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Debris is sometimes awesome.

Tried to land on my transfer stage. It didn't work, but:



It survived intact. Cheeky Camrod Kerman just had to go and pose.



He then found the crew he was meant to be rescuing seemed frozen. Probably how they survived, having been forgotten for 3 years on the Mun.

The rocket was a remnant of the earliest Mun visits.

Camrod involved them in an involuntary game of leapfrog.


Meanwhile, on the Munar North pole:


There just seems to be something about a pile of atomic rocket engines that says climbing frame.

What the photo doesn't show is how Danble almost got stuck between that X200-32 and an LV-N, almost ending his Duna mission early.

(These last two are some of my favorites.)




Edited by Tw1
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Well i've been a KSP'er for about a year now.. :D

heres some screenshots of my Saturn V Apollo Mission :D



Gravity turn


Orbital Insertion Burn


Planning my Moon Encounter:


Trans-Munar Injection burn:


Sunrise over Kerbin:


De-Coupling and Rendeavoux's With MEM:


Docked :D :


Coasting Along:


Decoupling Stage 3:


Mun Is In Sight:


Placing the CSM and MEM into a 3500m Orbit:


Un-Docking the MEM from the CSM With Bob and Jeb On-Board *Jebs the Flight Commander :D*:


Begining De-orbit Burn (note the CSM in the background):


Killing Vertical Velocity:


Scuicide Burn:


Just Before Touchdown:


Landed, Jeb and Bob on EVA :D:


More pics of my other Missions To Come... :D

*sorry abou the anti-aliasing But my PC isn't the best for gaming right Now

Intel Dual-core Processor

W/ Nvidia Gtx 550E Processor

K :)

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Sadly,i had no more use for it,except for turning it into a big fireball.

Sad. Makes me think of my first Jool probe. Still on its way to Jool, (I like to take things slowly) but it contains a part I really want to delete. So I'm probably going to have to crash it into Bop or Pol, or Jool itself, once the second probe takes over.

Maybe Jool, it might make a good display too.

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No Kerbals were harmed during the making of this film. ;)

Sadly,i had no more use for it,except for turning it into a big fireball.

And "End Flight" is so 0.18.x! :D

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Got B9 Aerospace last night, did a test of a semi-reuseable shuttle, the Pegasus-15. I was aiming for a 100% reusable rocket SSTO for station rendezvous, but this is my start. Sent it up with 4 kerbals, dropped them at my Stability-9 station, did some shenaniganing, and used its ability to be automated to send it off for a return path with nobody inside. I ended up overshooting KSC by a few kilometers and had a water landing, but it (mostly) survived. Here are some pics..

Full imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/obrKI



On the pad. I think it's a good looking little vessel...


Pegasus-15 docked with Stability-9 on one of its myriad docking ports. Stability-9 is not fully complete, a fuel module is to be added. Note the two other OTV's docked to the core, there is a 3-man OTV and a small, unmanned tug for the purpose of dragging in dead or stranded vessels, or delivering to them some small amount of fuel. Pegasus-15's solar panels are retracted.


Jeb being Jeb. The beautiful IVA is from the B9 cockpit on Pegasus-15.


Pegasus-15 performs an unmanned retroburn with the goal of landing near KSC, ultimately the burn goes as planned, but the targeting was off due to uh... Me.


Pegasus-15 re-enters Kerbin's atmosphere after approximately two days in-game time. It uses Mechanical Jeb to keep the bottom docking port aligned prograde.


Pegasus-15 splashes down via a parachute-assisted landing in the ocean, about 10 kilometers east of KSC. Note that the hard landing destroyed the KW Rocketry Vesta-VR-9D engine that was on the rear. The G-forces generated from the rapid deceleration upon full deployment of parachutes also ripped off the stored solar panels that were on the sides.


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