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[TD]Beat ya to it, RocketPilot! :D

Kurb Burner A1 paused on its outbound trek to Duna's Valles Cicatrix to recharge and re-align itself in relation to the Cardinal Research Station.


The remote operator takes the opportunity to examine one of the remaining two sets of solar chargers (the right pair were lost in a minor rollover accident)




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I liked my cargo shuttle and made a 12 passenger (14 with the pilots) crew shuttle.


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^an average flight, though I didn't screenshot the triple bounce landing :sticktongue:




TV pizza and aerospace


KW rocketry

(probably can only fly with FAR)

Edited by SuperBigD60
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are those prop-slowed lander probes?


The 2 small probes are the Thor Pole Explorers from Lionhead Aerospace. Small,leightweight and perfect for landing on planets and moons without atmosphere. Though they can land easily on Eve too,even without parachutes. I packed them for the trip so i could do some science on Gilly.

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Just before I leave for a 2.5 week trip without internet, let me flood this thread with a bunch of nice pics.

Booster sep.


Never trust the new launch clamps. The rocket suddently started tipping over and I had a premature liftoff. :mad:


Tis but a scratch!


Ike sample return mission in development. The newest version has two hitchhiker sats that will be dropped in a Duna/Ike orbit respectively. The entire stack has more than 5000 m/s Dv!


This is how we train them.






He got stuck in the loading ramp when returning. RIP Bradbury. :blush:

Ah, the joy of forgetting when to start suicide burns due to Mechjeb overuse. I slammed into the canyon's wall at 300 m/s. :sticktongue:


Further reloads mission attempts were slightly more successful.


At least Jeb enjoyed the view.


For some reason, I love this picture. Maybe it's the simplicity and beauty of Hohmann transfers, or maybe I should go outside. :P


For no particular reason at all.


Nobody said it would be easy.


Or cheap.


But in the end, it was totally worth it. (Jool system from LKO)


This one has a story behind it. When I started adapting the science packâ„¢ to fit Rune's plane, I forgot Ag1 toggled the solar panels. So I completed my mission, and when I released the payload and went to inspect it, I realised it had no solar panels. (because Ag1 also activated the plane's main engines).

Jonfel was slightly disappointed.


I still can't believe how awesomely awesome the new space center is. bac9, there's a before and after in Kerbal history just for you. :)


We don't need no stinkin' MEM!


Sounding rockets FTW.


A beast that will never fly again. Craft file was lost and I don't have the same mods as I did back then. My only chance is to recreate it from pictures, just like the real guys. :P


Is this guy over yet? you ask.

Yep. I respond.

See you guys in a month. It's been a pleasure playing with you. :)

Edited by astropapi1
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IPM "Spark" getting ready for the first Kerbal venture outside Kerbins' SOI.

Nice pics :D ,what mod did you use for those central parts and how come kerbin has clouds? (is that the texture-changer mod?)

Also where is everyone getting these nice looking fairings from?

Edited by Boamere
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The MSV Constellation CST-052 on its maiden voyage.


The main reason for visiting Mun was basically a shakedown, to see if everything performed as expected. The only untested bit of kit now is the warp drive.


Fortunately, the landers have passed with flying colours, and are now clear to operate on Moho (potentially; this is probably pushing it a bit), Gilly, Mun, Minmus, Ike, Dres, Bop, Pol, and Eeloo.


The Constellation will head for Minmus, where it will be refuelled. There will be a crew exchange (Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Lengas will take over), and then they will head out to Eve. Might want to look at an Eve ascent vehicle before I send them off, though...

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Nice pics :D ,what mod did you use for those central parts and how come kerbin has clouds? (is that the texture-changer mod?)

Also where is everyone getting these nice looking fairings from?

The Kerbin texture has been replaced using the texture replacer mod. The only non stock parts in that ship is some radiators from the Interstellar mod to keep the solar panels cool, some batteries and a small fuel tank from KWrocketry and a couple of capacitors from the near future propulsion mod so that we can transmit a lot of science data if needed.

KWrocketry has some good fairings, and there is also a dedicated mod called "procedural fairings" that can help you. Check them out.

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Nice pics :D ,what mod did you use for those central parts and how come kerbin has clouds? (is that the texture-changer mod?)

Also where is everyone getting these nice looking fairings from?

I don't know about the clouds, but the fairings look like procedural fairings.

Edit: dang it, I swear when I started this reply Dante's message wasn't there :rolleyes: clearly I need to get faster with BBCode

Edited by SuperBigD60
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