a Unity or mesa or both bug.

Though the correlation with mesa ati drivers is a strong one.

Therefor either provide the devs with information i.e. here http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/722 or the corresponding mesa bug as pointed out here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24529-The-Linux-compatibility-thread%21?p=381728&viewfull=1#post381728.

My personal opinion is that this wont get fixed anytime soon (maybe as an sideeffect of a additional fix) because the official support (KSP wise) is Ubuntu+ati-propiatary (which seems to work btw.),

Ubuntu+ati_opensource seems to be a minor combo therefor has no or less priority and other Linux's are not supported at all.

Edited by birdspider
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I want to report a definite miscompilation bug in the 64-bit linux executable of KSP 0.20.* that results in a segfault in certain circumstances.

It can be reproduced by loading the png file coming with the HydroTech Mouse Drive mod; it is not reliable, and is helped by high memory usage due to other mods and trying multiple times: http://filebin.ca/jFdwbprJ5pz/Player.log

Observing disassembly around the crash point reveals that there is some obviously 32-bit code in the supposedly 64-bit executable. Some research shows that it comes from hand-coded assembly within pngvcrd.c of libpng: http://pastebin.com/599g7h7i. This code obviously should never be included in a 64-bit build, and will crash whenever called with pointers that don't fit in the low 4 GB.

Since as I understand Squad doesn't actually build the native executables from source, this issue probably should be forwarded to Unity.

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For those of you who segfault (core dumped) on the loading animation. The only thing you can do is wait to get it fixed.

At this moment - to my knowledge - it is unknown if this is a Unity or mesa or both bug.

Though the correlation with mesa ati drivers is a strong one.

Therefor either provide the devs with information i.e. here http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/722 or the corresponding mesa bug as pointed out here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24529-The-Linux-compatibility-thread%21?p=381728&viewfull=1#post381728.

My personal opinion is that this wont get fixed anytime soon (maybe as an sideeffect of a additional fix) because the official support (KSP wise) is Ubuntu+ati-propiatary (which seems to work btw.),

Ubuntu+ati_opensource seems to be a minor combo therefor has no or less priority and other Linux's are not supported at all.

You know my only problem with this reasoning is that this is not an open source software. I have tried the demo, which was completely OK, and payed for the full version, which is not usable at all. It's not a big money, but enough to feel myself bad. (Actually, before buying I have asked if there is Ubuntu support, and they said yes.)

Moreover, I'm not sure that it would be impossible to solve the problem. Naturally, I'm not speaking about rewriting mesa/mono/gallium3d/KSP, but just doing a quick check to find what has changed. .19 was OK, probably it is not impossible to fix .20 as well, even if that is not the fault of KSP.

My opinion that this is a bug coming from mono <-> mesa+gallium interaction. Is there a way to start the game with my own mono installed on my system? And how can I debug KSP? Is there some debug mode with normal logging? And where is the coredump?

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