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I don't really know. Sunrise in LKO? Kerbin rising over the Mun's horizon when my lander is burning back home? Kerbin again, growing into a glorious green and blue jewel, as seen from the windows of my spaceship returning from somewhere cold, empty and far away? Or maybe my heavy lifter valiantly climbing into the sky on a pillar of roaring flame? Goshdangnabbit - this game makes me poetic :P

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Any time I'm focused as heck on some kind of docking maneuver, or planning landings, or staring at numbers and the I look up--and there's an eclipse of Kerbin against Kerbol, or the Mun against Kerbol. Eclipses never fail to make my stomach flutter a little bit.

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I think it has to be that first sunrise on the first time orbiting, back in the days before time acceleration, before the Mün, before it was even safe to land on the dark side of Kerbin. Ah, wish had a screen shot form back then!

But as has been said, this game just throws up so many moments when suddenly think how amazing this simulated world is and by extension, how amazing the real world space program is.

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No pictures, but I had just detached a probe from the main Jool satellite on course to enter the Laythe atmosphere, and once it got there there were about five minutes where it was just drifting down over the north pole, litterally just a cube body with a battery, small panel, communicator and group of instruments...

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After a crash landing of Shuttle 'Armageddon' (Yeah, I know...) Jeb decides to entertain himself while wiring for the rescue crew to arrive.


Bill makes a mental note to accidentally on purpose sabotage Jeb's spacesuit during an EVA.

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I'd have to say the most beautiful moment was my Minmus lander + probe, which went perfectly after not being tested. It was made all the more fun that when I detached my probe and watched it drift away, I was listening to a song called "I'm Sending You Away".

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The first really breathtaking moment was my second Minimus landing with kerbals. I got down there, and discovered that it was a really pretty shade of blue.

Otherwise, I just made a Duna landing last week. That was pretty good, considering it was kerbed and had a rover in.

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