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Postcards from Laythe - Cancelled indefinately


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Nice, some fanfic!

An inventory of all PfL craft?, like to see this! (*ponders suggestions)

I would say both, now that may not sound possible but listen (a) molten/moving core= magnetic field, (B) magma = heat, © Laythe seems like a planet sized Hawaii. On a side note Laythe base Atlantis would be awesome to see!

So, in other worlds, the magma is heating the atmosphere and oceans and the core creates a magnetic field which protects it from radiation... sounds pretty realistic.

Yeah that was the idea, that way you would get the best of both worlds! (a) a habitual world (B) a scientifically accurate/interesting world

Besides who wouldn't want a moon/planet sized paradise!(There had to be some reason they can get that much funding!)

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Looks like those windows almost didn't hold up.

Also looks like whatever it was well-nigh traumatized poor... err, which one's the blonde one again?

EDIT: Wild Mass Guess: This is also the same accident that took away the other one's leg.

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Looks like those windows almost didn't hold up.

Also looks like whatever it was well-nigh traumatized poor... err, which one's the blonde one again?

EDIT: Wild Mass Guess: This is also the same accident that took away the other one's leg.

Nadari. And no, not the accident that took Dariya's leg.

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Nope, I don't play EVE. Only gave it 10 mins to impress me. It did but I refuse to play a flight sim that doesn't allow manual control. Depending on the faction and amount of time ingame, I'd hazard a guess it's not my old account.

Warthunder on the other hand, thats a different story

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Chobit have you heard of blank rounds? Blank=just the casing of what ever round/shell you are firing

Sorry, but the 40 cm/45 Type 94 naval gun doesn't have blanks ;P

Warthunder?! I play that every night! :cool:, lol, I'm playing it right now!:wink:

Edit: Yay, LVL UP!

I demand your username!

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