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THAT did the trick. It worked for you because the images were uploaded by your browser in the first place, which causes weirdness sometimes. Just remember that sites like this that use BBCode will more often than not refuse to offer WYSIWYG posting without the tags, once in a while because of shoddy coding, but most often for security and safety. Speaking of which, you might have noticed that the
tag isn't working anymore either. Apparently there was an exploit in its code that triggered its removal.

Anyway, back on-topic:

Man I really wish I could run that dock in orbit. It would make building ships feel so much more... I don't know... grandiose? Especially when it came time to launch. I can just imagine a cupola or two within the construction area, and watching a launch from inside, almost like one of the Spacedock scenes from the Star Trek movies.

Actually I'm pretty sure that because I was direct-linking the full-resolution images, the hosting site was blocking the hotlink, since they want me to use their re-scaled hotlink links instead. It worked for me because I'd already loaded the full resolution images in my browser, so it was displaying the cached ones instead of the ones the site was blocking by referrer. Also I know spoiler doesn't work, but I use the tags anyway to do my best to comply with forum policy and so it will work again if and when they fix it. In the meantime it doesn't hurt.

Anyway yeah, I specifically designed the docks and cupola configuration to allow the best viewing from that station. If you notice I have two cupola modules in each dock, above and below the ship, and both are rotated so they can see the ship above them while in the dock or docking/undocking. I also put the lander cans, cupola modules and command pods that make up the other parts of the station in such positions that they have a good variety of views of the construction docks below, the solar arrays above, the surrounding station from the core, and space. I wanted to make it as epic-feeling as possible. I even went so far as to bind the dock lights to multiple different action groups, so you can toggle them on in sets, giving different levels of brightness in each dock, and allowing for that visual effect of everything coming to life when you flip the switches. The star trek space dock was a huge inspiring element in its design. I also wanted to capture the sort of raw industrial space colony life feel by having everything interconnected in a very utilitarian sort of fashion, and compartmentalizing the different aspects of the station to give them different feels (aka, the docks and surrounding modules giving a view of bustling assembly, the pods on the ends focused on the solar arrays and power, massive towering fuel tanks from the midsection, and the core control modules giving security-like views of the rest of the station). If I had one complaint other than the performance issue, it's that the station so dwarfs the XL solar arrays that they just look puny and out of place (they would look great if they were like 4x the size). Everything else comes together very nicely with the pure stock parts.

Once I get the lifters and assembly vehicles all finalized, and iron out a few more issues (like the antenna mast clipping), I plan to post it on the spacecraft exchange as a complete set, so you can build your own with however many parts your PC can support.

Edited by Colonel_Panic
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dont kow were to post thinks like that so i will poast it here .

my first Duna landing was a sucses and i shot this beauty picture (huge image ) http://i.imgur.com/yooRBKZ.jpg

i would be hapy if you guys tell me what you think about that picture

(Im german so my inglish is not the best. )

Great Picture you took there :) - Not been to Duna yet (only ever been to the Mun so far) - so your picture makes me want to go there even more one day..

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My new orbital assembly dock needs a name.







Cool build!

I built something similar in .19. its design is evolving in .20 since the other station was lost in the update. My orbital assemble docks have carried the name KOASt, Kerbin Orbital Assembly Station. I like it because it reminds me of the Carl Kerman, er Sagan quote about the shores of the cosmic ocean.

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There's been some odd happenings at the NLR-M4 Vanguard Base Preparation Site on Minmus. First, three of my kerbonauts became suddenly and inexplicably paralysed during EVA. The EVA suit RCS systems were functional, but the Kerbals were not holding the handles to provide directional input. They simply stood there expressionless, arms out to the side. The fourth member of the expedition was able to move, but his expression never shifted from a maniacal grin. I flew this fourth crew member out beyond loading distance, to see if returning and forcing them to reload would trigger normal animation. It did, fortunately, but then I turned around to put the back in the Vanguard. And I saw this. I have no idea what could possibly have happened. It was most definitely not like that when I landed it.


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There's been some odd happenings at the NLR-M4 Vanguard Base Preparation Site on Minmus. First, three of my kerbonauts became suddenly and inexplicably paralysed during EVA. The EVA suit RCS systems were functional, but the Kerbals were not holding the handles to provide directional input. They simply stood there expressionless, arms out to the side. The fourth member of the expedition was able to move, but his expression never shifted from a maniacal grin. I flew this fourth crew member out beyond loading distance, to see if returning and forcing them to reload would trigger normal animation. It did, fortunately, but then I turned around to put the back in the Vanguard. And I saw this. I have no idea what could possibly have happened. It was most definitely not like that when I landed it.


Dude, I think the Kraken's screwing with you.

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I introduce you, the United Nations Space Program first planetary vessel.

Assembled in orbit by the bravest Kerbals from all around the Kerbal United Nations.

Her name, is Slavianka, in honor to the biggest contributors of the vessel, the great Russians.

The official name is United Nations Space Ship 001B Slavianka


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zzz You always have the coolest screenshots

Does your game have that much saturation by default?

Bringing up a Hab Module for a new station, STS-22, the 22nd flight into space for the Saborian Shuttle Program



Edited by Sabor
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